Another OFA Flop: Around 2 Dozen Protesters Show Up For OFA Anti-‘TeaTard’ Rally

You know the OFA folks, doing their Master’s bidding,  were really hoping attract a huge groundswell of popular anger at the “Tea-publicans” about the government shut down.

But it just didn’t happen……at all….

After a weekend in which thousands of truckers, bikers and vets showed up in Washington DC to protest the #SpiteHouse  #ShutDownTheater, you can see where the real passion lies – and it doesn’t need to be “community organized”.

NRO’s Betsy Woodruff reported:

After this man (who told reporters that his name is Brett Shelley, that his sign is a joke, and that that he’s a lead engineer with a Veterans Affairs health project) appeared, the OFA protesters left the steps and headed to the lawn.


His sign says, “Just Default! I’ve got military experience, guns at home, and a meat grinder. I’ll be fine.”

The man told reporters his name is Brett Shelley, and he claimed to be a lead engineer with a Veterans Affairs health project. After he appeared, the OFA members skedaddled off the Capitol  steps and headed for the lawn, according Woodruff:


“I don’t know what happened, man,” Shelley told reporters with a laugh after the OFA rally abandoned him on the Capitol steps. “Why they running away from me?”

Twitchy has a good round-up of tweets about the sparsely attended OFA rally: ‘Every liberal hates the disabled!’ When will Dem leaders denounce ‘Tea-tards’ hate speech at OFA rally? [pics]

3 thoughts on “Another OFA Flop: Around 2 Dozen Protesters Show Up For OFA Anti-‘TeaTard’ Rally

  1. Pingback: Larwyn’s Linx: Fantastic — Rep. Tom McClintock On The Debt Limit And The Constitution | Preppers Universe

  2. Thank you for getting the facts right. Again, the sign was just a joke and it was such a nice day in downtown DC. I would have prepared a little more beyond the $1.74 spent in poster materials if I knew this would make the news. Heck, I didn’t even know that group was organized – I just assumed that was the place for furloughed workers to stand together. They ran off like cowards. I was really just bored, being silly, and looking for someone to talk to.


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