“Lion Whisperer” Hasn’t Met Niblets

niblets.jpgKevin Richardson can “spend the night curled up” with lions, “caresses them”, he can “Hold newborn hyena cubs without the mother pouncing to the rescue”…bla bla bla.

In my yard, mice run from cats, dogs run from cats, raccoons run from cats. But they all run from the rabbit. Our rabbit.

♫”Farewell, and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies….”♫

34 thoughts on ““Lion Whisperer” Hasn’t Met Niblets

  1. ♫ Farewell, ♪ and adieu ♪ to you fair Spanish ladies ♫

    Alt 13 = ♪
    Alt 14 = ♫
    So you can be musical like wiserbud 🙂


  2. Did you:
    1. hold down the alt key
    2. press the numbers into the number pad on the right of the keyboard
    3. release the alt key
    That should work.
    I’m stealing it from him too. We love him for his brain.


  3. We love him for his brain.

    Story of my life.

    I work like a maniac on this incredible 6’2″ 200lb, perfectly sculpted body of mine and what do I constantly hear about instead? “Oooo, look how smart he is…Ooooo, look at how witty he is….Ooooo, he knows soooo much…..”

    Women are amazingly shallow.


  4. again? Okay. if you insist.

    This was a motivational poster I did for AoS about a year ago, using a picture I had of myself from my trip to the islands the previous winter. I cut the head off the picture, as I really don’t want my face available on the web.


  5. I *cough* believe *cough* wiserbud *cough* too
    After seeing that picture, I believe he’s a traveling salesman. He sells depilatories. Or wax.


  6. pattyann Says:
    June 26th, 2007 at 6:48 pm
    I *cough* believe *cough* wiserbud *cough* too
    After seeing that picture, I believe he’s a traveling salesman. He sells depilatories. Or wax.

    So wiserbud is one of Bart’s partners? Or rather Bart’s supplier.

    nicedeb, my comment thingy might be working now. Is there a viagra for comment thingy since apparently it is suffering from commentile dysfunction?


  7. Yep, I might as well tell Crranky his blog is broke. I just told Dave his link was broken. KC blog is our note-leaving blog lol


  8. Hmmm, looks like the ladies here may have caught themselves a bit of a summer cold.

    Those are the worst, aren’t they?


  9. ladies complaining like they have a summer cold? or ladies actually having one?

    don’t mind the later, the former I don’t act like I mind, but really, it’s just a pain in the ass.


  10. Do I have a spam bucket? Because I think it just ate my last comment.

    Shit, I hate repeating myself….but:

    I really AM just getting over a summer cold.

    So there!


  11. At least blogs are better than muds with the same rules. Many muds, back in the day would time the comments, and just inundate you with stored batching.


    Especially when you got as many hate tell’s as I did.


  12. Say, Wiserbud, whatever happened to Rosetta? We haven’t seen him/her for awhile.

    Ya got me. It’s too bad he left. He was fun. I have a suspicion as to what may have caused his departure, but I might be giving away too much if I give my theory.

    Let’s just say that some spouses may not be as patient with this little hobby of ours as others.


  13. Pingback: Robber Holds Up British Shop Armed With Vibrator « The Hostages

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