Saturday Movie Matinee: The Five Hosts Tear Into Al Sharpton

Mediaite: The Five Hosts Tear Into Al Sharpton: ‘Race-Baiter,’ Pressured Zimmerman Arrest & Trial:

The hosts of The Five tonight partially pointed the finger of blame at the “race politics” of the George Zimmerman trial at MSNBC host Al Sharpton. Sharpton has been one of the most outspoken media figures about the trial from the beginning, and even spoke at rallies for Trayvon Martin’s family. Eric Bolling went so far as to suggest Sharpton was even the “catalyst behind the Murder 2 charge” Zimmerman is facing.

Greg Gutfeld wondered how Sharpton is still “taken seriously” in the U.S. after his involvement in cases like Tawana Brawley. He called Sharpton a “race-baiter” who hasn’t let bumps in the road get in the way of his activist career, and said that if a not guilty verdict in the Zimmerman case results in violence, “he’s got to be part of the blame.” Bob Beckel argued that Sharpton should be more proactive in dialing down the fury, but Gutfeld quipped that he’s on MSNBC so no one would notice anyway.

Rush Limbaugh Eric Holder invested in George Zimmerman trial being seen as racism:

goprapidresponse: Jay Carney Calls Questions on Unilateral Delay of Employer Mandate “Willfully Ignorant”:

PJ Media: TRIFECTA – Obama Breaks Law and Delays ObamaCare:

PJ Media: TRIFECTA – Obama Train Wreck, Part II: Obamanomics and Big Government To Blame For Great Recession:

Newsbusters: Advocacy Reporter Luke Russert Lectures Boehner on Immigration:

The only thing more annoying than NBC’s Luke Russert acting as a blatant advocacy reporter is when he pretends to be a political pundit and little Luke did both at a press conference this week when he broadcast his opinion in the form of a question to House Speaker John Boehner at a press conference this week. It wasn’t only what he said but also how he posed his question which was done in a tone of studied condescension as you can see in this video and below the fold.

Although you might wish to spare yourself the annoyance of watching insufferable Luke and his partisan brand of journalism, I promise that if you stay with this story until the end you will receive a very enjoyable comedy treat inadvertently provided by the young Russert.

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