Diplomats From 11 Countries Walk Out On Ahmadinejad’s Speech

I would call the guy  a b.s. artist, but that would do  a great disservice to b.s. artists.

Hot Air Reports:

The eleven, according to a European source: Argentina, Australia, Britain, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand … and the United States. I assume our guys wouldn’t have bolted without the White House’s approval, so kudos to The One for showing a bit of principle.

Honestly, I chalk it up to “me too-ism” more than principle, myself. After all, Obama wants to meet with this guy still, doesn’t he? At any rate, we do know that it was Canada, not the United States that lead the way on this one.

Greta interviewed a Canadian diplomat who walked out, tonight:

4 thoughts on “Diplomats From 11 Countries Walk Out On Ahmadinejad’s Speech

  1. Yes, and how you know what monkees are sucking jew butt.

    Why don’t you go ahead and never come back, Mike? Take your skanky comments somewhere else.


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