Friday Free-For-All


The national Planned Parenthood abortion business is at it again, using a sacrilegious Christmas theme to raise money for its efforts to promote and perform abortions.

Nice. Mocking Christmas has become a time honored tradition for Planned Parenthood. And why are they raising money? Because that  “extreme”, “dangerous”, “anti-choice” hater,  Mike Pence is introducing legislation that would cut off taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood: Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act.

Go Mike Pence!

Pirate’s Cove has more on the left’s war on Christmas: Tis’ The Season For Liberals To Go Nuts Over Nativity Scenes

Read this from iowntheWorld to cleanse your palate: A Yuletide Gift of Kindness. Seriously, it’s the feel good story of the week.

Atlas Shrugs: WIKILEAKED: Obama Tried to Stop Kenya Passing Armaments to Besieged South Sudanese

And the Obama hits just keep on coming. If Wikileaks has done anything, it has vindicated this blog on Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc.

The latest is that Obama stopped the transfer of weapons to Southern Sudan, site of an Islamic genocide that has slaughtered over two million southern Sudanese over the past two decades.

Keep America safe: Is Admin Releasing Terrorists It Knows Will Return To Battlefield?

Michelle Malkin: Homegrown hate crimes against our troops:

How many more arrests of U.S. military-hating Muhammads will it take for “sadness” to evolve into genuine indignation? The latest Baltimore plot comes as the Beltway area remains under alert for an unknown shooter targeting recruitment stations and other military targets. Over the past two months, the Marine Corps Museum in Washington D.C., the Pentagon, a vacant Marine Corps recruiting station in Chantilly, Va., and a Coast Guard recruiting station in Woodbridge, VA have all taken shots from a high-powered rifle linked by ballistic tests. The feds say the arrest of the Baltimore jihadi is not related to these still-unsolved acts of terror.

If you read nothing else today, make time for: Zilla of the Resistance: TSA Insanity: Trained by Islamic Supremacists:

The outrage over the TSA idiocy has largely died down in the public arena, even as the Gate Rapes and carcinogenic porn scans continue. Like frogs swimming in slowly increasingly heated water, the sheeple won’t realize how bad things have gotten until it is far to late to save themselves.

The latest “big stories” regarding the TSA in the MSM are all about Khloe Kardashian getting pilloried after she (correctly) likened the Gate Rapes to sexual assault and a former Baywatch Star being subjected to a carcinogenic porn scan because she has a nice body. Of course they don’t bother to report on REAL the scandals involving the TSA, but I will!

Keep reading…and be very afraid.

They told us if we elected Obama, the world would love us….Hot Air: Video: India “outraged” over TSA patdown of ambassador

GWP has footage from the UK riots: PRINCE CHARLES’ CAR ATTACKED By Violent London Youths (PHOTO & Video)… Christmas Tree in Trafalgar Square Torched

On the lighter side…Jay Leno had some fun with Obama’s Wednesday Press Conference:

Glenn Beck’s apocalyptic world-view is jarring for many, but he’s been paying close attention to the movers and shakers on the far left, and connecting dots…if his conclusions sound whacked and delusional, consider the whacked-out but very determined subjects of his research.

Part 2, here, part 3, here .

Sam Foster, PJ Media: Widening the Margin of Voter Fraud

The problem is getting worse, and will not go away without common sense regulations, like an end to early voting.

I hope Congressional Republicans set their sights on this issue before 2012.  Some are saying it’s time for an new voters rights act.

Pundit and Pundette: What a difference a bribe makes

That was fast. The deal that couldn’t be changed could after all. Obama has bought off rebel Democrats with a minimum of fuss (if you don’t count the chanting and posturing). Allahpundit:

The AP’s vague on the precise terms — and cost — of the bargain, but it sounds like that righteous liberal rage over the new estate tax rate magically dissipated after it was sprinkled with a few ethanol subsidies.

They were in open revolt, chanting “Just say no!” and “No we can’t” and invoking their leader’s name in most disrespectful terms. It made for a diverting  afternoon, but by nightfall it was over.

Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin: Obama Reminds World He Won Nobel Peace Prize Last Year, Congratulates This Year’s Winner What’s-His-Name

Linked by: Walter Hudson at NewsReal


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