Video: Karl Rove: Midterm Elections Could Be “Explosive”

“The architect” is in his element discussing the free-fall  Obama and the Dems are in, and  Obama’s “pathetic” performance at the townhall in Ohio, yesterday.

The question of the week: Will he pivot? I’m with Rove –  Obama is showing no signs of a learning curve. He is still playing by the Alinsky handbook…it’s all he knows: How do I fool them, today?

He’s reinvented himself as, “Mr. Populist” “Mr. Hot Angry Beating My Fist”, “Mr. Accountability” and “Mr. Transparency”… Give me a break.

The WH apparently thinks the anti-bank populism is a winner with the American people. It’s going to be a looong 3 more years.


The Real Obama

Matthew Contenetti at the Weekly Standard has doubts about Obama’s ability to learn from mistakes, as well:

In the liberal worldview, Scott Brown’s victory is not a signal that Democrats have overreached. It is that the American people are “angry” and “don’t understand” all the good liberals are trying to do for them. “The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office,” Obama told George Stephanopoulos last week, as if the American people are a bunch of emotional basket cases who have no grasp of public policy and no ability to distinguish between Bush Republicans and Obama Democrats.

And there you have another incorrect assumption that is key to the Obama Myth. Question is, will Obama and the Democrats learn their lesson? Or will the people be forced to give them another in November?

The second one!


Krauthammer Quips: ‘Best Week I’ve Had Since Spring Break in Medical School’

You know, this is an amazing week. Massachusetts goes Republican, health care dies and the Supreme Court unshackles the First Amendment. It’s the best week I’ve had since spring break in medical school — and I don’t even remember it [laughter from other panelists].

And there was another item which you mentioned: Air America, the liberal talk show network went out of business — which is a redundancy because nobody was listening anyway.


8 thoughts on “Video: Karl Rove: Midterm Elections Could Be “Explosive”

  1. Guess they are slow learners. The only one that I felt sobered up some is Pelosi. Her Valley Girl giggle was missing when she had to announce the healthcare bill did not have enough votes. obama wants to just ruin the country. He does not care how he accomplishes that.


  2. Pingback: Obama, high on Liberal ‘Balls Beer,’ goes Don Quixote on America « VotingFemale

  3. What I want to know is why did Bill O’Reilly show statistics that prove Obama’s policies are terrible and hated by the American people, but claim that Obama is still “popular and well-liked?” Where is he getting that statistic from? And, who, in their right mind would still like a usurper named Obama who is so obviously trying to ruin our economy, devastate our Capitalistic system, make us highly vulnerable in the War on Terror, and worst of all his treasonous deeds, trying to collapse our Constitutional Republic?

    Don’t self-proclaimed ideological progressives make up just 23% (or less) of society now? Haven’t many liberals moved closer to the center or center-right? Didn’t Independents, Republicans and some Moderate Democrats just vote Republican Scott Brown into the Senate in a deep blue state called MA? Where, and who, are the 71% of people that O’Reilly claims still “like” Obama? And why? What on earth is there to like about him??

    I think that O’Reilly may have been victim to drinking in some red Kool-Aid and falling for some highly illogical propaganda.


  4. Obama is failing, and he knows it, so what does he do?? Use MORE Alinsky tactics; try to turn more people against others, those mean bankers are out to screw the public etc. He will never change this rhetoric, it’s all he knows to do. Born and bred marxists just think if what they are doing is not working then do it more! Idiots. The general public has these tactics figured out by now (I hope) and are pretty much seeing through it all.


  5. Jugear’s narcissistic personality disorder won’t allow him to step back, and realize that most Americans hate what he’s doing to our country. He’s pissed off at us. How dare we question his plans, the ONE, the King, the Savior. It’s really frightening. He will continue to ram these shit sandwiches down our collective throats, because he truly believes that we don’t know what’s best for us.


  6. Pingback: Obama’s Failing War on Reality; it is antipathy to Socialism, Barack « VotingFemale

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