Obama Camp Sending Creepy, Intimidating Email To Former Donors Who Have Failed to Donate to 2012 Campaign

It’s no secret that the Obama campaign is falling short of its fundraising goals this election season. Now, it looks like they’re getting desperate, using SEIU-like intimidation techniques to drive their fund-raising numbers up.

Last night, a former Obama supporter forwarded BigGovernment an email sent out Sunday by the Obama campaign.

It’s equal parts desperate and creepy:

As you may have noticed, we’ve asked you for a donation a few times now.

But according to our records, you haven’t yet made an online donation to this campaign at this email address. (If our records are wrong, I apologize and thank you!)

The email goes on to ask for “feedback” on why the former supporter has failed to cough-up their hard-earned dollars for Obama’s reelection:

I’m not writing to ask you for money again. I’m actually writing to ask your opinion about why you haven’t given, and what you think would inspire you or other Obama supporters like you to decide to take the leap and donate.


There’s a good reason we’re asking for your feedback: The kind of organization we all decided to be a part of only works if people like you pitch in to build it.

Commenter, JagMom at Big Government said:

I received this email and, once you answer the 2 questions and click submit, you are asked to donate money – after stating “I’m not writing to ask you for money again” !!

I wonder what kind of responses they’re getting.

A. “I-I-I c-c-can’t afford it b-b-because I lost my job due to your crappy economy.”

B. “Will a $1.00 donation give me a chance to have one of Moochell’s 2000 calorie dinners?

C. “Oh my Gosh, how did I ever miss your never-ending torrent of fund-raising emails? Thank you so much for the reminder, I’ll correct my oversight, immediately with a $1.00 donation! Will that be enough to make you cease and desist? ”

D. ” Please quit spamming my inbox. Remove my name off of your email list, immediately.”

Linked by: The Other McCain, and Doug Ross,  thanks!

3 thoughts on “Obama Camp Sending Creepy, Intimidating Email To Former Donors Who Have Failed to Donate to 2012 Campaign

  1. I like the emails I get from the President. And I’m proud not to have donated. I kind of like stringing them along.

    I especially like the invitations to dinner. The price drop is encouraging – it demonstrates that Obama may be developing a rudimentary understanding of economics. For the real story (satire) check out the Pundit Pete post on February 22.


  2. Pingback: Is #OccupyResoluteDesk Starting To, You Know, Sweat It? : The Other McCain

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