Obama’s ‘Truth Team’ Considers MSNBC’s Ed Schultz a Good Source For “The Truth”

Just like in 2008, the Obama campaign is supposed to be a sharp, unstoppable, well oiled machine that is guaranteed to carry him to his reelection. But there have been some glaring missteps…

A few weeks ago the Obama Camp disabled credit card verification on its donation webpage, inviting campaign finance fraud.

Obama has skirted the the laws of propriety and decency so severely with his constant campaigning at taxpayer expense, even liberals are grousing about it, and RNC lawyers are investigating. His appearance on the Jimmie Fallon Show the other night, (where he continued in his pitiful mission to regain “his cool”), was a possible violation of campaign finance laws.

We’ve seen the Obama camp use diversionary tactics like  attacking Ann Romney for being a stay at home mom, and Mitt for the way he traveled with the family dog 30 years ago

And just when you thought Obama’s reelection campaign could not sink any lower, and get any more desperate – this happens:

On Wednesday, the President’s campaign website – under the hysterical rubrick of “Truth Team” akaKeeping GOP Honest – published a video featuring Ed Schultz trashing presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

So one of Obama’s biggest and most ridiculous shills is being tapped by his campaign to supposedly tell the truth to voters. What next? Will the Truth Team link to Keith Olberman’s Twitterfeed?

Newsbusters’, Noel Sheppard asks,  “Does the White House REALLY want to associate itself with a man that has said or done the following in the past twelve months?”:

Is this REALLY the kind of person you want doing fact-checks for your campaign?

If your name is Barack Obama, the answer apparently is “Yes.”

They are desperate and flailing, folks.


5 thoughts on “Obama’s ‘Truth Team’ Considers MSNBC’s Ed Schultz a Good Source For “The Truth”

  1. Another useless drive-by comment by tlips. It’s nice to have an informed contrary viewpoint, but if tlips is informed, he’s keeping it a well-hidden secret.

    He’s got contrary down, though.


  2. Obama’s team considers Schultz a good source for “the truth” because, well, dangit, he tells the truth more often than his demigod. Doesn’t mean he tells it often, or even more than a few times a year, but that more a comment on Obama than Schultz.

    And tlip, are you saying there’s some such as “the truth?” I mean, “The Truth?” If so, it would be the first time in ages I’ve heard that from a relativist.


  3. Pingback: Monday Catch-Up: Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive President In History | Nice Deb

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