PA Judge Says, “Go After ACORN”

John Conyers may have recently killed the ACORN probe in Congress, but thankfully, the issue has not gone away.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports:

A district judge who held another ACORN worker for trial Monday on election law violations urged prosecutors to go after the real culprit, the organization that employed him.

“Somebody has to go after ACORN,” Senior District Judge Richard H. Zoller said about the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

“It’s happening all over the country. All you have to do is turn on the television,” he said, referring to voter registration fraud charges brought recently against ACORN and its workers in Nevada.

“We will,” Allegheny County Detective Robert F. Keenan promised as he wrapped up his testimony.

A spokesman for District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr. said following the hearing that the county’s investigation into members of ACORN and their activities during the 2008 campaign “remains open and active.”

So far, six ACORN employees (with perhaps more on the way), have been ordered to stand trial in Allegheny County, alone.

ACORN’s track record of imposing a quota system for voter registrations on its employees is what is at issue. ACORN habitually claims no wrong doing in these cases, and throws its employees (who cheat to meet ACORN’s quota), under the bus. Using a quota system for voter registrations is against the law.

ACORN officials, of course repeatedly deny that they use  any sort of  quota system on workers, but unfortunately for them, the truth is now a matter of public record:

acorn standards

ACORN did not respond to The Pittsburgh Tribune – Review’s  requests for comment.

As has been reported here, on many occasions, the US taxpayer gets the privilige of funding, ( billions of dollars through ACORN-eligable block grants)  this corruption.

You can sign Michele Bachmann’s petition to stop ACORN from accessing taxpayer dollars, here.

Drudge Goes There:Obama’s Evil Eye

Beware The Obama Evil Eye:

As the summer begins, White House watchers have spotted a new look by President Obama: The Evil Eye!

Staffers have joked about the menacing glance, which comes when the president meets with world leaders who are not aligned with his progressive view.

White House photographers have captured the "evil eye" in recent weeks, during sessions with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Colombia's Alvaro Uribev.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi got hit with the commander's malocchio last week in the Oval office.

And at least one White House reporter has been on the receiving end of the daggers during a press conference.


obama drudge evil eye





And these oldies but goodies:

obamaobama  angry

Lefty bloggers had to spend hours in photoshop to make George W. Bush look that evil, although there are plenty of pictures of him looking goofy.

I knew I wasn’t the only one who had been noticing this, but I was wondering who would be the first to mention it in the media. I wasn’t expecting it to be Drudge! I can’t tell you the number of times, I had been tempted to round up a series of Obama’s menacing looking photos to put in a post, but I didn’t know where to go with it…

I’m not sure what it means, maybe when he’s tired, he tends to look surly? Or there’s something else going on there, that he finds difficult to hide from the cameras.


Consulting Wikipedia now:

Belief in the evil eye is strongest in the Middle East, East and West Africa, South Asia, Central Asia, and Europe, especially the Mediterranean region; it has also spread to other areas, including northern Europe, particularly in the Celtic regions, and the Americas, where it was brought by European colonists and Middle Eastern immigrants.

Belief in the evil eye is found in Islamic doctrine, based upon the verse of the Qur’an, “And from the evil of the envier when he envies,” [Chapter al-Falaq, verse 5][2] and the statement of Prophet Muhammad, “The influence of an evil eye is a fact…” [Sahih Muslim, Book 26, Number 5427][3]. Authentic practices of warding off the evil eye are also commonly practiced by Muslims: rather than directly expressing appreciation of, for example, a child’s beauty, it is customary to say Masha’Allah, that is, “God has willed it”, or invoking God’s blessings upon the object or person that is being admired.[4] Aside from beliefs based upon authentic Islamic texts, a number of unsubstantiated beliefs about the evil eye are found in folk religion, typically revolving around the use of amulets or talismans as a means of protection.

Thank goodness Blogger Blackie  Blackerton has already thought of creating a protective talisman for the Republican party:


Proposal for a new GOP logo based on the talismanic “Hamsa Hand” (also known as the “Hand of Miriam“) to ward off the sinister influence of Obama’s “Evil Eye.”

