MN Rep Michele Bachmann Pilloried By Left For Speaking The Truth

I first heard about this media firestorm, last night as I was listening to The Mark Levin Show.  You can listen to the clip, here.

Michele Bachmann, Incumbent Republican candidate for US Representative from Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District., is under intense fire for her appearance on Hardball, where Chris Matthews, outraged over John McCain’s robo-calls about Bill Ayers,  repeatedly tried to bait her into sayng Barack Obama and others in Congress were un-American. He succeeded in making her agree that many of his associations, absolutely are, and agree to the possibility that Obama, himself, harbors anti-American views.

I had to watch several videos from YouTube before I found one that hadn’t been edited by a leftist to put her words in the most unflattering light. This one seems unedited:

Bachmann’s appearance was immediately demonized to such a degree by Democrats in MN that they were able to raise two million dollars for her opponent over the weekend.

Naturally, the left is out to destroy her because she dared to speak the truth about Obama, which to them is McCarthyism.

You know who didn’t speak the truth in that clip? You know who was purposefully deceptive? Chris Matthews, that’s who:

“This connection you’re talking about, between the Democratic candidate for President, and his connection back in the nineties with Bill Ayers who was involved with the Weathermen group back in the sixties and the early seventies”….

Notice his repeated use of “back in” in order to make the connection seem distant and insignificant.

Well it just so happens, Chris Matthews, that Obama and Ayers’ “connection” (read: close relationship) goes all the way back to the 2000’s. In other words, until fairly recently; until he gleaned that it was a good idea to throw Ayers under the bus, where so many of his associations over the years have been thrown.

Also, Bill Ayers wasn’t just “involved with” the Weathermen, he was the leader of the homegrown terrorist group, and it bears repeating that he has never repented, and in fact says they didn’t do enough.

But, sure, go ahead and attack Michele Bachmann for her so called “McCarthyism”, because she thinks Americans should take a closer look at Obama, considering his history of radical, and far left associations, and supporters.

Michele Bachmann is a strong, pro-life, Reagan Republican who grew up in a Democratic family. She has five children of her own, and over the years has taken in 23 foster children, all of them teenage girls.

Her campaign is in trouble now, and she needs help to combat the lies that are being told about her. You can contribute to her besieged campaign, here.


A good read at Human Events, The Left’s War On The Truth:

After Joe the Plumber voiced concern that Barack Obama’s tax policies would stifle the economy, he learned what Kathleen Willey learned during Bill Clinton’s reign in the 1990s: If you accuse a Democrat of wrongdoing or question their policies, you can count on your character being attacked in the mainstream media.  You may even face legal charges.

The Left is sponsoring a war on truth, and casualties in this war continue to be those brave enough to stand up against corruption and exercise the increasingly “fringe” right of freedom of speech.


Newsbusters watching The View so you don’t have to:

Joy Behar labeled Bachmann a “red baiter” and alluded to the McCarthy era. Whoopi Goldberg asked “it okay for someone to start attacking your beliefs in your country because you don’t agree with their views?” Sherri Shepherd, who has confused historic time lines, recalls growing up in the McCarthy era before other co-hosts reminded her she was not yet born. Even the token Republican, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, would not defend Congresswoman Bachmann

Depressing. It’s like reverse red-baiting.

4 thoughts on “MN Rep Michele Bachmann Pilloried By Left For Speaking The Truth

  1. Matthews should have followed up and asked Bachmann if she expected the media to find any anti-American views amongst the Republicans in Congress. I think that would have really exposed how silly her comments were.


  2. Chen, first of all, Matthews is the one who was trying to bait her into saying, “anti-American”. She didn’t go on that show with the intention of saying that Obama is anti-American. And in fact, she didn’t. Watch carefully.

    She did want to point out that Obama has a long history of hanging around people with anti-American views, and that says something about his own judgment and views. She was absolutely right about that.


  3. Bachmann said (and I quote):

    “I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America, or anti-America. I think the American people would love to see an expose like that.”

    So, what I’m saying is that Matthews should have followed up and asked if she would expect any Republicans to show up on the “anti-America” side. Seems logical to me, anyway.


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