Video: Sarah Palin’s Speech in India

The Washington Post reported that Palin, on her first trip to India, said she is still mulling over a 2012 run.

Speaking to a hand-picked, elite audience of Indian business tycoons, lawmakers, Bollywood stars, lobbyists and socialites at a packed media conference in New Delhi, Palin deftly handled the question on everyone’s minds: whether she would throw her hat in the ring in 2012.

“I am thinking about it,” said Palin, who fielded at least three questions on the subject. “I don’t think there needs to be a rush . . . I want to find out who else is going to put their name forward in service.”

This speech has got very high marks from Jim Hoft, who posted the live-stream at Gateway Pundit.

I’m just now getting around to listening to it, and  it does sound strong:

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:

Videos via eyeflowerful

If you remember, liberal pundits, (at Obama’s beckoning), lamely tried  to label Obama’s  State of the Union speech, as “Reaganesque”. Of course, it was nothing of the sort. It was the usual boring, cynical,  insincere pack of Obamalies and hopeytales.

Sarah Palin, however, without even trying – simply by being who she is – fit’s the bill.


The Hill has more news on Palin in India:

When asked about the greatest lessons she learned from 2008, Palin did not mention the friction between McCain’s camp and hers. Instead she said the experience informed her public relations strategy.

“One thing I learned is that you cannot trust the mainstream media to accurately report on [your record and accomplishments],” she said. “You have to have the boldness, the courage to set the record straight yourself.”

She even accused Republicans of not defending their records vigorously enough.

“Too often, Republicans have the fighting instinct of sheep sometimes,” she said. When it comes to correcting the record, “I will put my foot down.

Rebutting a criticism often used against her, Palin said, “It’s not victimization, I’m not playing the victim card.

She’s been criticized on both sides for sticking up for herself – most recently on the Republican side, by  Roger Ailes.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, and sisu, and The Powers That Be, thanks


Video: Cultural Marxism and The Frankfort School

I stopped watching sitcoms, and most commercial TV at some point in the late eighties because I was so disgusted by what looked to me like the deliberate destruction of family values. I didn’t know at the time that there was a name for what I was reacting to: Cultural Marxism.

Here, via The Gates of Vienna, is a good discussion of The Frankfort School, the origin of Cultural Marxism:

Linked by: Conservative Hideout 2.0, thanks!


Wis. Attorney General Blasts Judge’s Decision, Vows To Appeal

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen

The Republican Attorney General in Wisconsin is standing up for the rule of law, saying it’s the state legislature’s responsibility to enact laws, not Judge Maryann Sumi’s.  The standoff in Wisconsin rages on.

Brett Healy at Big Government reports:

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen wasted no time Friday in announcing the Department of Justice will appeal a judge’s granting of a restraining order that prohibits the publication of the law enacting the Budget Repair Bill.

“The Legislature and the Governor, not a single Dane County Circuit Court Judge, are responsible for the enactment of laws,” said Van Hollen. “Decisions of the Supreme Court have made it clear that judges may not enjoin the Secretary of State from publishing an Act.”

Earlier Friday, Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi granted a temporary restraining order blocking publication of 2011 Wis. Act 10, the Budget Repair Bill, which contains changes to the collective bargaining process for public employees in Wisconsin.

The judge made her announcement Friday morning, saying she did not see sufficient evidence indicating the legislative conference committee could not have given a 24-hour notice for its meeting last week.

Implementation of the Act cannot begin until it is officially published by the Secretary of State. Sumi’s order puts that process on hold, a move Van Hollen argues exceeds her authority.

“The Legislature and the Governor, not a single Dane County Circuit Court Judge, are responsible for the enactment of laws,” said Van Hollen. “Decisions of the Supreme Court have made it clear that judges may not enjoin the Secretary of State from publishing an Act.”

Earlier Friday, Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi granted a temporary restraining order blocking publication of 2011 Wis. Act 10, the Budget Repair Bill, which contains changes to the collective bargaining process for public employees in Wisconsin.

The judge made her announcement Friday morning, saying she did not see sufficient evidence indicating the legislative conference committee could not have given a 24-hour notice for its meeting last week.

Implementation of the Act cannot begin until it is officially published by the Secretary of State. Sumi’s order puts that process on hold, a move Van Hollen argues exceeds her authority.

Read the rest at Big Government.

Video: John Bolton at CA GOP Convention – Obama “Not Qualified To Be President”

John Bolton’s topic for his CA GOP convention speech was his “Problems with the  Obama administration’s foreign policy”. He started right off throwing red meat to the Republican crowd:

“When President Obama took the office on Jan. 20, 2009, when it came to foreign policy and national security, he wasn’t qualified to be president,” Bolton said. “Today, more than two years later, he’s still not qualified.”

