Coakley Caption Contest

Hillbuzz, is taking a page out of Alinsky’s book, rule #5 to be exact:

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

So they’re hosting a PHOTOSHOP CHALLENGE: “I’m Martha Coakley, and I approve this message”.

The very best of these need to be printed out by the thousands and plastered all over Massachusetts.  Or “Massachusettes”, as Coakley spells it.  Just like the Joker posters that blanketed Nebraska and Missouri ridiculing the fools Ben Nelson and Claire McCaskill. If you are in Massachusetts, an effort should be made to get sympathetic printers to run these off so people can put them all over the place in major media markets…or take them to famous Massachusetts locations and then take photos of them hanging there, with landmarks in the background, showing these things all over the Bay State.

Those guys!

A sample submission:

Lot’s more at Hillbuzz.

11 thoughts on “Coakley Caption Contest

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