Nevermind the Classroom Teleprompters…Where’s “Safe School Czar”, Kevin Jennings?

Barack Obama and Arne Duncan talk to the kids at Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, Virginia. Note the distinct lack of teleprompters.

Okay fine, Obama didn’t use the teleprompters for his visit with the school kids. They were for the prepared remarks to the press, afterward.

Hey, you know what else there’s been a distinct lack of lately, though? Safe School Czar, Kevin Jennings, that’s what:

Something that no one else is talking about, however, is the absence of Kevin Jennings, Obama’s so-called “safe schools czar” from Obama’s visit with schoolkids and subsequent press conference, and frankly – from every education event Obama has ever held.

If the Department of Education is really as proud of Jenings’ appointment and record as they have claimed in the past, why are they hiding him from practically all possible public appearances?

Is it possible the administration is trying their best to do damage control, and that’s why the “safe-schools czar,” since his appointment, has undertaken a perfect disappearing act from the public eye?

Aw, come on Mr President. Trot out your “Safe School Czar”  in front of the kiddies. What could go wrong? He’s got the Media Matters seal of approval, after all.


Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings Hasn’t Been Fired Yet?

Kevin Jennings Still “Safe School Czar” – WHY?

Video: Michelle Malkin Discusses “Safe School Czar” Kevin Jennings On Hannity

More On Kevin Jennings, Obama’s Safe School Czar – It Gets Worse

The Official Media Matters Response To Obama’s Safe School Czar’s Porno Reading List For Kids Scandal

An Open Letter To Obama From A Mother, Re Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings

Deesgusting!:Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings Promoting Child Porn In Classroom Through GLSEN Reading List

Zombie Takes Media Matters To Task On “Safe School Czar” Kevin Jennings

Why Does Obama Have A Known *Pervert Gay Activist (I changed my mind again)PERVERT For His “Safe Schools” Czar?


4 thoughts on “Nevermind the Classroom Teleprompters…Where’s “Safe School Czar”, Kevin Jennings?

  1. (OFF TOPIC)
    Teh Leprecon says HE that we didn’t have in 1994, is gonna complain about the lack of support from Republicans! WOW! Pelosi has an article in that oldest and wisest of publications, Mossy Stone Magazine and speaks of “the limits to bipartisanship.”

    I must say, the Liberals continue to ASTONISH! Can it really be that they actually STILL DO NOT GET IT? Are we gonna hear more of the VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY? I dearly hope so!



  2. So obama didn’t use the telepromters when speaking to the class. Why was a telepromter brought to the school? Why did the media have to cover the fact that he went to the school? Does his ego have to be fed with everything he does?


  3. Pingback: Obama-Pelosi-Reid Secret ObamaCare Hail Mary Pass; hinges on 23 House Cons. DEM votes; GO ACTIVE ON THIS « VotingFemale

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