An Open Letter To Eric Holder From An ATF Agent in Mexico

These words from ATF Attache in Mexico,  Darren Gil to Sharyl Attkisson, in that explosive interview, last March have always stayed with me:

“At some point these guns are going to end up killing either a government of Mexico official, a police officer, or military folks, and then what are we going to do? There was complete silence on the other end of the phone…”

He (Gil) would ask (his superiors) repeatedly:

“When is this case going to shut down? The Mexicans are going to have a fit when they find out about it. You’re (speaking of himself, here) in Mexico… have limited diplomatic immunity…and the government is looking at you as potentially bringing weapons into their country (which in many cases is an act of war!), and  they’re already very worried about their sovereignty down there, and the ATF agents let this happen. There are agents all across Mexico, and their safety should be the number one priority, and these folks are in that much more danger, now.”

One of those agents in Mexico watched Eric Holder’s testimony before Congress, last Thursday, and weighed in with this acerbic response at the whistle-blower forum Clean-up ATF :

Posted 09 December 2011 – 11:47 AM

An Open Letter to Attorney General Holder

Dear AG Holder:

From deep inside Mexico, thanks to streaming video, I was able to watch and listen to the entire House Judiciary Committee hearing. I’m a registered
Independent – not Republican and not Democrat, so this is a non-partisan commentary. As I write this, my life, and the lives of my family members are more
at risk becase of the reckless actions of you and your ATF buddies allowing, facilitating and even paying for firearms to be smuggled into Mexico for

Wow! You really made points with us when you refused to acknowledge you were under oath.

How many times did you answer “I don’t know”? You must be the most “know nothing” Attorney General in history.
Funny, you had the answers for all the other issues brought up during the hearing…..

You said those who created “Fast & Furious” will be held accountable, but you still don’t know who did it and no one will be fired? You have to consider
their overall service to the department???? Do you consider their overall service for any other crime?

It’s been nearly a year since you assigned the investigation of Fast & Furious to the DOJ IG, although not in writing. Interesting. So, the DOJ is
investigating itself? How long does it take for the IG to investigate? Is this the same IG that cooked up the false $16 muffin story? Is this the same IG
that took (as gospel) ATF’s word that 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico and traced came from the U.S. – statistics later discredited – by ATF themselves?

We watched and listened as you and your Democrat sycophants on the Committee parroted the same tired scripted mantra praising you for advancing gun control
and begging for more gun regulations and more ATF funding. The same old figures were quoted about how many guns were traced from Mexico. Did your figures
include all the duplicate traces from Mexico? All the.22 rabbit rifles and farmer’s shotguns that Mexico traced? Did they include 100 year old guns used by Pancho Villa? Did you explain that the average age of those guns traced from Mexico is over 14 years? ATF calls that “time to crime”, but may have nothing to do with a crime.

Did you explain that as far back as 1992, and as recently as 2009, the Congressional Research Service warned against the use of statistics from ATF’s
tracing system? Did you also not read their warning, “The ATF tracing system is an operational system designed to help law enforcement agencies identify the
ownership path of individual firearms. It was not designed to collect statistics.”? Or did you simply ignore it?

Did you explain that the new multiple rifle regulation which you are so strongly supporting would not have stopped a single Fast & Furious gun from being
smuggled to Mexico? And won’t stop any future smuggling? And the multiple rifle purchase report requirement is so overly-broad that it includes 50 to 100 year
old rifles of interest only to collectors – which will now be reported as ‘crime guns’? What’s with that? Oh, yeah….. Those sales are now permanently ‘registered’
in ATF registration databases. Was this supposed to be “under the radar”, too?

Did you explain why your buddies at ATF are reporting personal information (name, address, height, weight, date of birth, drivers license number, etc.) of
totally innocent American gun owners to corrupt Mexican cops – through eTrace? Enough information for ID theft? These gun owners may have disposed of the guns
many years ago – but ATF still reports the original owner as a ‘suspect’ to Mexican cops. Thanks a lot. That makes me feel really good while I’m here in Mexico…..
Have you forgotten that in Mexico, you’re guilty until proven innocent?

So this is the “Most Transparent Administration” in history? Well, on that issue, that’s right. With your performance in front of the Committee, and your
obstruction of justice and obfuscation of the issues, you were completely transparent. Everyone could see right through you. And you’re refusing to release
any more documents? What could be more transparent than that? Wow!

Watching you in front of the Committee, for the first time in my life, you make me ashamed to be an American. Hell, Watergate was easier to understand….., and people didn’t die. How many people are going to be killed as a consequence of Fast & Furious?

How do I explain to my Mexican friends and associates why ATF has illegally armed Mexican criminal gangs? And no one has gone to jail, or been fired, or
suspended, or even identified…..? Isn’t that great for international relations…..

Mr. Attorney General, you will be held accountable – by the American People.

(Name Withheld – still in Mexico)


From the Clean-up ATF site –

Is the ATF’s Kevin Crenshaw, the first head to roll?

Posted 09 December 2011 – 05:33 PM

Patriot, on 09 December 2011 – 10:51 AM, said: The most encouraging news I have heard is that Crenshaw is the first of many shoes to drop. I hope the housecleaning picks up the pace. Not only will we finally be rid of bad managers, but launching these people will save salaries for which we not getting anything in return but bad decisions. I can’t wait for Crenshaw to use the defense of “my boss approved what I did”. As if that is an acceptable reason for suspending the rules of ethics.


My prediction on Crenshaw, if he is indeed one of the snakes, is that he starts threatening to turn in ATF executives X, Y, and Z for their various corrupt practices and his firing is reduced to days on the beach at most, and the severity of his suspension will likely depend on what dirt he has on X, Y, and Z. It’s a bit tricky to fire someone who can take you down with them. And let’s face it, there is so much dirt in ATF Management and the CCO, that for him not to have plenty of mud to sling would be highly unlikely.