See also Paul Rahe at Powerline, who thinks that Obama’s facial expressions and gestures are worth noting:

The White House has released a series of photographs in which, as the Drudge Report puts it, Obama directed “the evil eye” at various foreign leaders who visited him. Included on the list were German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

I take this, therefore, as an occasion for repeating what I wrote on that earlier occasion: “If we are to comprehend what is going on, we must pay close attention not only to what Obama says but to what he conveys in other ways. His tone is nearly always moderate but what he hints at and what he intimates by way of body language often convey the opposite. Witness his warm embrace of Hugo Chavez. Behind the thin veneer of politeness, there is, I suspect, something ugly lurking. In the first of the autobiographies that he claims to have written, Barack Obama frequently speaks of himself as being in the grips of rage. We would do well to take him at his word.”

The Great Betrayal Of The Tax And Traitors


To fully appreciate the irresponsibility and immorality of these traitors you have to read…. Paul Krugman’s article in The New York Times….What? You thought I was talking about the Republican Cap and Tax 8?

Please! Don’t you know what a huge betrayal to Mother Earth, these nay votes were? I’ll let  Krugman explain:

…212 representatives voted no. A handful of these no votes came from representatives who considered the bill too weak, but most rejected the bill because they rejected the whole notion that we have to do something about greenhouse gases. And as I watched the deniers make their arguments, I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a form of treason — treason against the planet.

How shall we avenge Gaia!

To fully appreciate the irresponsibility and immorality of climate-change denial, you need to know about the grim turn taken by the latest climate research. The fact is that the planet is changing faster than even pessimists expected: ice caps are shrinking, arid zones spreading, at a terrifying rate. And according to a number of recent studies, catastrophe — a rise in temperature so large as to be almost unthinkable — can no longer be considered a mere possibility. It is, instead, the most likely outcome if we continue along our present course.

So, so grim…so so terrifying!!! We are all going to die! Take those polar ice caps, for example…the pessimists never imagined that even in the Antarctica, ice melts at a hair raising and terrifying rate….in the Spring and Summer. In the Fall and Winter…PHEW! It comes back….because it gets super cold again…but don’t relax….because in a few more months…you guessed it! Ice starts melting again…it’s a friggin’ terrifying nightmare out there.

And those recent studies  he alludes to…were those studies done before or after the suppressed study done by senior research analyst at the Environmental Protection Agency, Alan Carlin? Because his studies purportedly revealed :

EPA’s reliance on out-of-date research, uncritical recycling of United Nations data, and omission of new developments, including a continued decline in global temperatures and a new consensus that future hurricane behavior won’t be different than in the past.

Well tell the MIT researchers that!

…researchers at M.I.T., who were previously predicting a temperature rise of a little more than 4 degrees by the end of this century, are now predicting a rise of more than 9 degrees. Why? Global greenhouse gas emissions are rising faster than expected; some mitigating factors, like absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans, are turning out to be weaker than hoped; and there’s growing evidence that climate change is self-reinforcing — that, for example, rising temperatures will cause some arctic tundra to defrost, releasing even more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Temperature increases on the scale predicted by the M.I.T. researchers and others would create huge disruptions in our lives and our economy. As a recent authoritative U.S. government report points out, by the end of this century New Hampshire may well have the climate of North Carolina today, Illinois may have the climate of East Texas, and across the country extreme, deadly heat waves — the kind that traditionally occur only once in a generation — may become annual or biannual events.

In other words, we’re facing a clear and present danger to our way of life, perhaps even to civilization itself.

Well, that is truly alarming…!

Steven Goddard from Watt’s Up With That? examined the MIT study:

So what has changed since 2003 to cause the scientists at MIT’s “Centre for Global Climate Change” to believe the world is going to boil over this century and send billions of us directly to a toasty demise similar to our featured movie?

Since 2003, global temperatures have been dropping.

