Video: Rick Santorum on American Exceptionalism

In this clip from Rick Santorum’s speech in Lee’s Summit, Mo, Friday night, he talks about what distinguishes America from all other nations. Which founding document is directly related to  American exceptionalism?


Video: Santorum Explains Why He’s The Best Candidate To Beat Obama

Video: Santorum on Birth Control Mandate: The Bishops “Got What They Deserved”

Video: Santorum in Lee’s Summit, MO: “Barack Obama Believes You Are Incapable of Handling Freedom”

Santorum Swings Through Lee’s Summit, MO – UPDATED with Video UPDATE II: Santorum Leads Obama in Rasmussen Poll!

2 thoughts on “Video: Rick Santorum on American Exceptionalism

  1. I don’t think Santorum is the only one of the Repubs that believe in American Exceptionalism (and certainly no Democrap does), but he’s the only one who treats it as though it’s a fact of the universe, as real as energy or gravity. The others seem to only believe it intellectually, and all the smarts in the world aren’t enough to make it as real as Santorum believes it to be.


  2. Pingback: Rick Santorum accuses Obama of being intolerant of hateful bigots « The Fifth Column

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