Zimmerman Not Guilty – Rev Al Hardest Hit (Video)

In the face of prosecutorial  shenanigans and judicial bias, the jurors deciding the Zimmerman case did their jobs, and a not guilty verdict was reached on both counts – second-degree murder and manslaughter, Saturday night.

Al Sharpton promised on MSNBC that Trayvon Martin’s  family will pursue a civil case against George Zimmerman and he will be calling on the DOJ to reopen their case to see if there are any civil rights violations.

“We will be moving forward to what the next steps will be,” he said incitefully.

Defense attorney Mark O’Mara, for his part said, If someone sues George Zimmerman “we will seek and we WILL GET immunity” for him.”

Hey Al – Trayvon’s skittles and pop purchase may not have been quite  as innocent as you make out.


State Attorney Angela Corey fans the flames:

Corey was asked by the media why she decided to push for the second-degree murder charge.

“We charged what we believed we could prove,” Corey said.

Corey added that there is no doubt that Trayvon was profiled.

The State Attorney said it was “challenging” to take over a case that had been investigated already but stressed her opinion that the Sanford Police Department did not botch the case.

Corey said she, along with the prosecution, believed that Trayvon was behind the screams that were heard on the 911 call.

“Screams stop the moment the shot is fired,” Corey said.

Corey called it a “common sense” piece of evidence.

Isn’t it common sense to figure that the person getting pummeled on the ground would be the one screaming for help? And the second his gun went off, there was no longer any reason to scream?

Why is Corey peddling this nonsense?

See Twitchy for Twitter reactions- both positive and race war inciting:

Verdict reached: George Zimmerman found not guilty

Twitter lynch mob threatens to kill George Zimmerman

Brit Hume: Al Sharpton’s continued prominence ‘simply amazing’

Viewers wonder: Why is Florida state attorney Angela Corey smiling so big?

8 thoughts on “Zimmerman Not Guilty – Rev Al Hardest Hit (Video)

  1. MARKET-TICKER [dot] ORG says it best for me:

    “There was no “civil rights violation.” Trayvon Martin was beating the hell out of George Zimmerman when he was shot in lawful self-defense.

    That is what the jury found.

    That is what The Sanford Police Chief found — and he was fired for determining the facts.

    That is what The State attempted to unlawfully obstruct from coming into public view, including firing the IT director who blew the whistle on intentional failure to turn over exculpatory evidence to the defense.

    But the jury saw through the ruse, saw through the race-baiting and saw a man who was being beaten by a stronger, more-agile man, that George Zimmerman could not at that time retreat, and who therefore had every right to defend himself — and he did exactly that.

    Now I want to see the members of the media who intentionally edited video footage so as to present a false view of what happened sued to beyond the orbit of Mars and then nuked from orbit – just to be sure.

    Now I want to see the State prosecutorial apparatus — and the Department of Justice — that turned what was a routine self-defense circumstance into an attempted railroading of a man who was sucker-punched, mounted and then beaten “MMA style” by attempting to throw him in jail when he was the victim indicted, prosecuted and imprisoned for that crap.

    Now let’s see the rest of the job get done: Justice for George Zimmerman


  2. Pingback: ConMom

  3. I have a suggestion for all of these race baiting demagogues like, Corey, the naacp, and the pimp Bros. . . . . they all should be given a “one way ticket to Chicago, Illinois” and let them devote their expertise to solving the murders of dozens of people in that town, each and every weekend which evidently the Chief of Police and the Mayor are unable to do.

    Resist we much!!!!


  4. Wow, CD that is some collection of information that ties everything together in that article. I’ll hafta re-read it a couple of more times to get all those details down. Yet none of it seems out of the realm of possibility, when one considers the characters involved who make their living off of this kind of tragedy and have been for years.

    I fully expect Tucker Carlson to be given his marching orders from the Fox and Friends weekend show after his rant today. While doing a live interview with Geraldo from Sanford regarding the Zimmerman case, he [Tucker] went on a tirade about the Pimp Bros [the Revs Sharpie & Jacksass.

    Of course, he was exactly right in what he said, but still. . . . .


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