Rasmussen Report Shows Fleebaggers Not Winning Over Public

Image via Business Insider

The Wisconsin Senators’ strategy of cutting and running from the jobs they were elected to do, isn’t going over well with voters, Rasmussen reports, today:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 25% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of this tactic, while 67% disapprove. State legislators in Indiana have used the same approach to avoid a vote in their state. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Sizable majorities of Republicans and voters not affiliated with either major party reject such a strategy. Democrats are fairly evenly divided, with 48% approving and 44% disapproving.

I’m pretty sure I heard a Wisconsin Dem on The Greta Van Susteren show, last night say that the fleebaggers were getting lots of encouragement and support from the masses.

Not as much as they would like, apparently.

Meanwhile, Governor Walker is playing hardball: Wisconsin police sent to search for Democratic senators.

(Reuters) – Wisconsin Republicans dispatched police to the homes of absent Democratic senators on Thursday to try to round them up for a vote on a plan to strip public sector unions of most collective bargaining rights.

While the search failed to find the Democrats, it raised the stakes as Gov. Scott Walker’s self-imposed deadline of Friday for approving the proposal neared.

See Also:

The Business Insider: Meet The 14 Democratic Fleebaggers Everyone Is Talking About

Hat tip: Charles B.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!


Hey, Maybe It’s Time For a Conservative Counterpart to “Tea Party Tracker”(UPDATE- Name That Website!)

Pic from union astroturf rally in Denver via El Marco.

Remember how late  last Summer, the NAACP partnered with Media Matters, Think Progress and New Left Media to launch the weak and laughable teapartytracker.org, a website  set up to  publish and monitor “racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement?” Apparently, they had trouble finding material because their last post is dated 10/20/10, and it links to a progressive organization’s “study” of supposed Tea party racism. Where are the damning videos? The one featured on their website merely shows a New Left Media reporter sticking a microphone in the faces of calm and reasonable tea partiers attending Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in DC, last Fall.

When anti-Koch protesters in CA attacked Clarence Thomas with disgusting and blatantly racist comments, not long ago, the same NAACP couldn’t be bothered  to condemn the comments.

A hard and fast rule every. time. progressives hold a rally, their extreme, hard-left pathologies are on display. And now, with more and more conservative activists covering their events, their moonbattery is increasingly videotaped for everyone to see. Just in the past week, with pro-union rallies occurring in multiple states, we’ve been given reams of incredible material to expose them with:

SATURDAY: Union protester is arrested for attempting to jack with the tea partiers’ sound system at the Madison rally.

TUESDAY: Union protesters accost a gay black tea partier in Denver Colorado. They call him “son,” and ask him if he has any children that he “claims.”

WEDNESDAY: Diminutive Tabitha Hale ventures from the new Freedom Works offices (moved to a more secure location because they received a lot of threats) to get some video of the protesters outside. She is promptly slapped upside the head by a CWA protester.

Videos at Big Journalism.

On top of that, Michelle Malkin has: Video: Rhode Island union supporter to cameraman – “I’ll f**k you in the ass, you faggot”

and Video: Ohio union goon curses Tea Party activists (language warning)

and More Union Civility: Eyewitness to Boston thuggery; Plus: Die, elderly Tea Partiers, die!

Uncoverage: Tea Party Congress Candidate Roughed Up by Union Goons at Mass. Rally

Here’s Breitbart Tv with another: More Hate From Union Thug Protesters: ‘You’re a Bad Jew’

These obvious candidates for the new Az Institute for Civil Discourse need more exposure.

It’s all well and good that we are posting these videos on our own sites, but I think it would be helpful if there was one website that did nothing but tracked these types of episodes. Call it “Thug Watch”, or “Left-Wing Tracker” – I’m sure someone could think of something better.

One thing is for sure – we would have plenty of material to keep it updated.

The Make Believe Media have no interest in covering stories that counter their anti-tea party narrative. Since we have to do it ourselves, we should make it easier for the public to find the truth.


Here are some more examples of left-wing thuggery I listed in a post last August:

As the tea party “edges closer” to violence (not), the left continues its reign of political terror, unabated – firebombing campaign offices, stabbing Muslim cabdrivers, cussing out Holocaust survivors, biting off fingers, SRLC Republican beatdowns, throwing eggs at tea party buses,   etc,   etcetc. (I can go on forever).

Lefty union members, especially, have been the biggest perpetrators of town hall and tea party violence:

Union Thugs Attack Protester In Tampa

SEIU Thugs Attack a Black Conservative Kenneth Gladney Outside Russ Carnahan Townhall

Breaking: Radical Union Organizer-Black Liberation Activist Slugs Tea Party Protester in Face (Video) …Update: YouTube Removes Attack Video

CNA goon assaults cameramen at anti-Whitman rally.

Union Thugs Invade Tea Party Searchlight Nevada – Aggressors Play the Race Card (videos)

Union Thugs Attack Tea Party Member in Fort Lauderdale

Union thugs storm the front yards of banking lobbyists, take over some banks


“Mostly Peaceful” May Day Rally In SF Turns Violent As Pro-Illegal Immigrant Protesters Attack And Injure Minutemen

Video: Extreme Content Warning – (Recording Liberal hate speech)

See what I mean? We need to put all these in one place.


James the Wanderer suggested I hold a contest to come up with a good name for the site:

Ideas so far:

Little Miss Attila: “Dem Thuggery”

Mama AJ: “Beware the Union Label”

James the Wanderer: Hatewatch

My idea was “Thug Watch”.

billiams Says:  How about “Moonbeam Monitor” or “Nutroots on Display

Bildo Says: Thugopolis, DemoThugs, ThugsRUnion, Look for the Thug Lable

Lee has some good ones:



If no one else steps up, I’ll get the website and YouTube channel going, myself.  Hubby has agreed to help me with it. I want to have it ready to go by Sat. night for this weekend’s union protests..