Arctic ice extent is at the highest late May levels in the AMSR-E satellite record.

Antarctic ice has broken the record for greatest extent ever recorded.

January, 2008 broke the record for the most snow covered area ever measured in the Northern Hemisphere.

Go ahead and check out the charts and graphs at Watts Up With That if you need a visual aid. Goddard continues:

Given that the observed trends are exactly opposite what the MIT models have predicted, one might have to ask what they have observed since 2003 to more than double their warming estimates, and where their 90% confidence value comes from?

The study, carried out in unprecedented detail, projected that without “rapid and massive action” temperatures worldwide will increase by as much as 7.4C (13.3F) by 2100, from levels seen in 2000.

This study has a strong scent of GIGO (garbage, in garbage out.)


Krugman railed against the “deniers”:

Indeed, if there was a defining moment in Friday’s debate, it was the declaration by Representative Paul Broun of Georgia that climate change is nothing but a “hoax” that has been “perpetrated out of the scientific community.” I’d call this a crazy conspiracy theory, but doing so would actually be unfair to crazy conspiracy theorists. After all, to believe that global warming is a hoax you have to believe in a vast cabal consisting of thousands of scientists — a cabal so powerful that it has managed to create false records on everything from global temperatures to Arctic sea ice.

Yet Mr. Broun’s declaration was met with applause.

Excellent…there’s hope.

You know what the most terrifying thing of all is to the global warming alarmists?

More bad news for the media.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of U.S. voters say the news media make global warming appear worse than it really is.

Only 21% say the media present an accurate picture, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.


Today’s Enchanted Media Moment


The Politico brings us:

Politics of personal perfection

Let’s be honest: Barack Obama is better than you are.

He’s a better father — taking breaks from running the world to cheer on his daughters at soccer and basketball games.

He’s a better husband — zipping his wife off for dinner in New York and Paris.

He’s got a better diet — nibbling on vegetables from his homegrown garden to keep his love handles in check.

And he’s got a terrific jump shot.

You? Not so much.

Call it the politics of personal perfection.

If you’re looking for a punchline, you’ll look in vain. The writer really believes that Obama is all that. And he cites other people who think so, too:

“He’s so g-ddamned smart and such a good representative for the country,” said Alan Siegel, a corporate branding expert and CEO of the marketing firm Siegel & Gale. “I admire him.”

“They’ve just done so many things so well,” said Susan Hodgkinson, principal of The Personal Brand Co. “You have to tip your hat to them and say, ‘Brilliant.’”

Wowowowow! Just looking at the news, today, you could say he did a “brilliant” job picking his Supreme Court nominee.

His support for the Honduran lefty despot as opposed to the Honduran Constitution was certainly “brilliant”….

Inviting Iranian Dips from a brutal, tyrannical regime to a hot dog party was uber “brilliant…

And I guess it’s true that he’s destroying the American  economy and way of life in a “brilliant” manner…

Yay! I can’t wait until I have to be on the public dole for everything. I’ll lose weight and be as skinny as the Obamas!

Former President Bush, the author is careful to note, couldn’t even pronounce “nuclear”.

Hat tip: Momma at Ace of Spades HQ.

The Violent Crackdown In Iran Continues

iran protesters

It was quiet for a couple of days in Iran, and recent celebrity deaths had threatened to suck the oxygen out of its freedom movement’s momentum, but late yesterday, news came out of fresh protests, along with the now expected gov. brutal response. The protesters in Iran are a tenacious lot if the violent crackdown of last week didn’t stop them.  Atlas Shrugs, of course is on top of it, with pictures, videos, and rundown of the weekend’s events, here, and here.

Canada Free Press has a report from Toronto based blogger, Sayeh Hassan:

Arrest of protestors in Iran continues on a major scale.  According to news from “Human Rights and Democracy Activists” in Iran not only are people being arrested on the streets, but security forces are actually raiding hospitals, rounding up wounded protestors and taking them to “unknown locations.”

