Friday Free-For-All: President Robespierre

NY Daily News: Credits: Marcus Santos for News

A must read from start to finish: Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator: President Robespierre:

It is certainly safe to wonder if the reason for Daryl Hannah’s reticence with Hannity, Roseanne Barr’s fury at Celebrity Networth and Alec Baldwin’s non-denial denial about the accuracy of his net worth is directly tied to the reptilian section of their brain that has begun to flash a warning light, however dimly.

If Hannah, Baldwin and Barr in fact are siding with people who have

a) aimed their anger at people of wealth,
b) marched on the homes of some of these wealthy people,
c) have freely admitted to having no problem with violence directed against people of wealth, and
d) are receiving open support from American Nazis and Communists…

— somewhere the lessons of what happened to the wealthy in the French Revolution or at the hands of the Nazis and Communists have been lost.

Mr. Baldwin surely does not wish to see these people camped out on his lawn in Amagansett in the Hamptons. Ms. Hannah, her income affording her a dwelling in the remoteness of the Rocky Mountains, would not be thrilled to see herself surrounded and harassed at home either. One can only imagine the greeting these people would get when Roseanne realizes they are now on her reportedly 46-acre doorstep in Hawaii looking to personally redistribute her $80 million. (Ms. Barr, according to public records, purchased her Hawaiian property with what was listed as her aptly named “Big Bucks Trust.”)

This said, who quite deliberately is taking the lead in playing with this kind of political fire?

Who is pinning a Scarlet Letter on fellow Americans as like Hannah, Baldwin and Barr as “millionaires and billionaires” — exhuming the language of the French Revolution? Who has disinterred what Mises called the “hysterical hatred of capitalism” that was the philosophical underpinning of the German National Socialist Labor Party? The latter a 20th century nightmare that Mises describes as based on “the purest and most consistent manifestation of the anti-capitalistic and socialistic spirit of our age.”

Just who is leading the charge against people like Daryl Hannah, Alec Baldwin and Roseanne Barr? Who intends to make people like these three actors campaign issues in 2012?

Yes indeed.


It’s on.Twitpic: @adamsbaldwin Adam, check this flier that was dropped from a wall street office building in chicago on the OWS morons!

Gateway Pundit: FINALLY, the Left Has Found Their Marine Hero: Scott Olsen …Update: Olsen Is Founder of Marine Hatesite:

Finally, after all of the years of hatred and bile the far left has spewed at the US military, they finally have a former military member they can support — Scott Olsen.

Scott was shot in the head while rioting in Oakland on Wednesday night. After years and years of hating the US and its military the left finally has a veteran to celebrate.
Congratulations loons.


UPDATE: It figures. Olsen is the founder of I Hate the Marine

Verum Serum has more: Iraq War Veteran Injured at OWS Oakland Founder of

Update: There are some pictures of interesting foliage and other paraphernalia on his Flickr account. Go figure: the guy being held up as a war hero by OWS is a pot smoker who hates the Marines.

Then there is this:

I was talking to my 1stsgt regarding a pending adsep since i had been accused of using cocaine.  Anyway, when we were done talking, he used as a parting greeting “stay marine”.  He clearly didn’t think that one through.  It was no secret that I couldn’t wait to get out and on top of that, the MC was trying to kick me out.  I was going to bust his balls over it, but I went and took a nap instead.

The #Occupy leaders would like to see more injuries like Olsen’s because to their addled minds, it’s good for the movement.

Left-Wing Institute For Civil Discourse: #Occupy Movement Using Human Shields To Evoke Sympathy From The Public:

Like I’ve been saying…it’s been obvious since the beginning, this “peaceful” movement was all about provoking the police into violent confrontations. To the left-wing limbic brain, this is a great way to win sympathy.

Joel Pollak presented a strong  case for this at Big Government:

Push youngest/oldest to the front lines….This is a battle over images, not just over the park.

– Charles Lenchner, Occupy Wall Street activist, Oct. 13, 2011

If the police overreact (as they are likely to) and we take the blows, and it is recorded, it will go worldwide and further tremendously galvanize the movement.

– Tarak Kauff, Veterans for Peace organizer, Oct. 13, 2011.

Keep reading.


Windsor Mann, American Spectator: Why Liberals Love Halloween:

4. Ask, and ye shall receive. On Halloween, all you have to do to get free goodies is knock on a door. In other words, all you have to do to get other people’s stuff is ask for it, and these people will happily give it to you out of social obligation. Halloween is welfare without the paperwork.

Downside: Most Halloween goodies come wrapped in paper or plastic, which environmentally unconscious people will turn into litter.


Michelle Malkin: Shredding Kathleen Sebelius:

If a private health insurer had engaged in the kind of criminal obstruction that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has been tied to in her home state of Kansas, it would be a federal case. Instead, it’s a non-story in the Washington press. Nothing to see here. Move along.

On Monday, a district judge in the Sunflower State suspended court proceedings in a high-profile criminal case against the abortion racketeers of Planned Parenthood. World Magazine, a Christian news publication, reported on new bombshell court filings showing that Kansas health officials “shredded documents related to felony charges the abortion giant faces.” World Magazine reported: “The health department failed to disclose that fact for six years, until it was forced to do so in the current felony case over whether it manufactured client records.”

