Obama To Donate $400,000 To Gaddafi Charity, Stiffs Alaskan WWII Vets

Two stories jumped out at me this morning… first we have the President’s plan to donate U.S. taxpayer money to the insane  Libyan dictator’s  family:

The Obama Administration plans to give $400,000 in funding to a Libyan charity run by the Gadhafi family, and U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) wants the grant withdrawn.

The money would be divided between two foundations run by the family of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi. A $200,000 share is set to go to the Gadhafi Development Foundation, which is run by Gadhafi’s son, Saif, and another $200,000 are to go to Wa Attassimou, an organization run by Muammar Gadhafi’s daughter, Aisha.

And then we have the President’s disapproval of pension money for members of the WWII-era Alaskan Territorial Guard:

The White House move drew swift rebuke from the state’s two senators, Republican Lisa Murkowski and Democrat Mark Begich, who had together sponsored the pension fix.

The legislation honors 26 elderly Alaskans who are the few remaining survivors of a military unit that served the country with valor, Murkowski said, calling the administration’s direction “deeply disappointing, bordering on insensitive.”

See Redstate for an outline of  the services these guardsmen provided to our country in a time of war.

Draw your own conclusions.


With apologies to REO Speedwagon, Dan at POWOP expresses his feelings re the WWII Alaskan guard story, in song:

It’s time for me to die

6 thoughts on “Obama To Donate $400,000 To Gaddafi Charity, Stiffs Alaskan WWII Vets

  1. Pingback: Time For Me To Die « POWIP

  2. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for Obama To Donate $400,000 To Gaddafi Charity, Stiffs Alaskan WWII Vets « Nice Deb [nicedeb.wordpress.com] on Topsy.com

  3. obama just wants to help Daddy. Qaddafi did call obama son. Just as the Alaskan Vets got the shaft…that is what will happen to all the people of the U.S. Only someone that has no interest in the American people could do the things that this person now in the W.H. is doing. Do you think perhaps a couple families who no longer have a job could have used some of that money? If obama didn’t want to do that…how about buying michelle a new belt.


  4. I wonder when the time will come that Dear Leader will invite one of these Islamic dictators to come to the U.S. and help govern our country? This president is simply a disgust. He’s frightening, and it only becomes worse each and everyday. We are headed for very, very troubling times in the Untied States. I fear we may see something of a civil war if this kind of horsesh*t doesn’t stop.


  5. CHECK OUT THE NEW BOOK : “The Monuments Men” : Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt In History By Robert Edsel


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