ATF has protected the executives for so long and it is all coming back on them all at once. After the Crenshaw termination word on the streets is that Horace, O’Brien, Vido, Torres and the rest of the corrupt SAC’s are all laying low knowing that their day is coming soon. The truth never changes and you can only run from it for so long.

…Crenshaw knows where the bodies are buried as he ran IA. Expect him to leverage his dirt for a better deal. Anticipate him getting off the hook in exchange for his sitting quite on teh criminal acts, corruption, office sex, etc., of our
“leaders”. In Chicago when he was the ASAC and Ford was the SAC, they loved to have agents see them getting their shoes shined together. Some humility might have gone a long way. Ford appears to be safe but that “big pimpin” attitude has set an entire agency against him.


I don’t see an official announcement of his firing, anywhere, yet.

Here he is in a video Posted October 22:

White Center Now/West Seattle Blog video of ATF’s Kelvin Crenshaw at the Operation Center of Attention announcement.


Feb/2010 – Crenshaw  seized a shipment of 30 toy guns from a “flabbergasted” store owner in Tacoma Washington.


Sign The White House Petition: Investigate The ATF For Bullying and Harassment of Whistleblowers

Linked by AoSHQ and Bob Owens, and Gateway Pundit, and Doug Ross, and The Conservatory, and Sipsey Street Irregulars, thanks!

23 thoughts on “An Open Letter To Eric Holder From An ATF Agent in Mexico

  1. “reporting personal information (name, address, height, weight, date of birth, drivers license number, etc.) of totally innocent American gun owners to corrupt Mexican cops – through eTrace? Enough information for ID theft? These gun owners may have disposed of the guns many years ago – but ATF still reports the original owner as a ‘suspect’ to Mexican cops.”

    This is absolutely stunning to me. That means some crook Mexican cop could arrest you on a dumb pretext just to cash in on the money it takes to get you out–even though you sold your gun legally, and it was some downstream purchaser who did something illegal.


  2. how does obamaholder sleep at night?
    the only way to explain it— is— obamaholder are real socialist dicktators—cause they can see people die and still enjoy a vacation ( during high season) in beautiful Hawaii and the carribeans

    this goes beyond any scandals they been racking up so far…..

    # 1 fast&furious
    solyndra (money laundering for obama’s swiss accounts/relection)
    stimulas—they literally stole almost a trillion dollars out of our treasury–!!!
    MF’ R— corzine
    !!!thanks NYTimes for not reporting on any of the above!!
    but hey –they were busy trashing Cain and Perry…..


  3. Pingback: ATF Agent to Attorney General Holder: “you make me ashamed to be an American” « Bob Owens

  4. Anyone who has fired a gun knows that you cannot put live rounds thru a toy. How ludicrous. I guess the ATF thinks they can say ANYTHING and people will believe them. Oh yeah, we have Holder the Liar to vouch for them, his track record is sterling, right?


  5. Pingback: Grilled Holder for lunch? Fast and Furious; Dead Americans and dead Mexicans. All for political gain. « Conservative Libertarian Outpost

  6. Pingback: Turning Up The Heat On Holder | Daniel McAndrew

  7. Pingback: ATF Agent’s Open Letter to Eric Holder | FavStocks

  8. Pingback: US ATF Agent in Mexico Sends Holder Scathing Letter, Corzine’s Story Falling Apart

  9. Pingback: An Open Letter To Eric Holder From An ATF Agent in Mexico | Western

  10. When somebody greets the dawn and realizes the fact that all that agency loyalty, ethics, chain of command, and the unquestioned order following only flows one way, and that one’s hard oft times dangerous work and all that time spent away from family isn’t only just expected but also, more often than not, disrespected, and derided by the very people one believes are supposed to be looking out for him, one is subjected to a rude awakening.

    It’s down right depressing to all of a sudden realize that one has been used and to wonder why it took so long to come to that realization. A man likes to believe that his career, the profession he spent the better part of his life pursuing, has been making a positive difference. Then he wakes up and sees that he has been used by his “superiors” to screw his fellow man and advance goals not of his making or knowledge.

    ATF agents who haven’t yet seen the light need to pay attention to the whistleblowers and to what’s happening to them and understand that the powers that be who have labeled the whistleblowers “rogues” and “loose cannons” are scared $hitle$$ and will have no compunctions about sacrificing the “sheep” who are still in the shed to protect themselves.



  11. Pingback: An Open Letter To Eric Holder From An ATF Agent in Mexico | Congressman Tom Tancredo

  12. Pingback: Wayne Madsen: Holder’s Fast & Furious was Designed to Destablize Mexican Government 1/2 « News Worldwide

  13. I suppose you will use the line, “Bush lied, children died.” Right, goose? And there never were any WMDs, right?

    What a fool. And a tool. GW would certainly have been brought up for impeachment had there been even an iota of evidence he MAY have committed a crime, let alone if there was any evidence he DID commit a crime.

    Obamullah, on the other hand, is knee-deep in criminal activity from before he was ever elected king, and it’s only gotten worse (what with the sparkly clean AG he has) since.

    Go back and crawl under your rock, goose. I get so tired of slugs too stupid to know how badly they’ve been used…

    (And yes, I intended to use ad hominem attacks as a partial answer because those are the only attacks people like him understand. I wanted to be sure the entire reply didn’t go over his head.)


  14. Pingback: Fast And Furious / Project Gun Runner Thread (Open to all to post) - Page 16

  15. Pingback: The Top 10 Stories of the Year at Nice Deb « Nice Deb

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