Huffpo Turns Off Comments On Jerusalem Attack And Times Square Bombing

What does it say about your blog, and its readership, when you have to close down comments because of their embarrassing, mortifying, and anti-semitic content every time there is a terrorist attack? Or a Republican gets hurt, sick, or dies, or any number of other things? It seems that comments are being closed on a fairly regular basis, over there.

How unfortunate to be afraid of your own commenters.

Charles Johnson:

Why would they do this? Because their site is infested with virulent antisemites who will party and celebrate this atrocity just like the Palestinians have been doing. The people who run Huffington Post know thisā€”and encourage itā€”and then they turn off comments on posts like this one to avoid embarrassment.Virulent antisemites like the one who emailed me today, using the (phony) address ā€œ,ā€ asking when he could register at LGF.

Hey Charles;

When are you going to open up registration for new members?

I just cant wait to post comments and tear the Jews a new one (although since Jews are soo full of crap anyway, a new one will be a relief for them).

Hope you send me advance notice when registration finally does open.


How charming.


Both Hillary and McCain have come out with statements condemning the bombing of the recruitment center in Times Square.


ā€œI am deeply concerned by the detonation of a small bomb at the military recruiting office in Times Square. While we should be grateful that there were no injuries and minimal damage, there is an ongoing investigation into whether the attack is linked to foreign terrorist groups, and federal, state, and city authorities should be given every resource and every tool to swiftly complete that investigation. Having worked with and supported our law enforcement and national security authorities in New York, I am confident that they will get the job done.

Whatever else we learn about this attack, it is a reminder of the threats we continue to face at home and the importance of remaining vigilant. I will continue to work to provide all levels of law enforcement with the tools they need to continue to protect us here at home.ā€

Hasn’t she gotten the memo that it was probably domestic terrorism? She seems a bit slow on the uptake, there.

John McCain:

ā€œThe attempted attack that happened in New York City this morning when someone tried to harm a recruiting station in Times Square is unacceptable in America. I know Mayor Bloomberg as well as other law enforcement agencies are actively working, and I have been assured a full investigation is taking place and hope they bring the individuals to justice as quickly as possible. We cannot allow this to happen to the men and women serving in our military whether they are at home or abroad.ā€

Barack Obama:


I can’t seem to find a comment from Obama.
You’d think he’d jump at the chance to denounce that sort of militant activism, given the recent news of his acquaintance with with former Weather Underground member William Ayers. People are starting to whisper.
Maybe he took the day off?

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