GOP Video: A Promise He Couldn’t Keep

Well, it’s a promise he couldn’t keep and one he never had any intention of keeping.

Via The House Conference:

Here’s one via the TheNRCC:

Putting out videos is the very least they should be doing. Now would be a very good time to be presenting to the American people an alternative to this trainwreck.

Not that it isn’t fun watching the Regime squirm.

The debate on the O’Reilly Factor, tonight was whether or not Obama knew when he was making that promise over and over and over again,  he was wrong. O’Reilly thinks that Obama simply chose not to know the gory details in order to retain some degree of “plausible deniablity.”

But Krauthammer thinks Obama did know. He said that after meeting him twice, it is his impression that Obama is fairly informed about these things, and he went on to note that Obama had no problem telling the absurd lie that Benghazi was a demonstration about a YouTube video that had gone wrong.

Obviously, O’Reilly is missing the boat, here. The NBC News story has already established that the Regime knew. Would his policy wonks have him go out there and mislead the public over and over and over again, without saying, “er Chief? Might want to stop saying that. It’s going to come back to haunt you…”

And a salient point they both missed that Ace keeps making is, the HHS regulations that are causing people to be dropped from their plans can be rewritten by the executive branch at any time.

Obama has it within his power to call up the HHS reg-writers and instruct them to honor the promise he made time and again for two years. And he doesn’t want people to know this, because he is determined to break that promise.

That promise was always a lie, and not a meaningless lie at the periphery, but a central lie propping up the political campaign for ObamaCare. Had he told Americans that they would be losing their current health care in order to be dumped into what is effectively a high-risk pool, so that they could subsidize high-risk clients, the public would have rejected the law even more strongly than he did.

O’Reilly is under the impression that the Obama administration is imploding – this health care roll-out is a huge debacle for them, and the media is no longer reporting like the obedient lapdogs they’ve been for the past five years. The Regime is unraveling (or something.)  He had Bernard Goldberg on to talk about the huge lack of credibility Obama (and his spokes-thing Jay Carney) now has with the public. Asked if he thought Jay Carney was serving the American people well, (as his salary is paid by the people), Goldberg answered, “no”.  Jay Carney only serves one person, and that’s Barack Obama. It’s a disgrace.

Yet they stumble on… knowing damn well that after Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and DOJ scandals – they can get away with pretty much anything.

Check out this Politifact from October 2012, (keeping in mind that they ruled Obama’s promise that “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it”, half true)

Under scrutiny, here: Mitt Romney’s bold assertion, “Right now, the (Congressional Budget Office) says up to 20 million people will lose their insurance as Obamacare goes into effect next year.”

Romney said, “Right now, the (Congressional Budget Office) says up to 20 million people will lose their insurance as Obamacare goes into effect next year.”

That number is cherry-picked, and many of those 20 million will be leaving employer coverage voluntarily for better options. Romney also ignores that under the status quo, many more people today “lose” coverage than even the highest, cherry-picked CBO estimate. We rate his statement False.

Actually Romney and the CBO were pretty accurate in their prediction.

When we have a media this corrupt, and in the tank for a party, it’s over. We don’t have a fair and impartial media – but worse – we have a populous that doesn’t seem to mind being lied to.

A plurality of Americans know they are being lied to, and the Regime doesn’t care… They’re either people he has nothing but contempt for, or they’re his Alinskyite supporters who accept the dishonesty with a wink and a nod because they know ends justify the means.

Those people Obama dropped off their plans? They’re mainly self employed or early retirement people (mainly Republicans). Obama gets to kill two birds with one stone – move us toward Single payer, and punish his enemies.

Obama has  grown the dependency class to the point where any Republican running for President is going to have a built in uphill – nearly impossible, battle. The man knows exactly what he’s doing.

The Republican plan to deal with ObamaCare as far as I can tell:

Step 1: Run in 2014 on repealing it.

Step 2: Win the House and the Senate.

Step 3: ?????