Keep giving me ideas for names.


Check back tomorrow. I’ll have a poll up so people can vote for their favorite name.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, and Little Miss Attila, thanks.


Lefty Donors Coordinating Huge 2012 Propaganda Campaign For Obama

Via Weasel Zippers The WSJ reports:

Wealthy Democratic donors and party activists have met several times in recent months to map out the best way to help Mr. Obama win a second term.

The meetings have included representatives of labor groups such as the AFL-CIO, the National Education Association and the Service Employees International Union; abortion-rights organizations including NARAL Pro-Choice America; the League of Conservation Voters and other environmental groups; and some of the biggest Democratic campaign givers and insiders, such as strategist Harold Ickes.

“There is a general consensus that there needs to be something big on our side to counter what the other side did in the last election,” said Steve Rosenthal, a Democratic strategist who led one recent meeting at Tuscana West, an Italian restaurant in Washington.

“To counter what the other side did…”??? Are we supposed to believe that the Democrats were outspent in the last election? Because they weren’t.

In two-thirds of the House seats that Republicans picked up Tuesday, Democratic candidates had more money behind them than Republicans, according to a Washington Post analysis of data from the Federal Election Commission.

Overall, Democratic candidates in the 63 races that flipped to the GOP had $206.4 million behind them, a tally that includes candidate fundraising and spending by parties and interests. That compares to only $171.7 million for their GOP rivals.

Democrats are mad because they only outspent the Republicans by 34.7 million in 2010. Apparently, in order to win with their toxic policies, and abysmal records, they need to absolutely crush us in fund-raising. Only then, will they finally, finally be able to get their “message” out.

And as John Hinderaker noted in Powerline, yesterday, the biggest donors (unions mostly) already give to Democrats.

Doug Ross says:

It certainly seems reasonable to me that the taxpayers are, in large part, funding Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign through public sector workers’ forced contributions to unions.

Dems have a nice little racket going for themselves, don’t they?

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!


Boot Camps For Radicals? Obama Recruiting an Army Of Community Organizers

Remember Investors Business Daily’s chilling article, Boot Camps For Radicals in September of ’08? — How we had hoped and prayed that it was just overblown Republican scare-mongering?:

Big Brother had nothing on the Obamas. They plan to herd American youth into government-funded reeducation camps where they’ll be brainwashed into thinking America is a racist, oppressive place in need of “social change.”

The pitch Public Allies makes on its Web site doesn’t seem all that radical. It promises to place young adults (18-30) in paid one-year “community leadership” positions with nonprofit or government agencies. They’ll also be required to attend weekly training workshops and three retreats.

In exchange, they’ll get a monthly stipend of up to $1,800, plus paid health and child care. They also get a post-service education award of $4,725 that can be used to pay off past student loans or fund future education.

But its real mission is to radicalize American youth and use them to bring about “social change” through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation — the tactics used by the father of community organizing, Saul “The Red” Alinsky.

“Our alumni are more than twice as likely as 18-34 year olds to  engage in protest activities,” Public Allies boasts in a document found with its tax filings. It has already deployed an army of 2,200 community organizers like Obama to agitate for “justice” and “equality” in his hometown of Chicago and other U.S. cities, including Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York, Phoenix, Pittsburgh and Washington. “I get to practice being an activist,” and get paid for it, gushed Cincinnati recruit Amy Vincent.

Fast forward to Feb/2011.

Image via The Blaze

Andrew Malcolm writes in the LA Times:

The community organizer who became president has launched a massive pre-reelection year campaign to assemble and train an army of new community organizers to carry Obama’s “movement forward for years to come.”


The message about what it calls the “Summer Organizing Fellowship” adds: “Effective organizing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It takes commitment, time, and hard work to build a movement around a cause.” It does not specify what the “cause” is, other than promoting Obama and his agenda.News of the community organizer drive went out in an e-mail to millions of supporters and past donors Tuesday night by the ongoing arm of the Obama campaign, Organizing for America.

It appealed for workers of all ages to volunteer to undergo professional organizational training this summer for stationing in communities all over the nation to drive President Obama’s social and political agenda.

The cadres “will be assigned to a specific community,” the message informs, “where they’ll work to organize supporters street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood.”

Their job will involve recruiting additional Obama workers, running Obama-related events, knocking on doors to talk of Obama “and lay new groundwork to carry this movement forward for years to come.”


The appeal cites as one role model Nikki Giancola who underwent the training, then quit her middle school teacher’s job to become a regional Obama field director and the satisfaction she felt “in helping millions of people.”

Read the whole thing, here.

Are we as  citizens supposed to be okay with this? Because I find it very troubling and improper that the President of the United States is community organizing the country. Where is the money coming from?


The OFA website says “All summer organizer positions are volunteer and unpaid”, but obviously, money goes into training, and resources. And according to the report, the volunteer positions can lead to full time careers working for the Obama agenda.

From their FAQ Page:

Can I do work from home?

Working side by side with people is essential to organizing, so your time will be spent out in communities with other organizers, OFA staff, community members and OFA volunteers.

If I travel to another state, will housing be provided?

While housing is not guaranteed, state staff will do the best they can to provide free housing with a local supporter for the duration of the program.


Summer Organizer Materials


Unions, Pro-Abortion Groups, Leftist Donors Coordinating Huge 2012 Propaganda Campaign on Obama’s Behalf…

See also:

The Blaze: ObamaCamp! Organizing for America Will Deploy Young Cadres on ‘Summer Organizing Fellowships’

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, and Doug Ross, thanks!.