Jeanine Pirro Unloads on ObamaCare and ‘Simple Sebelius’ (Video)

Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Obamacare, Welcome To The Land Of OZ:

This week, Judge Jeanine unloaded on the the president’s “signature legislation” – the epic clusterfark known as ObamaCare.

Pirro, a former prosecutor ObamaCare, expressed shock and dismay at the fact that the very navigators who are trusted to handle Social Security numbers, DOB, and personal identifiable information, don’t go through basic background or fingerprint checks.

“But it gets better”, she continued. “If those navigators have a prior conviction, it won’t disqualify them, anyway. An outstanding warrant? – no problem. In the midst of a bankruptcy?  No problem……Has anyone in Washington every heard of identity theft?”

And she blasted the administration for the failure of the website launch. “They had three years to prepare and can’t even get the website off the ground,” she said. “‘Simple Sebelius’ doesn’t know how many people have signed up, but she knows it’s getting better.”

Noting that initially we were told that illegal immigrants wouldn’t be covered, she addressed the president directly: “You opened the National Mall for them to protest in the middle of a shutdown when our veterans couldn’t even access their memorial. And you give them transgender hormones  while they’re in prison, and we spend two billion dollars on a program that provides hospital emergency care to illegals, and you really want us to believe that my kids are not going to paying for those ‘undocumented workers’ you want to give amnesty to, anyway?!”

Ann Coulter joined Pirro to talk about the disastrous ObamaCare launch. Asked if she thinks the individual mandate will be delayed, Coulter answered, “well, when they try to delay it I think that Republicans should say, “No, I’m sorry! We gave you that option!”

She gave three reasons why Republicans didn’t hurt themselves in the wake of the government shut down by taking a stand on ObamaCare.

1. there was no Fox News or internet in 1995.

2. This is about the hated ObamaCare the majority of Americans hate it, and never asked for it.

3. In 1995, Republicans had huge majorities in the House and the Senate. So America? You want us to end this plague? Just give Republicans a majority in the Senate.