Kansas City Tea Party Planned For April 15th

It’s being touted as one of the largest in the nation. Last year’s tea party at the Liberty Memorial attracted 5,000 people. In light of recent events, I predict this one will be even bigger.

Via Resist.net:

We invite all Patriots, all Conservative like-minded groups, all Tea Party groups, etc. etc. to join us at Community America Ballpark, home of the Kansas City Tea Party Bones!!!!!

Featured Star & Keynote Speaker – Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani from RagingElephants.org

Musical Guest – Outlaw Jim & The Whiskey Benders!!!!

“980 Live” superstar Darla Jaye will be on-site to broadcast her show directly from the Tea Party!

Much Much More Including A Huge Tribute to our Troops and our Vets!!!!!

There is NO CHARGE to attend! The cost of admission is FREE!

Political Chips and ResistNet want everyone to attend and have a great time! We will be collecting contributions and attempting to raise funds for the DAV or Disabled American Veterans organization!!!!

Concessions will be open and provided by the stadium. You will have complete access to great parking, security, lights, bathrooms, and information from several first class organizations and campaigns.

You can RSVP for this event on the Political Chips Web Site.
***Directions To Community America Ballpark***

From the North: Take I-435 South on the Kansas side to Parallel Parkway West (exit #14B). Merge onto Parallel Parkway and continue west until 110th street. Turn left on 110th and look for parking lot entrance on the left.

From the South: Take I-435 North on the Kansas side to State Avenue West (exit #13B). Merge onto State Avenue and continue west until 110th street. Turn right on 110th and look for parking lot entrance on the right.

From the East: Take I-70 West to I-435 North on the Kansas side to State Avenue West (exit #13B). Merge onto State Avenue and continue west until 110th street. Turn right on 110th and look for parking lot entrance on the right.

From the West: Take I-70 East to I-435 North on the Kansas side. Take I-435 north to State Avenue West (exit#13B). Merge onto State Avenue and continue west until 110th street. Turn right onto 110th street and look for parking lot entrance on the right.

***Hotel Information***

For those of you coming from far away, we have identified three hotels that are within walking distance of the ballpark and the Legends. The first is the “Country Inn & Suites” and the number is 1-800-596-2375. The second is “Candlewood Suites” and their number is 1-877-226-3539. A 3rd option is Hampton Inn & Suites.


FYI to all Kansas City area tea partiers – The Tea Party express makes a stop in Topeka on April 2:

Topeka, KS


Friday, April 2nd at 10:00 am

Rally Location:
State Capitol (tentative)
300 SW 10th Ave
Topeka, KS 66612

24 thoughts on “Kansas City Tea Party Planned For April 15th

  1. Pingback: Kansas City Tea Party Organized

  2. Pingback: Reminder: Kansas City Tax Day Tea Parties Scheduled For April 15 « Nice Deb

  3. I attended last year at the Liberty Memorial. Drove to DC from Kansas to protest the first round of the health care rape. I urge all of you to go to this rally. Stupak saw the handwriting on the wall. We need to make all of them understand that same prose. Dodd is gone. Brownback is gone. Roberts is gone. How many more have to say “want to spend more time with my family” before we realize that our voices make the difference! If you think Washington represents the will of the people then stay home. If you do not, then take the trip and shout. You do not have to have signs or crab hats. Just show up. Trust me. You will meet and talk to people that have their heads out of their buttocks.
    God bless America and God bless George Washington.
    Matthew K. Dunn
    Highland, Kansas


  4. Pingback: Jon Voight’s Letter To America « Nice Deb

  5. I have listended to your ranting and raving over the heath care reform bill. But you offer no alternative. You are nothing more that a fringe elelment that is homophobic or racist, the rest of you are just one knock in the head away from being institutionalized. I will be at your rally and I will express my views, you can call me names but you can not put out the fire that has kept me fighting for 37 years in an attempt to promote progressive causes. We won, so get over it.


  6. Yes, everyone who doesn’t agree with you is “small minded”, “racist”, or “homophobic”.

    You’ve got nuthin’, bucko.

    But do come to the rally and make your views known. It’s a free country. As long as you’re not coming under false pretenses no one has a problem with you.


  7. Are you sure Steve A.’s not being facetious? Nobody could cram so many liberal canards into so few words without really trying. Surely he’s just mocking the shallow nature of liberal causes?

    I guess he’s mocking them regardless of whether he meant to or not.


  8. Steven is absolutely hilarious at his spot-on imitation of an unhinged left-wing nutjob, of an ignorant, brainwashed Keith Olbermann wannabe… er, provided he is merely doing an “imitation.”

    If not, and Steven IS a left-wing nutjob who has glossy photos of Olbermann taped to his bathroom mirror… how’s that statist Kool-aid tasting these days? Keep saying “we won” often and cling bitterly to that, because come November, the opposite will be true. You’re in the minority in America, but just haven’t unglued your eyes from MSNBC’s racist, left-wing propaganda to yet realize it.


  9. Pingback: ObamaCare “Fine Print” Nightmare Continues: Now 60 Doctor-owned Hospitals Canceled Because of Democrats’ New Oppressive Health Law, Thousands of Jobs Killed « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  10. Pingback: Congress Suddenly, Literally Faced with Crappy ObamaCare: Unintentional Language in Bill May Force Congress Members to Give Up Their Own Platinum Packages & Be Part of the American Public « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  11. Pingback: Congress Suddenly, Literally Faced with Crappy ObamaCare: “Unintentional” Language in Bill May Force Congress Members to Give Up Their Own Platinum Packages & Be Part of the American Public « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  12. With all the crap that’s out there, it’s more like eating bad food. I get a pain in my A…I have a new concept! How about stating the truth. Geo. W and chang chang brought this country to it’s knees. They single handedly started a war, killed thousands, spent trillions, , out sourced all our jobs and bankrupt all of us. They left us fighting among ourselves, and wondering what in the hell happened! We diffently need a change from the disfunctional mess the pubs left.


