Charles K. Drops The Hammer On Obama For His Dithering On Libya

Via Greg Hengler at Townhall, here’s Charles the Great noting that Obama’s “Working On Language That Will Disguise A Failure” in Libya”:

Your must read of the day is Krauthammer’s  Washington Post oped: Obama and Libya: The professor’s war

Here’s an excerpt, but read the whole thing:

And as for the United States, who knows what American policy is. Administration officials insist we are not trying to bring down Gaddafi, even as the president insists that he must go. Although on Tuesday Obama did add “unless he changes his approach.” Approach, mind you.

In any case, for Obama, military objectives take a back seat to diplomatic appearances. The president is obsessed with pretending that we are not running the operation — a dismaying expression of Obama’s view that his country is so tainted by its various sins that it lacks the moral legitimacy to . . . what? Save Third World people from massacre?

Obama seems equally obsessed with handing off the lead role. Hand off to whom? NATO? Quarreling amid Turkish resistance (see above), NATO still can’t agree on taking over command of the airstrike campaign, which is what has kept the Libyan rebels alive.

This confusion is purely the result of Obama’s decision to get America into the war and then immediately relinquish American command. Never modest about himself, Obama is supremely modest about his country. America should be merely “one of the partners among many,” he said Monday. No primus inter pares for him. Even the Clinton administration spoke of America as the indispensable nation. And it remains so. Yet at a time when the world is hungry for America to lead — no one has anything near our capabilities, experience and resources — America is led by a man determined that it should not.

A man who dithers over parchment. Who starts a war from which he wants out right away. Good God. If you go to take Vienna, take Vienna. If you’re not prepared to do so, better then to stay home and do nothing.



Fritzworth at AoSHQ is Watching the liberals peel off

Ace:  Reuters: See, Obama Built A Coalition Whereas Bush Decided to “Go It Alone”

Ace: Ohhh, Canada? Canada Takes Charge of American-Fought War As Canadian Government Falls

See Also:

Jeffrey Kuhner, Washington Times: Obama’s impeachable war:

President Obama has lost his legitimacy to remain in office. The Libyan war has exposed the administration’s lawlessness and rampant criminality. If Republicans and conservatives are serious about restoring constitutional government, they will demand that Mr. Obama be impeached.

Jack Cashill: Why Our Anti-War President Went To War

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks.

Poll: New Tone Nominees For Week of March 20-26

The left loves to chastise conservatives for their “vitriolic discourse”, yet often fail spectacularly to maintain basic civility in their own discourse. The New Tone Award is reserved for liberal notables who demonstrate that double standard. Details about what each nominee said can be found below the poll.

Bill Maher, for calling Sarah Palin  a ‘dumb twat’:

“Did you hear this – Sarah Palin finally heard what happened in Japan and she’s demanding that we invade ‘Tsunami,’” Maher said. “I mean she said, ‘These ‘Tsunamians’ will not get away with this.’ Oh speaking of dumb twats, did you –”

…there’s a certain brand of evangelical Christians who believe in Revelations, that Armageddon is coming, and that will happen in Israel basically….but that’s why they like Israel. That’s why they want Israel to be strong. It’s not because…It’s not because they like Jews or Israelis.

“You’re trying to take up our time getting us to defend your friend Sarah Palin. If you keep us busy defending her, we have less time to defend women’s bodies from the onslaught of reproductive rights attacks and other threats to our freedom, safety, livelihood, etc,” wrote Bennett. “Sorry, but we can’t defend Palin or even Hillary Clinton from every sexist insult hurled at them in the media. That task would be impossible, and it would consume us. You know this would not be a productive way to fight for women’s equal rights, which is why you want us stuck in this morass.”

Joy Behar for lying about Reagan’s AIDS record during her HLN Elizabeth Taylor tribute:

She didn’t like Ronald Reagan’s politics. She knew the Reagans and she was friends with them, I think, but she didn’t like his politics. And here is the reason, I think, because as the AIDS crisis began in 1981, and Reagan couldn’t even say the word “AIDS” until 1987, after 40,000 people had died from the disease.

They’re just looking for opportunities to cheap shot the President. The people who were criticizing Bush had a coherent, had coherent reasons to criticize him. It wasn’t like that. There was coherence to the point of view, where as here, I think you’re exactly right. They would just be trashing him whatever he did, and it feels that way. It feels cheap, it feels shallow.

We have to think much more creatively. The key thing… What does the other side fear the most – they fear disruption. They fear uncertainty. Every article about Europe says in they rioted in Greece the markets went down

The folks that control this country care about one thing how the stock market goes what the bond market does how the bonuses goes. We have a very simple strategy:

  • How do we bring down the stock market
  • How do we bring down their bonuses
  • How do we interfere with there ability to be rich

Frances Fox-Piven’s Leftist Buddy, Barbra Ehrenreich, for Attacking the Tea Party and Saying Americans Are Prozac-Popping Wusses That Won’t Riot:

Video at the link.

“Not since the dark days of the Bush administration have we seen a Republican-controlled Congress that is so intent on pushing their agenda in Washington — protecting tax breaks for oil companies making record profits, attempting to roll back environmental regulations, and not only refusing to pass climate change legislation in any form but refusing to acknowledge that climate change even exists,” Gore wrote in a fundraising pitch for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

Dem Rep. Gary Ackerman and MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur for agreeing that opposing Obama is “unpatriotic”…

On his MSNBC show this evening, Cenk Uygur suggested that opposition to President Obama’s Libya policy is “unpatriotic.” For good measure, Dem congressman Gary Ackerman stated that opposing the president is “cheering for the wrong team.”

Vote here.

