CAIR In A Spot Of Trouble

But they’ll probably beat the charges, let’s be honest.
They’ve been cited in a plot to fund Hamas.

Andrew McCarthy from NRO has been writing about the CAIR/Hamas connection for some time.

June 5th:

I visited CAIR’s website yesterday, for the first time, to see if they had anything up about the charges. I was struck by how totally peaceful, benevolent, and conservative the organization is made to look there. I thought if only they could make their media spokesmen appear as nice and clean cut as their website, that would go a long way towards eradicating some of the distrust people have towards Muslims.

But instead, some of the people they trot out, like Ibrahim Hooper, and others, seem like they could be hiding the FBI’s most wanted terrorists in their basements.

I stumbled upon the website, Smooth Stone when I was doing some research on Hooper. I liked it, so I’m putting it on my blogroll.

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