  13. Gail, stop making things up. No one “single handedly” started a war. The Bush administration had the bipartisan consent of Congress, and the support of a majority of the American people prior to both the Afghanistan, and Iraq wars.

    Compare that to the passage of Obamacare, which the majority of the people were against, a majority of the people want repealed, and which passed with precisely 0 of the loyal opposition’s votes.

    You tell me the American people shouldn’t be alarmed.

    The Bush economy, despite 9/11, two wars, and Katrina was soaring until the Democrats took over Congress in 2006. Ask yourself who was more culpable for for the financial disaster of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the Fall of 2008, after Bush tried repeatedly to rein it in:


  14. Did I read this right! “Bush economy soared” ? What country are you living in? The United States that I live in had a surplus when Bush took over. He quickly gave that away. Lied about WMD’s, wasted trillions of dollars for a war we didn’t need or want. Sent million of jobs to Mexico, China and destroyed the middle class. Speaking of Mexico, how about putting 2 border guards in prison and letting the drug dealer go free! Wasn’t that a hoot!!! Back to the war. Outing a CIA agent wasn’t bad enough, but the admin blamed it on Scooter. His wife has a book coming out, you’re going to love. You should be thankful Obama is a nice guy, because he should put the whole bunch in the pen.


  15. OK now I have a few things to say about Healthcare. I totally understand why the Pubs did not back healthcare. No. 1- Pubs celebrate stupidy. They have the attention span of a goat.

    No. 2- Sarah (lock and load) Palin is there leader, I’m sorry, but if that isn’t funny, I’ll kiss your A. You Betcha!!

    No. 3- It’s easier to lie, than to read. Nobody is killing grandma and nobody is going to jail if they can’t afford healthcare.

    No. 4- Personally, I wish Obama would tell the Pub’s they can’t have the new healthcare. The worm would turn then.

    No. 5. Republicans will never pass a bill that will help the little people. That makes them spit green stuff and their head spin around.
    Someone please tell me, what exactly have the Pubs ever done for the average person. If you think that trickle down crap works, you’ll die of thurst before it reaches you.


  16. The Bush economy soared. How many people did you know who were unemployed? After an initial downturn in the economy post 9/11, unemployment went steadily down during the Bush years, until the financial crisis of 2008 (thanks, Dems.) The economy grew until the Dems took over congress.

    Bush didn’t lie about WMD. That’s a dishonest liberal talking point, and you repeat it with great ease. Every intelligence agency in the world was convinced that Saddam had a WMD program, and Bush’s reason for going to war post 9/11 was a solid one, (besides all the violations of UN resolutions). He wanted to strike before a WMD attack on us was imminent.

    wasted trillions of dollars for a war we didn’t need or want

    You may not have wanted it, but in 2003, a majority of Americans did.


    Um, Bush didn’t “destroy the middle class” and he didn’t out a CIA agent…. (Valerie Plame wasn’t even covert).

    You should be thankful Obama is a nice guy, because he should put the whole bunch in the pen.

    Yeah, Obama’s a real charmer. And thanks for demonstrating for us, (as if we needed to be reminded) of the left’s totalitarian leanings.


  17. Gail, I’m not even going to attempt to “rebut” your moronic health care talking points. The Dems lost the debate on Obamacare, a majority of the American people reject it, and every day even more unforeseen, unintended consequences come out about the legislation.

    Republicans would love nothing more than to opt out of it, but we’re going to have to be satisfied with repealing it in 2012.


  18. Ok, Get your text books out. Remember Geo Tennent and Colin Powell when they were at the UN. Powell did not want to make that speech because he wasn’t sure in his own mind there were WMD’s, but he was pressured into it.
    Geo T. sat right behind him, making sure he was convincing enough. When the truth started coming out, Geo T got canned. Colin new he had been lied to by the Bush admin. so he wanted out at the end of the first 4 years. Enough said. Colin Powell is now a proud Democrate.


  19. Ok, I want to see Repeal. You just can’t stand the fact that you just might have to pay a poor persons share of a hospital bill. Remember one thing, Jesus helped the poor, sick, homeless and dying. He must have been a liberal because we seen what a pub does to those people in New Orleans.


  20. Ok, Get your text books out.

    Is that what we’re calling the Democrat Underground, now? Get a grip.

    you just might have to pay a poor persons share of a hospital bill.

    We already do that with Medicaid. Obamacare is designed enslave the middle class to a massive government program.

    I love how the left loves to give Jesus a political affiliation while not believing in him.

    Typical leftist b.s.


  21. Geo T. sat right behind him, making sure he was convincing enough.

    George Tenet, who was appointed by, hmmm, let me see……Bill Clinton? That George Tenet? The one who told Bush that the case for WMD in Iraq was a “slam dunk?” Same George Tenet?

    You just can’t stand the fact that you just might have to pay a poor persons share of a hospital bill.

    You just can’t stand the fact that you just might have to pay for your own hospital bill.


  22. Now you’re saying liberals don’t believe in Jesus. Please, the difference is the liberals do good works and the pubs more or less just do a lot of jaw jacking. When it comes down to actually helping someone, its usually helping themselves in someone’s pocket. Praise the Lord and pass the money plate.

    PS – Valerie Plame may not have been covert but what about the 2 people she worked with that were. There lives were not worth 15 cents by the time Cheney ran his mouth. I believe thats called Treason.


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