Hermantum: “100% Pro-Life” Cain Leading In The Polls

Oh dear, oh dear — Herman Cain isn’t reeling in the big donors like Romney, and he’s not putting enough resources in Iowa. He’s not serious…he can’t possibly win…he’s a “hot mess!”

Or so says the conventional wisdom.

The Hill: Cain Opens Up Double Digit Lead In Iowa, Perry in Fifth in Latest Poll:

The insurgent GOP candidate earned the support of 37 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers, outpacing Mitt Romney, with whom 27 percent of voters sided, and Ron Paul, who was backed by 12 percent of those surveyed.

Rick Perry, who had been leading national Republican polls as recently as a month ago, earned less than 6 percent of Republican support, placing him fifth in the Hawkeye poll, after Newt Gingrich.

He’s leading in Illinois, as well:

Poll Watch: Paul Simon Public Policy Institute-SIU Illinois 2012 Presidential Survey

  • Herman Cain 23.4%
  • Mitt Romney 20.6%
  • Newt Gingrich 7.5%
  • Rick Perry 7.2%
  • Ron Paul 6.6%
  • Michele Bachmann 3.8%
  • Jon Huntsman 2.5%
  • Rick Santorum 2.2%

And in Nevada, well….Cain tops field again in Nevada GOP straw poll:

LAS VEGAS — The good news continued for Herman Cain Friday, as the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO won the Western Republican Leadership Conference straw poll of GOP presidential contenders, edging out former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich — and leaving Texas Gov. Rick Perry in a distant fifth place.

Cain delivered yet another barn-burner of a speech at the Arizona Republican Fundraising Dinner, October 17, 2011:

So….I hear Mr. Cain fumbled a pro-life question on Piers Morgan’s show on CNN. Big whoop. Are Cain’s pro life credentials in doubt, now? Yeah -NO.

No Need to Worry About Herman Cain’s Pro-Life Bonafides.

Herman Cain may have been tripped up once or twice by the media about his pro-life credentials, but don’t let it bother you. What other candidate has spent a million, yes a million, dollars of his own fortune to advance a pro-life agenda? Herman Cain has quite literally put his money where his mouth is, even if his message got a bit muddled thanks to interviews with people who aren’t his friends. Red State’s Leon Wolf posted a rare mea-culpa for coming down hard on Cain for being human and making a media mistake.

A LifeNews piece by Steven Ertelt from Sept. 2006 is what put Wolf to some knowledge: African American Businessman Spends 1M to Urge Blacks to Vote Pro-Life:

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — With the balance of power in Congress hanging in the air, a leading African American businessman says black voters in the United States should put their historical pro-life values above political party. That means voting for pro-life candidates rather than supporting Democratic candidates across the board.

Herman Cain is best known as the former chairman and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. He is a political commentator and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

“More and more African Americans are pro-life,” Cain said in a statement LifeNews.com obtained. “Our message to African Americans is simple — it’s time you vote for candidates who support our values.”

Cain will underscore that message with a $1 million advertising campaign in key states and congressional districts targeting black radio programs and urban radio stations young African Americans enjoy. Some of the ads focus on abortion.

Cain clarified his position on his website: Herman Cain For President:

Cain’s View on Abortion Policy

“Yesterday in an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN, I was asked questions about abortion policy and the role of the President.

I understood the thrust of the question to ask whether that I, as president, would simply “order” people to not seek an abortion.

My answer was focused on the role of the President. The President has no constitutional authority to order any such action by anyone. That was the point I was trying to convey.

As to my political policy view on abortion, I am 100% pro-life. End of story.

I will appoint judges who understand the original intent of the Constitution. Judges who are committed to rule of law know that the Constitution contains no right to take the life of unborn children.

I will oppose government funding of abortion. I will veto any legislation that contains funds for Planned Parenthood. I will do everything that a President can do, consistent with his constitutional role, to advance the culture of life.”

Herman Cain-

Good enough for me.

And the Cain Train keeps a-rollin’.


RS McCain: The Cain Campaign in Iowa

Hat tip: Charles B.

Linked by Doug Ross in Larwyn’s Links, thanks!


10 thoughts on “Hermantum: “100% Pro-Life” Cain Leading In The Polls

  1. Pingback: Sunday Linkage: Night Ranger Edition » Conservative Hideout 2.0

  2. The Cain people need to get the message out about his 999 plan, as in, the word “embedded” taxes. Yes, I don’t really like adding a national sales tax like many, but know how high the embedded taxes are that we will get rid of. Somehow try to educate the masses about this. Another thing, it’s easy for politicans to raise taxes using class demogogery; those evil rich people you know. It’s a totally different thing to try to increase a national sales tax that effects everybody. Almost impossible to get away with, how do they try to sell that to the masses?


  3. I would like to remind you two people who led at the polls this long before voting starts last time did not even make it to the end, and one did not make it to super tursday. Cain is a mess all right, this man is all flash nothing real great. He is more of a empty suit than Obama, and that is saying a lot. I cannot understand conservatives, they feed into the left wing narritive by supporting Cain, knowing half the reason is because of his race, and his willingness to slam it to get a few votes. Cain is something else, and as people find out who he is they start to wonder. The same polls that have him winning, when it is asked if they think he can win, his numbers go down really low. On Intrade Cains stock is falling fast, which is itrade but its the point. Cain does not even know what he believes. Their is no way outside of the Republican party is anybody going to support Cain, because he bashes every race. Brainwashed, really cain, thanks for shining that light on us conservatives. Fox wanted Cain to get up their so he would get money, more money helps him stay in the race longer, which helps Romney win states. That is all Cain will do in the end, unless conservative wise up and start watching what the establishment is doing. This is why Romney people told their people to buy Cain tickets in the Florida straw poll, this was planned, and Cain knows it, that is why he is not really putting a campaign together, thats why he is using his campaign money to buy his own books. This man used to make me excited, until I looked under the cover, man it stinks bad.


  4. Pingback: Cain would autograph life amendment « The Fifth Column

  5. Pingback: The Cain Campaign in Iowa : The Other McCain

  6. Pingback: Larwyn’s Linx: Hermantum: ’100% Pro-Life’ Cain Leading In The Polls | My Blog

  7. Pingback: The Cain Campaign in Iowa | Herman Cain PAC

  8. I’m sure there are a few of you out there to remember how much we were told Reagan was “unelectable” back in 1980, and even more so in 1984.

    In 1980, he had no record to run on except as guvner of California, and we all know how bad he screwed up THAT state (being sandwiched between the Browns).

    In1984, the media told us no one, absolutely NO ONE, in their right mind would vote for a doddering old fool like him. Why, he couldn’t even stay awake through a national security briefing, we were told.

    Unless I’m mistaken, there are always going to be fools who can be fooled every time, but for most of us, the media doesn’t pull the lever in the voting booth and they’ve really led the country astray with our current WH Occupier, and the people aren’t going to be nearly as anxious to be misled a second time with our narcissist-in-chief.

    Unless Cain does himself in with his thoughtless mouth, he should be able to take on our country’s nemesis head-to-head and win going away.


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