Video: Netanyahu’s Statement On Israeli Flotilla Raid

For many in the international community, “Israel is guilty until proven guilty”.


The IDF website reports: Attackers of the IDF Soldiers Found Without Identification Papers

In a special meeting of the Security Cabinet it was disclosed that a group of 40 people on board the Mavi Marmara was found with no identification papers. Moreover, they were equipped with bullet proof vests, night-vision goggles, and weapons.

Jonatan Urich

On board the Mavi Marmara ship that arrived as part of the flotilla to Gaza was a group of approximately 40 people with no identification papers. This was disclosed by the Israeli Security Cabinet, which gathered on Tuesday evening (June 1) for a special meeting.

According to intelligence disclosed during that meeting, these protesters wore bullet-proof vests, and carried with them night-vision goggles, weapons, and large sums of cash.  Each person in this group had the exact same amount of cash in his pockets.  While the rest of protestors was sent to the lower deck during the Shayetet Naval Special Force’s interception of the ship, the group divided into cells and remained on the upper deck in order to attack the soldiers.

Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs


6 thoughts on “Video: Netanyahu’s Statement On Israeli Flotilla Raid

  1. Thanks for posting this.

    Watching Netanyahu speak fills me with emotion. He is a serious person, deserving of respect. How has our country devolved to the point where we have no serious leaders? We have eagerly bestowed our highest office on a man conspicuous for the sharpness of the pleats on his trousers and the shallowness of his thinking. Netanyahu is never described as an orator, yet without effort he can offer a reasoned speech that delivers the blunt truth. I still haven’t heard Obama, the “great orator,” offer a truthful appraisal of any situation, even though (or perhaps because) he has the aid of a room full of speechwriters and a pair of teleprompters.

    Netanyahu asks the leaders of other nations to look into their hearts and admit that they would defend their countries from attack. I think he’s misread those hearts. The leaders he appeals to have already decided not to defend their countries from attack. Millions in Europe and North America stream over national borders while those countries’ “leaders” rewrite their ancient laws to suit the invaders. Mosques are going up in places that just a few years ago were considered sacred. The leaders of the West have already capitulated.


  2. Pingback: Rush Limbaugh on Obama, Israel, & the Bloody Gaza Flotilla Attack — PM Netanyahu Speaks Out Brilliantly Against Hamas to U.N. (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  3. Pingback: Photos: Israel’s Daily Air Raid Drills — Kids Preparing for Rocket Attacks « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  4. Meanwhile, North Korea gets away with real murder of 46 South Koreans.

    It is unfortunate, but Israel learned over 60 years ago it can not count on any country to support them 100% of the time. Especially with Obama as President. (I will never again use the term “leader of the free world” when talking about Obama either.


  5. Winston Churchill was a brilliant orator not because he tried to show how clever and nuanced he was; but because he bravely spoke the blunt truth and defiantly called upon the best in all people to rise to the occasion and defeat the savage Nazi menace.

    Obama is exactly the opposite, he tries to dazzle us with his brilliance while speaking bullshit, pandering to the worst primitive tribalism in us by race-and-gender baiting, and signals to the world total capitulation to our enemies and the savage Islamic menace.


  6. Pingback: Sarah Palin’s Anti-Mosque Post Deleted from Facebook… Facebook Apologizes (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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