Heartache: Bertha Lewis’s Rolodex Ends Up At Redstate

berthaPatrick Gaspard_005obama8

I don’t know how that happened, but it could prove awkward for the President who said just the other day, that he wasn’t following the ACORN scandal at all, and feigned surprise that they receive  loads of federal money..who knew!?

See Redstate for the list of contacts, which include Patrick Gaspard:

Patrick Gaspard was the Executive Vice President for the SEIU until Barack Obama asked Gaspard to become his Presidential Campaign’s National Political Director. Once in the White House, Gaspard became Barack Obama’s Director of the Office of Political Affairs. He is Barack Obama’s Karl Rove, but unlike Rove, eschews the spotlight, which is why so many compare David Axelrod to Rove.

Bertha Lewis has the office, cell phone, home number, and private personal email address of Patrick Gaspard.

It remains to be seen if John Conyers will add Redstate to the probe of ACORN Whistleblowers James O’Keefe, and Hannah Giles.


Media Matters is in full swoon over the “questionable tactics”, “possible theft” of Bertha’s contact list.


Glenn Beck had Erick Erickson on his radio talk show today, to discuss this story. Transcript, here.

8 thoughts on “Heartache: Bertha Lewis’s Rolodex Ends Up At Redstate

  1. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for Heartache: Bertha Lewis’s Rolodex Ends Up At Redstate « Nice Deb [nicedeb.wordpress.com] on Topsy.com

  2. Rhetorical: Why do these people act like they have not done anything immoral, much less illegal? George Soros and all his gang should be on trial for crimes against the world!

    It makes me want to take a big hammer and start smashing things. (with lots of cursing too) No LMKO either!


  3. Likely “theft” though if it applies to law, I don’t know.

    I’m just a guy.

    I don’t like this kinda stuff, but since it’s out there, it’s out there.


  4. as for media matters getting huffy about advocacy journalism, they do realize that one of, if not their very real chief officer is DAVID EFFING BROCK!?


  5. Pingback: Obama leads SEIU Chant, Promises To Paint The Nation Purple « Nice Deb

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