The records are at the heart of the fraud case against Planned Parenthood. Kansas health bureaucrats now shrug that the destruction of these key documents — which they sheepishly admitted had “certain idiosyncrasies” — was “routine.” Who oversaw the agency accused of destroying the evidence six years ago? Sebelius.


This is just so, so special:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the House Judiciary Committee in written testimonysubmitted Wednesday that illegal aliens taken into custody by local law enforcement and turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement will be given a phone number to call if they believe their civil rights have been violated.

The phone number will be provided on a form that will include directions on how to file a complaint in six different languages.


Washington Times: Full story of SEAL mission in question:

After reading Gen. Colt’s executive summary, a longtime special-operations officer still questioned the need for the mission.

The source said immediate-reaction forces are typically used if things are going very badly. In this case, the Rangers were not in danger of being defeated, had secured the objective compound and taken detainees, as the Apaches hunted the remaining Taliban.

“The report does not address the ongoing use of the CH-47 that was never meant for hot-LZs and the combat roles we have used it in for the last decade,” the officer said. “It does not address why a CH-47 was used in lieu of a MH-47. It might have had the same outcome, but the MH-47s are somewhat better.

“The report was what I expected. Likely a well-meaning analysis based on misunderstanding, the use of SOF as well as wanting to protect the families from thinking their men died stupidly. I still think they died stupidly and never should have been used in this capacity.”

Seton Motley is everywhere, these days – PJ Tatler, now?:Super Committee Reminder: Feds Increased Spending by 29% in Last Four Years:

So when the Democrat members of the Super Committee propose $1.3 trillion in new taxes – they are woefully missing the point, and the true solution.

And that solution is: Stop Spending.  In fact, dramatic cuts are in order.

Stop looking for/counting on new sources of government money – especially silly when they are one-time-only in nature (like, say, spectrum auctions.  Which are a great idea spectrum-wise – but are a terrible idea deficit/debt-wise).

It is not a lack of government money problem.


Doug Ross has more bad news for Romney(care): State treasurer of MA absolutely shreds RomneyCare, which “has nearly bankrupted the state” and is surviving solely because of federal aid:

The level of economic illiteracy required to believe that a one-sized-fits-all, individually-mandated, government-controlled health care system could somehow succeed is really quite stunning. Which says a lot about Mitt Romney’s belief in free enterprise and the market system.

“If President Obama and the Democrats repeat the mistake of the health insurance reform here in Massachusetts on a national level, they will threaten to wipe out the American economy within four years,” Cahill said in a press conference in his office.

[T]he state’s health insurance law…Cahill said, “has nearly bankrupted the state.”

Keep reading…


BREAKING: PJ Media Finds Gunwalker’s ‘Unreachable’ Man in the White House:

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform led by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is investigating to what extent the White House was aware of — or involved in — the “Fast and Furious” gunwalking scandal.

The committee recently requested to speak with former White House National Security Staffer Kevin O’Reilly. According to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson, the Obama administration answered:

O’Reilly is on assignment for the State Department in Iraq and unavailable.

Through a tip, PJ Media learned that Kevin O’Reilly was unexpectedly named director of the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Bureau for Iraq (INL-Iraq). Long-time INL-Iraq employee Virginia Ramadan had been expected to get the position — many were quite surprised when she did not.

The previous occupants of the Director, INL-Iraq position — Joe Manso and Francisco Palmieri — were not considered “unreachable” to press or government access. A quick internet search reveals Palmieri, while director, attended a media event on August 23, 2010.

On October 21, PJ Media reporter Patrick Richardson called the number for Office of the Director, INL-Iraq:

1-240-553-0581, ext. 3275

Richardson reached a voicemail message confirming that it was indeed the correct number. He left a message that was not returned.


Freedom’s Lighthouse: CNN’s John King Lectures Jason Mattera for His Ambush of Vice-President Joe Biden – Video 10/26/11

Here is video of CNN’s John King scolding Human Events Editor Jason Mattera for his pointed questioning of Vice-President Joe Biden recently, that took place in the Hart Senate Office Building. Mattera was reportedly wearing his media badge, and asked Biden for a photo before asking him pointedly about his recent comments that “rape” and other crimes would increase if Obama’s “Jobs Plan” was not passed by Congress.

One thought on “Friday Free-For-All: President Robespierre

  1. 1) Robespierre couldn’t hold a candle to some of the dolts in this country now, including our “most transparent administration evuh!” president. The Hollyweird phonies were never intellectually honest or even capable.

    2) That former “marine” was a real winner, wasn’t he? Just as big a dolt as his CiC.

    3) Kathleen “It’s OK to Kill Them After Birth” Sebelius should be held libel for every murder of babies in Kansas, and as far as that goes, in the entire United States, including the ones in Philadelphia.

    4) JanNap’s as big an idiot as her HHS counterpart.

    5) Obhammud’s got a real and dear stake in keeping full knowledge of RomneyCare from the public until after the Repub nomination. Of course, with a complicit LSM, he’s not having many problems doing that.

    6) Fast and Furious should be at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts. The murderous bigots who conceived and executed this program have no right to steal taxpayer monies with their continued employment, including the president, his AG and his head of Homeland Security (who’s doing everything she can to make our country as insecure as possible.)

    7) I love it when the LSM turns on itself. Not that it’s a stretch to believe most people consider Slo Joe an idiot to begin with, but for one of their own to point it out is simply inexcusable to them.


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