Video: Out-of-State Union Thugs Throw Reporter Out Of Coakley Office

These Coakley staffers flogged Godwin’s law to a bloody pulp, today, as they refused to allow a reporter into the office, citing private property and civil rights, “which we still have despite Nazis like you”.

Q: So, what did the Nazis think of a free and open press?

A: Nazi Germany (1933-1945)

The dictatorship of Adolf Hitler largely suppressed freedom of the press through Joseph GoebbelsMinistry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. As the Ministry’s name implies, propaganda did not carry the negative connotations that it does today (or did in the Allied countries); how-to manuals were openly distributed by that same ministry explaining the craft of effective propaganda. The Ministry also acted as a central control-point for all media, issuing orders as to what stories could be run and what stories would be suppressed. Anyone involved in the film industry—from directors to the lowliest assistant—had to sign an oath of loyalty to the Nazi Party, due to opinion-changing power Goebbels perceived movies to have. (Goebbels himself maintained some personal control over every single film made in Nazi Europe.) Journalists who crossed the Propaganda Ministry were routinely imprisoned or shot as traitors.

Oh. Well played, libtards.

Hat tip: Snarky Basterd, who makes note of the “UFCW, Local One, ” the OUT OF STATE United Food & Commercial Workers Union local 1, Utica New York letters on the bearded thug’s jacket.


Ruby Slippers found John Stewart’s befuddlement of the MA race on last night’s show amusing. I think the guy needs to step out of his lib cocoon once in awhile to see what real Americans think.

Anybody who can say Teddy Kennedy was the “most beloved Senator in the history of the Senate” with a straight face is wildly out of touch with what most Americans really think.


9 thoughts on “Video: Out-of-State Union Thugs Throw Reporter Out Of Coakley Office

  1. Pingback: Ruby Slippers

  2. We do have to be careful about the jacket however. It is not right to jump to conclusions. We don’t know if that guy is a member of the Union in Utica. He may just have the jacket. Some Unions also send jackets as gifts to other Union hqs. Just because I own a Santa Clara Vanguard Drum Corps jacket doesn’t mean that I marched with them, although it helps when the ladies think so. Lol, sorry couldn’t resist.


  3. Well, I suppose. Snarky Basterd got it slightly wrong, however. If you look at the pic at his site, the letters aren’t on his jacket, they’re on his shirt collar.


  4. Sorry, I’ve been out schlepping the girls to dance classes.
    This is just unbelievable! Once I realized via John Fund, that fraud wasn’t going to be an issue, I knew he’d win, but I thought it would be a little closer .

    Zogby is eating crow, tonight.


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