{{{{It’s Aliiiive}}}}

Allahpundit thought Chris Matthews destroyed Alan Grayson in this Hardball interview, last night:

But did he?

Grayson seemed awfully smug and sure of himself.

Matthews thinks the  reconciliation idea is crazy netroots talk. Well who does he think runs Washington, right now? These are people who call their opponents tea-baggers, evil mongers and nazis:

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi work to save health care reform

Earlier this week, Pelosi said she did not have the votes to pass the Senate bill through the House unchanged. And Reid, who lost his 60-vote majority on Tuesday, does not have the votes to make wholesale changes to legislation his chamber passed last month.

So, leaders are considering making limited changes that can be passed using a budget process called reconciliation, which only requires 51 votes in the Senate.

The changes being considered track closely with the agreements House and Senate leaders made in White House meetings last week, according to a source. They include the deal with labor unions to ease the tax on high-end insurance plans, additional Medicare cuts and taxes, the elimination of a special Medicaid funding deal for Nebraska and a move to help cover the gap in seniors’ prescription drug coverage. Pelosi is also working to change the Senate provision that sets up state insurance exchanges. The House prefers a single, national exchange.


9 thoughts on “{{{{It’s Aliiiive}}}}

  1. Reid, Pelosi and Ovomit truly hate the majority of American citizens. To continue ram this pile of steaming human feces down our throats, in light of all the opposition is disgusting. Our federal government is now a threat to us. They are the enemy of the people.


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  3. “Reid, Pelosi and Ovomit truly hate the majority of American citizens.”
    Exactly right Sparky, and I wonder how long it’ll take ’em to react to it. O will use a typically decieptful Liberal mix of populist and centerist. He will pull a Bill Clinton and pivot, probaly telling us there are limits to what government can do, saying that government had to bail out the economy, praising and blaming business and capitalism at the same time and perhaps calling for some sort of volunteerism. But Brown shows what we can and will do, and to use a good line, as someone once did: WE are the people we’ve been waiting for.


  4. 7HEAVENS: Bottom line…LIARS. When my son was a little boy, and I caught him in a lie, it was hell to pay for him. Both I and his mother would not stand for it. A lie was the biggest taboo in our family. Our current leaders lie everyday, with a straight face. When I was a kid, I would get a back hand right across the chops for lying. I hate my government today. It makes me sick, because I served in our military. Took my oath, to protect and serve our country, to honor our Commander in Chief. I hate these feelings now.


  5. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  6. Pingback: Obama’s Failing War on Reality; it is antipathy to Socialism, Barack « VotingFemale

  7. 7HEAVENS: Bottom line…LIARS.
    Yeah, Liberals are a bunch of mentally ill, self delusional, fools who believe in nothing but their own superiority and cleverness. I know many and they still manage to surprise and anger me with the insane and idiotic way that they think and lie continuously, constructing their own little parallel universe in which reality is what they want it to be. I shall pray for Liberals, again.


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