Security forces and Basij are also raiding peoples’ homes, in search of protestors.  At night they raid peoples’ homes who shout “Allaho Akbar” or “Down with Dictator” on their rooftops, arrest people and take them to unknown locations.  Names of a few individuals who have been arrested so far are Mr. Akbar Aghayi (27), Mr. Omid Khatami (26), Mr. Ali Aghili (18) and Mr. Masoud Asgari.  However these are only a few names, from hundreds of people who have been arrested so far.

You can sign a petition directed toward the International Court of Justice to investigate the crimes committed by Khamenei, here.

Another petition, Help Stop the Slaughter of Iranian Freedom Seekers can be signed, here.

All previous posts about the Iranian election protests and crackdown:

Another MJ/Iran Protest Anthem

Senior Cleric Calls For Harsh Retribution For Dissent In Iran

Women Of Iran Lead The Resistance

Unimaginable Horror

Ahmadinejad Disappointed In Obama

A Nine Year Old Girl Is Shot By Basij

Neda’s Family Expelled From Their Home

Video: Hysterical Iranian Woman Describes Horrors of Iran Massacre On CNN

WH Now Reconsidering 4th of July Invitations To Iran (UPDATED)

The Crackdown In Iran Accelerates (UPDATED)

McCotter’s Floor Speech On Iran

Who Is Hossein Mousavi Part II

Compare And Contrast: Obama On Iran To Reagan On Poland

An Iranian Protester Pleads For US/World Intervention

The Lionesses Of Iran


Who Is Hossain Mousavi?

Video: What Is Going On In Iran

Yes, President Bush Was A Meddler

Iran’s Nuclear Program Is Not Peaceful

Video: The Iranian Uprising In Pictures

Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst #64: Iranian Election Edition

Video: Rep. Mike Pence’s Statement On Iran Election

This Won’t End Well…

Who Does Ahmadinejad Remind You Of?

Post Election Unrest In Iran

July 4th Tea Parties/Celebrations

4th of July tea parties are being planned in over 1,300 cities, and the day is getting close. Here’s some info about the Kansas city celebration via The Kansas City Tea Party Website:

July 4 Independence Day

An American Celebration

“Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will be America’s heart.”

John Adams

Come join fellow Missouri and Kansas Patriots in a flag celebration for the most important day in our nations history, honoring the founding fathers vision for our nation.

Time: 9:00-10:00 am

Location: Stateline Rd. (Leawood, KS and Kansas City, MO) both sides of street from 125th to 135th Street, with overflow going north of 125th street.

The organizers want you to feel free to express yourself:

First Amendment

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Therefore Kansas City Tea Party will honor this insight and your right to freedom of speech. Keeping that in mind it is important to us that  everyone that wants to attend do what their conscience dictates. With that said Kansas City Tea Party would like you to join us and celebrate our great nations founding along with your signs of grievance with our government.

You can get free graphics for your signs, (like the ones pictured, below) here.

free signs

To find a 4th of July Tax Day tea Party near you, go here.

For a delicious 4th of July poke cake recipe, go here.


I just found out (via Tea Party Patriots), about some more tea parties in the KC area for July 4th:

Kansas City Rally for Responsibility
Parkville, Missouri
Saturday, July 4, 2009
45 HWY
Both sides of 45 Hwy from Cosby to 9 Hwy
<!–RSVP Count 1

–> Andrea Plunkett (organizer)
816-694-2844 (organizer phone)

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Contact Organizer | Website | Facebook

Join us and our speakers as we protest bailouts and call for fiscal responsibility. Bring your signs, families

and friends as we create a “chain of fiscal responsibility” during the Parkville July 4th events.

July 4th Tax Day Tea Party
Kansas City, Missouri
Saturday, July 4, 2009
12-2 pm
J.C. Nichols Fountain
47th Main
<!–RSVP Count 0

–> Kristi Nichols (organizer)
81636342** (organizer phone)

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Come to our Tea Party in Red, White and Blue. Bring signs, invite friends and family. See our website click on teaparty/tea party signs for directions and help.