Two-Month Payroll Tax Holiday Passed By Senate, Pushed By President Unworkable According To Experts

Jake Tapper reporting:

Officials from the policy-neutral National Payroll Reporting Consortium, Inc. have expressed concern to members of Congress that the two-month payroll tax holiday passed by the Senate and supported by President Obama cannot be implemented properly.

Pete Isberg, president of the NPRC today wrote to the key leaders of the relevant committees of the House and Senate, telling them that “insufficient lead time” to implement the complicated change mandated by the legislation means the two-month payroll tax holiday “could create substantial problems, confusion and costs affecting a significant percentage of U.S. employers and employees.”

ABC News obtained a copy of the letter, which can be read HERE. Isberg agreed that it would be fair to characterize his letter as saying that the two-month payroll tax holiday cannot be implemented properly.

The NPRC is a non-profit trade association that does not take positions on policy. The group represents organizations that provide payroll processing and services to more than 1.5 million employers, impacting one third of the private sector.

“We’re neutral and we’d be happy to do the work,” Isberg told ABC News.

So the ball is in Obama and the Senate’s court, but they’re having too much accusing the Republicans of “brinksmanship”.  WHD’s Keith Koffler sees some brinksmanship, alright:

President Obama and his spokesman, Jay Carney, in league with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, today began a political game of brinksmanship with the payroll tax cut – all while accusing Republican of playing a  political game of brinksmanship with the payroll tax cut.

The Senate last week passed a bill extending the payroll tax cuts for two months. The House today passed a bill doing it for a year. The House now wants to have a conference committee to iron out the differences.

THIS IS WHAT IS KNOWN AS REGULAR ORDER. That is, it’s the normal way of doing business. But the Senate left town after passing its version and ain’t coming back.

For his own political advantage, Obama hopes he can blame the Republicans for allowing the tax to increase, next year.

But The National Payroll Reporting Consortium just threw a wrench in that plan. If the Senate’s bill isn’t even workable, they have an obligation to work out a compromise with the House. Of course, Democrats have to rely on the ignorance of the American public to allow their propaganda to work. That’s why it’s important to get this story out there.

4 thoughts on “Two-Month Payroll Tax Holiday Passed By Senate, Pushed By President Unworkable According To Experts

  1. Pingback: Two-Month Payroll Tax Holiday Passed By Senate, Pushed By President Unworkable According To Experts « Nice Deb | Raysrope's Blog

  2. Since when does a jackass/lib/statist/lefty give a rat’s patooty whether anything they scheme up will work? Heck, look at all the “war on poverty!” There’s nothing in that entire “war” that’s worked, and a lot of unintended consequences that have occurred making things worse, yet here they are still pushing their socialist agenda and wondering why neanderthal Repubs just won’t get on board.


  3. Pingback: Just a thought… | Unsettled Christianity

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