Illegal Obama Campaign Hijinx The MSM Will Probably Ignore

Well, it looks like the Obama campaign is pulling out all the stops…and they’ll most likely get away with it.

Illegal get-out-the-vote drives are being held in swing state mosques, Central Ohioans Against Terrorism is reporting:

The group, Muslim Americans for Obama, has announced a series of “get out the vote” events at mosques in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and Ohio this week during Ramadan celebrations. As can be seen in the announcement reprinted below, the organization admits these are “get out the vote” events masquerading as “voter registration”:
Muslim Americans for Obama will be working to get out the vote for Sen. Obama, and they need help registering voters! Volunteers need not be Muslim, though appropriate attire is advised (no sleeveless tops; long pants and ankle-length skirts recommended).These get out the vote events, of course, flagrantly violate the tax exempt status of these participating mosques, including our own local Noor Islamic Cultural Center, which are strictly prohibited from supporting or endorsing any kind of partisan political activity — even when they claim it is only “voter registration”. In fact, it was these kinds of activities that eventually sunk the Christian Coalition’s tax exempt status with the IRS.

Voter registration drives at religious institutions are only legal if the organization is non-partisan.

“Muslims for Obama”, the sponsor of these events, is unquestionably a partisan organization, and thus, any participation by these mosques is illegal and violates their tax exempt status. Additionally, since the Muslims for Obama announcement says that these voter registration drives are intended to “get out the vote for Sen. Obama”, they are considered partisan under the law and illegal on that basis as well – in addition to the fact that these events are sponsored by a partisan organization.

Is anybody going to do anything about this?

Here are the Secretaries of State of the states involved:

Jennifer Brunner, D. Ohio ***SEE UPDATE!

Pedro A. Cortez, D. PA

Terry Lynn Land, R. MI

Katherine K. Hanley, D. VA

Cortés-Vázquez, D. NY

Nina Mitchell Wells , NJ

I originally posted these attorney general web pages, (when I meant Sec. of State). Don’t ask me what I was thinking…I don’t know, I had a brain fart, I guess. I’m not sure if these Attorney Generals can be of any help, but here they are, anyway:

Nancy H. Rogers, D, Ohio.

Mike Cox, R. Michigan

Andrew Cuomo, D. New York

Tom Corbitt, R. Pennsylvania

Ann Milgram, D. New Jersey

Bob McDonnell, R. Virginia

Via: Gateway Pundit, who also reports:

More…Ohio Obama supporters are dragging homeless people off the streets in to vote.


It figures… The Iraqi Parliament just banned using mosques during election times:

…The law includes a provision that allocates 25 percent of the seats to women and a prohibition on the use of mosques, pictures of clerical leaders and government institutions during the campaign season.But, they don’t have Barack Obama on the ballot.

Andrew McCarthy reports on Obama’s “funny money”:

My pal Diana West points me to Ken Timmerman’s must-read Newsmax column— which naturally is getting no coverage in the MSM — about Sen. Obama’s eye-popping fundraising operation. Bottom line: the would-be President of the World is raising goo-gobs of money from foreigners outside the United States (a violation of federal law), and matching goo-gobs of money inside the United States from phantoms who are blowing out the individual contribution limits by, among other devices, making up identies and breaking up contributions in amounts less than $200, for which reporting requirements are less rigorous.

According to Ken, the Obama campaign has raised nearly half a billion
dollars ($429.6M) but refuses to provide the names of most of the
donors. Election law requires the campaign to track this information
but not for it to disclose the names of those who donate less than
$200, which is most Obama donors. (Sen. McCain discloses the names of
all donors.)  The Obama campaign has raised millions upon millions of
dollars from outside the United States. Only Americans living overseas
may lawfully contribute, but because the Obama vetting machinery is
negligent (or worse), the probability is that enormous sums are coming
from foreigners. The campaign knows the FEC is a lethargic agency and
won’t have a full accounting until perhaps years after the election.

This typifies the domestic fundraising issue:

a letter dated June 25, 2008, the FEC asked the Obama campaign to
verify a series of $25 donations from a contributor identified as
“Will, Good” from Austin, Texas. Mr. Good Will listed his employer as
“Loving” and his profession as “You.”

A Newsmax analysis of the
1.4 million individual contributions in the latest master file for the
Obama campaign discovered 1,000 separate entries for Mr. Good Will,
most of them for $25. In total, Mr. Good Will gave $17,375.

this and subsequent FEC requests, campaign records show that 330
contributions from Mr. Good Will were credited back to a credit card.
But the most recent report, filed on Sept. 20, showed a net cumulative
balance of $8,950 — still well over the $4,600 limit.

Blah. Go read the entire thing if your heart can take it.

Hot Air is also on this:

But the fun doesn’t end there. Remember that phone bank in Gaza? Combine it with the Economist feature I linked yesterday on the “world electoral vote” and consider the implications:

Until recently, the Obama Web site allowed a contributor to select the country where he resided from the entire membership of the United Nations, including such friendly places as North Korea and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Unlike McCain’s or Sen. Hillary Clinton’s online donation pages, the Obama site did not ask for proof of citizenship until just recently. Clinton’s presidential campaign required U.S. citizens living abroad to actually fax a copy of their passport before a donation would be accepted.

With such lax vetting of foreign contributions, the Obama campaign may have indirectly contributed to questionable fundraising by foreigners.