Huffpo Caves To Van Jones/Color Of Change Threat: Knocks Breitbart Off Front Page

Graphic via Steven Clark Bradley

Van Jones’ merry band of extortionists known as Color of Change have a track record of pressuring media outlets and sponsors  to suppress speech they don’t like. They’ve had some degree of success with Glenn Beck’s sponsors, and succeeded in booting Andrew Breitbart from ABC’s election night coverage, last year. For a while, yesterday, it looked like they had hit a wall in their campaign to get Andrew Breitbart banned from The Huffington Post; a campaign I should add that was based on lies and smears.

Late yesterday, they succeeded in getting Breitbart booted off the front page. Huffpo claims that the action has nothing to do with the threats of a boycott from the deplorable Van Jones’ group, instead, they say it’s because something Breitbart wrote at another media outlet.

The Huffington Post is committed to fostering a lively and often provocative debate about the issues of the day and encourages a wide range of voices from all perspectives to participate. Andrew Brietbart’s ad hominem attack on Van Jones in The Daily Caller — right down to calling him a “commie punk” and “a cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak” — violates the tenets of debate and civil discourse we have strived for since the day we launched. As a result, we will no longer feature his posts on the front page.

He is welcome to continue publishing his work on HuffPost provided it adheres to our editorial guidelines, as the two posts he published on HuffPost did — guidelines that include a strict prohibition on ad hominem attacks. Our decision today recognizes that placing posts on the front page is an editorial call that elevates some posts over others, and is an indication of how seriously we take these judgment calls.

As Salon’s Alex Pareene noted, Breitbart got just what he wanted:

… getting banned from the Huffington Post proves his thesis about the repressive, anti-free speech liberal media. And he’ll never shut up about it.

Of course, while  it’s obvious that Huffpo was just wanting an excuse to can Breitbart in order to placate Color of Change, they now, (by using the zero tolerance for ad homs defense,) have opened themselves up to close scrutiny from Breitbart’s army of contributors:

ANNOUNCEMENT: Big Journalism Pledges to Help AOL/HuffPo Enforce No ‘Ad Hominem Attacks’ Rule

Early yesterday morning, the Daily Caller published an interview with Andrew Breitbart where the Big Journalism publisher had some choice words on Color of Change founder, former Green Jobs Czar, and HuffPo blogger Van Jones.

“Van Jones is a cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak. And a commie. And an eco-fraudster,” Breitbart said. A few kind words were volunteered for Jones: praise for being “spectacularly well-dressed.”

Mario Ruiz, The Huffington Post’s senior vice president for media relations, told TheDC that Breitbart will not be censored in response to the campaign.


AOL/HuffPo has thousands of bloggers, many of whom have said and will say things much worse than what Breitbart said, so we here at Big Journalism are hereby pledging to help AOL/HuffPo enforce their “no ad hominem attacks by bloggers” rule.  The work will be hard, the hours will be long, but in the name of equality and for the good of the site Andrew Breitbart developed, we will do our best to save AOL/HuffPo from itself.

More at the link where Big Gov’s Alexander Marlow starts with Van Jones, himself.

But-but-but——it’s not hate speech when we do it!

Fun times!


Huffpo has already been shamed into removing one post…

Who knows how many more are to come. Perhaps there will be a long overdue purge.


Some rare intellectual honesty from the left:

Lee Stranahan: Why I’m Quitting Blogging At The Huffington Post:

Addendum: One very loathsome  aspect of this story is something that Huffington Post editor Roy Sekoff told me in a long phone call about Andrew Breitbart several months ago. Roy knows and worked with Andrew and when the issue of Andrew Breitbart being a racist came up, Roy told me “No, of course Andrew isn’t a racist.”

Roy went on to say that while both he and Arianna Huffington knew that the charges of racism being hurled at Andrew weren’t true based on their years of personal dealings with him that they were in a ‘bad position’ to say anything about it.

Politics is a contact sport, but not defending someone you know personally and know the truth about is pretty poor conduct. To stand by and watch their reputation ruined and do nothing when all you have to do is say ‘I know him and that’s not true” is shameful.

These people are morally bankrupt.


How cool is this? Big Journalism has already come up with it’s own Huffpo Ad Hominem Alert graphic:

And, oh dear…it looks like they’ve found yet another example of ad hom on Huff-po’s website.


Via Patterico:

Mickey Kaus, from his new perch at the Daily Caller, observes:

First on the docket: Here’s what HuffPo writer Jason Linkins wrote in 2008 about right wing writer Jerome Corsi:

I want to end today by offering my thanks to Jerome Corsi, white-supremacist Swift Boat turd heel un-American wouldn’t-piss-on-ya-if-you-were-on-fire foamy chancre on the ass of subhumanity extraordinaire. You want to talk about voter enthusiasm? Well, Mr. Corsi, the thought of casting vote against everything you stand for doesn’t just make me feel enthusiastic, it makes me feel ten feet taller, and I get the coppery taste of the gladiator in my mouth. So thank you, pig. [E.A.]

Seems ad hominem to me! It’s almost hard to see how you could be more ad hominem…. Since Linkins clearly violated the tenets of debate and civil discourse HuffPo has strived for since the day they launched, he’s as good as gone from their front page. Open and shut. … Looks like the “nether regions” of HuffPo will be where you have to go to get the juicy stuff. … [Linkins on HuffPo front page right now–ed. That can’t be. Someone tell Arianna.]

Holy Jeez. Huffington publishes something like that, but Andrew Breitbart is considered too over the top for calling Van Jones a commie (he is, btw) on another website?

The stench of hypocrisy over there is just nauseating.


Big Journalism audio: Andrew Breitbart Responds To AOL/HuffPo Ban

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks.
