Hey, Maybe It’s Time For a Conservative Counterpart to “Tea Party Tracker”(UPDATE- Name That Website!)

Pic from union astroturf rally in Denver via El Marco.

Remember how late  last Summer, the NAACP partnered with Media Matters, Think Progress and New Left Media to launch the weak and laughable teapartytracker.org, a website  set up to  publish and monitor “racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement?” Apparently, they had trouble finding material because their last post is dated 10/20/10, and it links to a progressive organization’s “study” of supposed Tea party racism. Where are the damning videos? The one featured on their website merely shows a New Left Media reporter sticking a microphone in the faces of calm and reasonable tea partiers attending Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in DC, last Fall.

When anti-Koch protesters in CA attacked Clarence Thomas with disgusting and blatantly racist comments, not long ago, the same NAACP couldn’t be bothered  to condemn the comments.

A hard and fast rule every. time. progressives hold a rally, their extreme, hard-left pathologies are on display. And now, with more and more conservative activists covering their events, their moonbattery is increasingly videotaped for everyone to see. Just in the past week, with pro-union rallies occurring in multiple states, we’ve been given reams of incredible material to expose them with:

SATURDAY: Union protester is arrested for attempting to jack with the tea partiers’ sound system at the Madison rally.

TUESDAY: Union protesters accost a gay black tea partier in Denver Colorado. They call him “son,” and ask him if he has any children that he “claims.”

WEDNESDAY: Diminutive Tabitha Hale ventures from the new Freedom Works offices (moved to a more secure location because they received a lot of threats) to get some video of the protesters outside. She is promptly slapped upside the head by a CWA protester.

Videos at Big Journalism.

On top of that, Michelle Malkin has: Video: Rhode Island union supporter to cameraman – “I’ll f**k you in the ass, you faggot”

and Video: Ohio union goon curses Tea Party activists (language warning)

and More Union Civility: Eyewitness to Boston thuggery; Plus: Die, elderly Tea Partiers, die!

Uncoverage: Tea Party Congress Candidate Roughed Up by Union Goons at Mass. Rally

Here’s Breitbart Tv with another: More Hate From Union Thug Protesters: ‘You’re a Bad Jew’

These obvious candidates for the new Az Institute for Civil Discourse need more exposure.

It’s all well and good that we are posting these videos on our own sites, but I think it would be helpful if there was one website that did nothing but tracked these types of episodes. Call it “Thug Watch”, or “Left-Wing Tracker” – I’m sure someone could think of something better.

One thing is for sure – we would have plenty of material to keep it updated.

The Make Believe Media have no interest in covering stories that counter their anti-tea party narrative. Since we have to do it ourselves, we should make it easier for the public to find the truth.


Here are some more examples of left-wing thuggery I listed in a post last August:

As the tea party “edges closer” to violence (not), the left continues its reign of political terror, unabated – firebombing campaign offices, stabbing Muslim cabdrivers, cussing out Holocaust survivors, biting off fingers, SRLC Republican beatdowns, throwing eggs at tea party buses,   etc,   etcetc. (I can go on forever).

Lefty union members, especially, have been the biggest perpetrators of town hall and tea party violence:

Union Thugs Attack Protester In Tampa

SEIU Thugs Attack a Black Conservative Kenneth Gladney Outside Russ Carnahan Townhall

Breaking: Radical Union Organizer-Black Liberation Activist Slugs Tea Party Protester in Face (Video) …Update: YouTube Removes Attack Video

CNA goon assaults cameramen at anti-Whitman rally.

Union Thugs Invade Tea Party Searchlight Nevada – Aggressors Play the Race Card (videos)

Union Thugs Attack Tea Party Member in Fort Lauderdale

Union thugs storm the front yards of banking lobbyists, take over some banks


“Mostly Peaceful” May Day Rally In SF Turns Violent As Pro-Illegal Immigrant Protesters Attack And Injure Minutemen

Video: Extreme Content Warning – (Recording Liberal hate speech)

See what I mean? We need to put all these in one place.


James the Wanderer suggested I hold a contest to come up with a good name for the site:

Ideas so far:

Little Miss Attila: “Dem Thuggery”

Mama AJ: “Beware the Union Label”

James the Wanderer: Hatewatch

My idea was “Thug Watch”.

billiams Says:  How about “Moonbeam Monitor” or “Nutroots on Display

Bildo Says: Thugopolis, DemoThugs, ThugsRUnion, Look for the Thug Lable

Lee has some good ones:



If no one else steps up, I’ll get the website and YouTube channel going, myself.  Hubby has agreed to help me with it. I want to have it ready to go by Sat. night for this weekend’s union protests..

Keep giving me ideas for names.


Check back tomorrow. I’ll have a poll up so people can vote for their favorite name.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, and Little Miss Attila, thanks.


38 thoughts on “Hey, Maybe It’s Time For a Conservative Counterpart to “Tea Party Tracker”(UPDATE- Name That Website!)

  1. Pingback: Do We Need a “Dem Thuggery” Website?

  2. The monkeyshines of the NAACP and other communist front orgs are symptomatic of the fact that unions and their thuggish monkeys must be CRUSHED. Period. End stop.

    Whining RINOs like Mitch Daniels make me PUKE when they are stymied by an absentee Dem legislative branch and then meekly submit to blackmail.

    Someone give Mitch his balls back, he may need them later.


  3. Pingback: Video: Union Brute Threatens Cameraman with Sexual Assault | The Lonely Conservative

  4. Hate’s too vague, IMO. Plus it’s one of a their favorite words. There are plenty of things I “hate”. I’m just not a bully or a thug about it. This calls for something stronger – or more ironic like “incivility watch”.


  5. My website is a blog I just started to keep track of these things, at least temporarily. If someone wants to do something more specific that’s great, but I wanted to at least get the ball rolling.


  6. Hi, Deb. Some time reader, first time commenter. Wandered over from Michelle’s site. I’ve thought about doing something exactly like this, but I’ve never started a blog before. I figured it was a matter of time before someone else would do it. The time is now, it would seem. So here are a few ideas:

    The Collective Bargain Bin
    The Deep-Fried Turkey Database
    Bloody Civil Compendium
    The Diary of Furious Comity


  7. What started out as crybabies wanting more-more-more has become a something of a civil war. The unions are now just dimwitted pawns of corrupt liberal leaders, surogates used to battle the TEA Party. This is likely to escalate into tragedy. It is time for the governors to crack down with some serious force and restore order.


  8. How about Phony Tea Party Union Guy tracker?

    Uh huh, because union thugs need help looking unhinged? Please. Mark Williams isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. He was kicked out of the Tea Party Express for a reason.


  9. Great idea Nice Deb. Once the videos are all in one place, we can start identifying the participants and repeat offenders.
    Website name suggestions:

    Progressive Thuggery
    Have Goon Will Travel
    Dem Brutes
    Left Punk Nation
    Oh Yes They Did


  10. Pingback: Video: Unhinged and (Literally) Foaming At The Mouth Pro-Union Thug Says, “I’ll Make You Suffer” « Nice Deb

  11. Pingback: Kansas Republican House Speaker Considers Banning Union Lobbyists From Statehouse After Obscene Voting Fracas « Nice Deb

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