Why would The One be so negligent about his standards knowing that, at the very least, it creates an appearance of impropriety? Because, dummy: He knows big media’s not going to press him on it. And with that, I’ll keep my promise and send you off to dive in.

Chicago rules, people.Obama said “McCain doesn’t know what he’s up against”, and he was right; the old war-horse really can’t even begin to relate to this kind of politicking.


This is truly getting ugly.

The Democrat Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner is behind the new rule in the state that allows Ohio citizens to register and vote on the same day.

She’s also the one who directed county boards of elections to deny absentee ballots to thousands of qualified Ohio electors who support Senator John McCain who fail to check a box that was not mandated by Ohio law.

Now this:

That’s right, she’s banned observers from polling stations.

“The General Assembly didn’t provide for this.”???


We Republicans are such whiners, aren’t we?

Why should we complain?

The fix is in. We may as well just accept it.



From The American Spectator’s Washington Prowler:

An auditor for the Federal Election Commission is attempting to have his bosses seek a formal investigation into the collection by the Obama for President campaign of more than $200 million in potentially illegal political donations, including millions of dollars of illegal, foreign donations, and has sought a request for assistance from the Department of Justice or Federal Bureau of Investigation. But the analyst’s requests have largely been ignored.

12 thoughts on “Illegal Obama Campaign Hijinx The MSM Will Probably Ignore

  1. You mentioned that Michigan is one of the states in which this chicanery is to happen. Where do I find which mosques are involved so I can appropriately inform Mike Cox?


  2. Hmmm, Andrew Cuomo. Liberal Democrat. Son of Mario – quite probably more of an elitist know-it-all than Joey “Plugs” Biden. I don’t think calling him would get me anywhere.


  3. Obama asks his zombie followers…..”are you going to believe your lying eyes or are you going to believe me”? I have come to the conclusion that the “one” could be involved with child pornoghaphy and his loyal followers would still genuflect in front of this whack job.


  4. Pingback: Time To Ask A Lot Of Questions About Obama’s Unreported Campaign Donations | Right Voices

  5. I supported Obama, first donation in April, and I had to put in my passport number each time, also for Hillary. So I doubt what you are saying is true. ( I am overseas citizen who is paying taxes every year).

    Funny as well that you don’t want americans in iraq/iran etc contributing, are not most of them serviceman, missionaries and government employees?


  6. hahahahah … oh Deb, you silly lady! Those people are incapable of reading anything except “Obama”, “Democrat”, “Palin/McCain” are evil, “Bush lied”, etc. They are genetically incapable of rational thought!


  7. Your reasoning skills are incredible, albeit incredibly wrong and clouded. Don’t you think this election is about “We the People” versus “We the Republicans” or “We the Democrats”. In fact, beyond the obvious seperation in income level, diversity, abiding by the constitution, and rewriting laws at will if they don’t agree with your right sided base, restricting civil liberties guaranteed by the constitution of this great nation both of these parties are similiar. In fact, they used to be one party…..the Democratic Republicans. If you’d really like to change the way the government is operating take time to challenge your party instead of following hook, line, and sinker. As a matter of fact, become an undeclared Independent or a member of the Constitution Party. Just please….stop drinking the kool-aid (rememeber the Guyana Tragedy)! None of these people walk on water and none are perfect. They are willing to serve “We the People”. Are you? And please, stop pointing fingers at the Democrats or Republicans or providing their soapbox. Make your own decisions with your own mind.


  8. Wow lady.

    After that incomprehensible load of Caca, you’re questioning MY reasoning skills? You’re accusing someone who questions “The ONE” of drinking Koolaid? Oh my God, that is rich.

    Is that supposed to make any sense in light of everything that has been uncovered, and is being ignored because the media has picked its candidate, and this year, is not even pretending to be impartial?

    I’ve made my decision, you fool, and it’s that Obama, is a thoroughly corrupt, raging marxist who will do whatever it takes to get elected, and the MSM is hellbent on helping him. How the hell is it, that you don’t see it? Why would you excuse the Democrat voter fraud that goes on every election cycle, this year the worst ever?

    Anything goes, Saul Alinsky rules, right?


  9. I did read your links. I was just questioning the donation thing for americans living abroad. I used Obama’s website and I had to put in my passport number if you have an overseas address. In the springtime. So i am questioning your source on that one issue where you suggested they did not require it. I could not check mccains site( as they cannot take donations) but the republicans abroad website allows you to donate without ANY evidence of citizenship. (ie no passport or passport number)

    On your side however,Observers at polls are a good idea. I personally think that only NON partisans should be involved in elections. This political stuff is all crap, and it goes both way. There should be oversite of all polls to make sure there is no chance of fraud.

    Re the mosque thing, they are doing the registration near the mosques, not in the mosques. So i don’t think the mosques are inviting them in. Not sure on the law on this, but i suspect if someone is outside your church and you do not invite them in? Is it a violation?


  10. The source for the lax vetting on the Obama website from foreign contributors was The Economist, a well regarded magazine that regards itself as classically liberal.

    You only supplied your passport number…Did you have to fax a copy of your passport?

    Obama understands that the FEC won’t get around to a full accounting until after the election.

    You don’t see the possibility (probability) of abuse, here?

    He also refuses to disclose the names of those who donate less than $200, which is most Obama donors. Sen. McCain discloses the names of all donors.


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