The Politico reported:

During his 27-minute speech to a state GOP convention here, Bolton criticized Obama’s handling of nearly every significant foreign policy matter.

On Libya, Bolton blasted Obama’s latest statement of American goals, saying the White House’s objectives are now “utterly inexplicable,” and that Obama had done a “180-degree shift” on the issue of a no-fly zone.

Likewise, Bolton said Obama was a flip-flopper on Egypt. “Obama had, by my count, four positions on Egypt before Mubarak finally fell.”

Bolton told reporters he’s still considering a 2012 run, but he hasn’t yet made up his mind.

Hat tip: Weasel Zippers

Linked by Marooned in Marin, thanks!


Efforts Underway In Alaska To Dismantle Sarah Palin’s Successful Oil Tax Program, (ACES)

There’s currently an effort underway to give billions of dollars back to the oil companies in Alaska, undermining the tax system passed under Governor Palin’s administration known as ACES (Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share).
Whitney Pitcher at Big Government took on the NYTs for it’s misrepresentations of Sara Palin’s ACES program:

An article in the New York Times today discusses both the call by some in Alaska to dismantle two of Governor Palin’s energy related legislative victories and the claim by others that they are responsible for Governor Palin’s great fiscal record and Alaska’s strong fiscal health.

Current Alaska Governor Sean Parnell is seeking to make changes to Governor Palin’s oil tax structure–”Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share” (ACES) legislation. This legislation replaced Governor Murkowski’s corruption-tainted oil tax plan. Governor Palin’s plan primarily taxed oil company’s net profits on production, and its flexibility based upon oil prices and its tax credits  encouraged greater capital development and investment than Murkowski’s tax structure. Moreover, Governor Palin signed ACES into law in order to make the oil tax structure more in line with the state constitution which stated that natural resources (i.e. oil) belong to the people and need to be developed for the maximum benefit of Alaskans.

While Governor Parnell has stood with Governor Palin on AGIA (the natural gas pipeline), in rejecting federal earmarks, and in opposing Obamacare, he is among those who have called for reforming Governor Palin’s ACES legislation:

Gov. Sean Parnell, Ms. Palin’s fellow Republican and former lieutenant, has announced that it is his top priority to undo parts of major oil tax increases that Ms. Palin made law. He argues that high state taxes, not just federal regulations, are preventing oil companies from exploring new drilling in Alaska and therefore jeopardizing future state revenues.

“Lower taxes means more competitive,” Mr. Parnell said last week. “It means more jobs.”

The reality doesn’t match up to the Governor Parnell’s claims. The number of oil companies filing with the Alaska Department of Revenue has doubled indicating that competition has indeed increased. Alaska has the second most business friendly tax set-up — up two spots since the passage of ACES. Additionally, a report from Governor Parnell’s Department of Revenue indicated that 2009 yielded a record high in oil jobs. Even more recently, the newest employment numbers from Alaska show that oil job numbers were higher in January 2011 than in January 2010, indicating that jobs are growing at the seasonal level. Parnell argues that state revenues are in jeopardy, but it is estimated that his proposal would reduce revenues by $100-200 million. Governor Parnell is right on other issues, but the numbers tell a different story than he asserts when it comes to ACES.

Read the rest at Big Government.
KWHL Radio talkers, Bob and Mark out of Anchorage AK lampooned the Oil and Gas Tax Proposals on their morning show:

Here’s a link to the pdf of the Tax Foundation’s Alaska ranking. Alaska  is currently rated #2 in the state business tax climate index:

See also:

Barbaric Thoughts: The Threat to Alaska’s Oil Tax System, ACES


Sarah Palin is in New Delhi, today – she was invited to give a speech on her vision for America.

Here, via Gateway Pundit are her comments on energy:

“We all face energy challenges in the international arena.”
ENERGY is the key. My vision for a free and prosperous America involves an emphasis on energy.

On green energy– I am in favor of an “all of the above approach” to energy.
Unfortunately, though some have stymied responsible drilling. It means we continue to transfer hundreds of millions of American dollars to foreign regimes. Everything is touched.

As government locks up land – they try to tell us that green jobs are our future.
“A recent British study found that for every green job, 4 jobs were lost.”
This is social engineering.

Americans can tap into our own natural resources. And natural gas- green and efficient. Natural gas is an ideal “bridge fuel” to the future. It’s a false fairy tale for government to interfere and for Americans to believe that we don’t need oil and gas.

Linked by Doug Ross, Larwyn’s Links, thanks!

Hat tip: Charles B.