More On Obama And Che

FrontPageMagazine has some additional info on that campaign worker in Texas who displayed that Che Guevara poster inside the Obama campaign’s Houston Office.

It turns out she’s no “low level” volunteer:

The campaign volunteer who hung the Che poster is named Maria Isabel (second photo above) and according to the Lone Star Times, she hung similar banners from her balcony at home. Apparently she’s no “low-level” volunteer either. She serves as a campaign ‘precinct captain” and the co-chair of the Houston Obama Leadership Team.

Most interestingly, she is a middle-aged woman who was born in Cuba and lived there as a child during a period when Che Guevara was Cuba’s chief executioner and second in command. At the time Cuba had the highest political incarceration and execution rate on earth, far surpassing that of their Soviet mentors and suitors. Pictures have surfaced (see Babalu of Maria Isabel at several Obama campaign functions; arm in arm with Barack, in a bear hug with Michelle Obama, and apparently, very heavily involved in the Obama campaign.

So the woman isn’t just some naive twenty-something who got caught up in the Che-Chic fad. She’s a hard core commie, sympathetic to the Castro regime.

The MSM virtually ignored this story, but it was big on conservative sites for awhile.

Finally, there emerged a formal disavowal, of sorts. “We were disappointed to see this picture,” read the terse campaign statement, “because it is both offensive to many Cuban-Americans — and Americans of all backgrounds — and because it does not reflect Senator Obama’s views.” Not a hint that the campaign honchos or candidates themselves found Guevara “offensive.”

Pretty weak…..”disappointed?” Not so disappointed that she was relieved of her position as precinct captain. She is still an active member of the Obama campaign in Houston, as of March 4, or... today.

Yet the Obama campaign would like to see the  Cuban-American voting bloc, in Michelle Obama’s words – “move out” of their Republican “comfort zones”.  I don’t know how they think they can possibly be successful with these proposed policies:

Besides proposing to meet Raul Castro without pre-conditions as President, Obama also proposes to lift the limited U.S. travel restrictions to Cuba. “Lifting the travel ban to Cuba would be a gift to the Castros,” explained Cuban defector Alcibiades Hidalgo, who until 2002 served as Raul Castro’s Chief of Staff.

Fidel Castro has already endorsed his dream ticket for 2008: Obama/Clinton. Nicaraguan Sandinista “leader” Daniel Ortega has also endorsed Obama. “(The U.S.) is laying the foundations for a revolutionary change,” he predicted. So far, Obama indicates that he does plan a revolutionary change in regard to Cuba.

Be sure to read the entire article for a comparison of a Michelle Obama speech with one by Che Guevara. Revolutionary minds think alike, I guess.

5 thoughts on “More On Obama And Che

  1. The more Mrs. Clinton gets closer to her big nomination the more desperate Obamanatic followers become. It reminds me of the British comedy “The Life of Brian” Can you imagine what would have happened if Obama was really leading the country? This country doesn’t need whining preachers, but it does need leaders with knowledge, experience and devotion. The Obamanatics forget that most of these advisers that are being so disrespectful towards Mrs. Clinton were unknown in the middle of nowhere, until Bill Clinton gave them the chance to be somebody during his reign of eight years. During those years the economy flourished and politically we were very much respected abroad. Everyone knows that Hillary was a very active part of Bill Clinton’s policies.
    Do not forget, no other democrat nominee in thirty plus years, was able to defeat the republicans with the left wing rhetoric. I agree it is all about judgments. Obama is backed by a bunch of left wingers like Kerry etc that are trying to kidnap the leadership of the Democratic Party, despite the fact that they were directly responsible for the badly lost elections. On the other side, Hillary is backed by one of the most successful democrats in the history of the democrats, Bill Clinton. Trying to deform and distort the facts of that success is so shameful of these people that associate themselves with the Democratic Party. She is a blessing for our country. She represents a broad support base that includes women, Latinos, Asians, independents, even republicans, top brass from army & other services, recognized and highly respected around the world, etc.
    So, do we really want to take a chance with Obama?!


  2. Pingback: Obama Precinct Captain Maria Isabel Says Obama “Prohibited” Her From Talking About Her Che Flag « Nice Deb

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