There is no plan out there yet that congressional Republicans have unified behind. Which is unforgivable because they have had five years to work on a free market alternative to Obamacare. You know what would be a huge win for the Republican party, right NOW? If they had a free market based plan that they could announce to the public that doesn’t dump people off their insurance plans and doesn’t cause premiums to skyrocket, with a respected Republican like Paul Ryan, who has credibility on both sides of the isle, explaining it. They could capitalize on the massive FUBAR failures of the Obamacare rollout, and the confirmation that Obama is a lying SCOAMF, and win the American people (who were never in love with ObamaCare to begin with) over to our side. Instead, I predict they are going to be too paralyzed with political fear to remove all those new Democrats off of their brand new subsidies…

If they manage to win both Houses in 2014, they’ll likely just nibble around the edges of ObamaCare because Obama will still be president who will veto anything they come up with.

In the meantime, they have found time to work on Amnesty which would put the nail in the coffin of their political viability.

You could say, I disagree with O’Reilly that the Regime is “unraveling.” They’ve been in worse fixes, and with a helpful and compliant media, and a weak opposing party, they’ve managed to bounce back easily.

Here is Krauthammer predicting yesterday, he thinks ObamaCare is going to “collapse on its own.”

I wish I believed him. But I don’t. I’m pretty sure the remedy for this mess is going to be more government. The demonization of the private Insurance companies phase has already begun. It will intensify, next year.


Neil Cavuto summed up the feelings of millions of Americans, today on Your World: One Too Many Promises Broke:


Ushanka: Status Report:

Obama, trying to redistribute the courage of George W. Bush when he pursued the “surge” in the Iraq war, announced that he’ll lead a “surge” in the ObamaCare website fixes.  We’ve hesitated to say why this is the exact wrong thing to do as we don’t want our dear leader to enjoy any success from our comments.  But, he and his ilk are products of the public school and have stopped reading by this point.

A little trivia about your host, Karl.  He has an extensive background, both Fortune 500 and in startups, in the management of complex software design, development and maintenance.  A technology project manager, Karl will tell you that a “surge” is stupid.  Here is why:

Unlike construction or other infrastructure projects, technology projects accelerate when the technology team(s) is reduced in size.  If a construction project is running late, an option is to add more drywall labor, roofers, or whatever labor-intensive task is presenting a long duration to the project timeline.  In software development, especially in business-process automation (vs “dot com”) projects like a national health insurance exchange, it is the opposite.  Layers of decision-makers and swarms of developers only compound duration forecasts as they add layers of communication and responsibilities to a project.  The failures of the ObamaCare website are in direct relation to the failures of a “surge” mentality within the project team.  And the project team is only reflecting the inefficiencies consistent with a government operation.  The only solution to fixing the ObamaCare website is the only option our dear leader and his like-minded minions will never do: streamline the team and their responsibilities, flatten the team to just one or two levels of management, and empower the lower leaders of the team to make decisions in real-time.  In other words, treat the project as a private-sector company would. – See more at:


Obama, trying to redistribute the courage of George W. Bush when he pursued the “surge” in the Iraq war, announced that he’ll lead a “surge” in the ObamaCare website fixes.  We’ve hesitated to say why this is the exact wrong thing to do as we don’t want our dear leader to enjoy any success from our comments.  But, he and his ilk are products of the public school and have stopped reading by this point.

A little trivia about your host, Karl.  He has an extensive background, both Fortune 500 and in startups, in the management of complex software design, development and maintenance.  A technology project manager, Karl will tell you that a “surge” is stupid.  Here is why:

Unlike construction or other infrastructure projects, technology projects accelerate when the technology team(s) is reduced in size.  If a construction project is running late, an option is to add more drywall labor, roofers, or whatever labor-intensive task is presenting a long duration to the project timeline.  In software development, especially in business-process automation (vs “dot com”) projects like a national health insurance exchange, it is the opposite.  Layers of decision-makers and swarms of developers only compound duration forecasts as they add layers of communication and responsibilities to a project.  The failures of the ObamaCare website are in direct relation to the failures of a “surge” mentality within the project team.  And the project team is only reflecting the inefficiencies consistent with a government operation.  The only solution to fixing the ObamaCare website is the only option our dear leader and his like-minded minions will never do: streamline the team and their responsibilities, flatten the team to just one or two levels of management, and empower the lower leaders of the team to make decisions in real-time.  In other words, treat the project as a private-sector company would. – See more at:


Status Report: ObamaCare.Gov

NBC Get’s A Bad Case Of The Glitches On Bombshell ObamaCare Story


Last night at The Conversation, I reported that NBC had disappeared their devastating ObamaCare story, Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance, (after being linked by Drudge and practically every conservative new outlet in the blogosphere),  and updated before I went to bed to report that the story had reappeared at a different web address.

This morning it was discovered that stealth edits had also taken place, particularly with the removal of a key paragraph:

Then, late at night, the story was pulled, the link was changed thereby breaking the Drudge link, and stealth edits were made to the piece. In particular, one key paragraph met the cutting room floor:

None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be “grandfathered,” meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date — the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example — the policy would not be grandfathered.

That paragraph has since mysteriously reappeared, with NBC blaming the issues on a “publishing glitch”. This  prompted one Twitter user to quip, “ I looked at my birth certificate. I was right, I wasn’t born yesterday.”

It’s more like Lisa Myers had made the capital mistake of publishing the story without letting the White House press office, proofread it first. After the stealth edits were (easily) discovered, NBC had no choice but to put the paragraph back in the story.

But that’s not all folks, there’s more:

When NBC News changed the url for the first story, it killed more than 3,000 mostly adversarial comments. It appears that NBC has purged the comments again; after Drudge changed the link back, there were another 3,000 comments. At the time of this update, there are 1,156 comments.

As John Hayward dryly noted, tis the “season of the glitch.”

Which is entirely appropriate in the “Democratic People’s Republic of Glitchistan”, formerly known as the USA.


AoSHQ: Under Pressure From The White House, NBC Throws Its Reporter Under the Bus and Censors News That Obama Wrote Regs to Disqualify and Terminate Health Insurance Policies:

But why was it deleted in the first place? Why did NBC decide to trust the Obama Administration on this — obviously a party that stinks of self-interest and potential deceit — over its own reporter, who got it right?

I really want to stress this to everybody, because no one seems to get this yet:

These regulations, being a creature of the Executive branch, can be rewritten by the executive branch at any time. We don’t need a law for this (though one would be useful, to force Obama to do the right thing).

Obama has it within his power to call up the HHS reg-writers and instruct them to honor the promise he made time and again for two years. And he doesn’t want people to know this, because he is determined to break that promise.

That promise was always a lie, and not a meaningless lie at the periphery, but a central lie propping up the political campaign for ObamaCare. Had he told Americans that they would be losing their current health care in order to be dumped into what is effectively a high-risk pool, so that they could subsidize high-risk clients, the public would have rejected the law even more strongly than he did.

So he lied. And lied. And lied. And lied some more.

And even at this late date, he could still choose to honor his promise.

But he won’t, because he can’t — he always intended to take people’s insurance away from them. Always. And he’s not going to undo, short of a veto-proof act of Congress.

Obama would like to tell the American people that he must do this, or that he didn’t do it at all. That the law requires it (it doesn’t), that he can’t instruct his employees to give a more generous reading of the law in their regulations (he can), that his hands are tied (they’re not), that it’s the GOP’s fault (what?) or perhaps a fall-guy’s like Kathleen Sebelius.

But Sebelius, the HHS, and all executive employees answer to Barack Obama. He is in fact their boss.

They are executing his will.



Live-Streaming-House Ways and Means Obamacare hearing

Marilyn Tavenner, administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), is testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee , Tuesday morning, on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

The hearing is prompted by the complications in the setup of new state health care exchanges, and assesses the readiness of agencies to properly verify eligibility before distributing tax credits and subsidies.

Live-stream provided by The Washington Post.