15 thoughts on “Jack-O-Lantern Ideas

  1. I love the siamese pumpkins.

    I’ll have to do that. Wonder if anyone will get it.

    And, Halloween is pretty interesting in my neighborhood. I have to buy a shitload of candy because I live in a safe town two blocks from the Detroit border. Trick or treating is not exactly safe in Detroit so half the city ends up on my street,

    Most do not wear costumes — and they never say thank you.

    The costume thing I can understand, the not saying thank you pisses me off. Also, I don’t like that half the “kids” that come to my door are over eighteen including many adults.

    It’s kinda weird. Maybe I’ll just go to the bar this year.


  2. or worse

    I’m sure you are familiar with the Detroit tradition of burning down hundreds of houses on Devil’s night every year. Part of the reason I make sure I’m home.

    They’ve burned down so much stuff in Detroit that there’s not much left to burn. And, the city has taken to calling it Angel’s night — like that would change anything. Crazy libs.

    I went with some friends a few years ago to a rooftop restaurant in a high rise that had a great view of all of the fires.

    That in itself is kind of a Detroit tradition. It was kind of pretty — and very sad.


  3. Wish I had pics of all the bad-ass pumpkins I’ve done up for Halloween. Blow that video away into a fine mist (sculpture major in college).

    Ah, well.


  4. I think I may try and do some advanced carving this year. This guy seems to have the most fun doing it, but there are others who are much, much better carvers.


  5. I actually won a pumpkin carving contest one year at a casino. I got 50 bucks but I had to give up the pumpkin (it was to be one of the prizes for the best costume contest).


  6. Pingback: Extreme Jack O’Lantern Ideas « Colorado Right

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