Video: Glenn Beck’s Expose Of Chairman Mao Fan, Anita “Done”

I saw this when it aired, earlier this afternoon, and was flabbergasted.

It seems that Obama’s White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn has expressed her great admiration for the murderous Communist dictator, Mao Tse Tung.

To high school kids.

On tape.

Mao Tse Tung said “You fight your war, and I’ll fight my mine.”

One of Ms. Dunn’s favorite political philosophers sure laid out his own path, and made his own choices:

Kill tally: 14 to 20 million deaths from starvation during the ‘Great Leap Forward’. Tens of thousands killed and millions of lives ruined during the ‘Cultural Revolution’.

In what’s considered the definitive biography of Chairman Mao, Mao: The Unknown Story, it is estimated that Mao Tse Tung killed 70 million people, making him, the greatest mass murderer in human history.

Here are some of her fave rave’s quotable quotes from his “Little Red Book”:

Speech at the Chinese Communist Party’s National Conference on Propaganda Work (March 12, 1957)

This passage was used to justify the intensive “reeducation” sessions which tried to bring all Chinese people into line. The final qualifying phrases were usually ignored.

In our country bourgeois and petty-bourgeois ideology, anti-Marxist ideology, will continue to exist for a long time. Basically, the socialist system has been established in our country. We have won the basic victory in transforming the ownership of the means of production, but we have not yet won complete victory on the political and ideological fronts. In the ideological field, the question of who will win in the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie has not been really settled yet. We still have to wage a protracted struggle against bourgeois and petty-bourgeois ideology. It is wrong not to understand this and to give up ideological struggle. All erroneous ideas, all poisonous weeds, all ghosts and monsters, must be subjected to criticism; in no circumstance should they be allowed to spread unchecked. However, the criticism should be fully reasoned, analytical and convincing, and not rough, bureaucratic, metaphysical or dogmatic.

“Problems of War and Strategy” (November 6, 1938)

In its original context this saying meant that the Communists would never be allowed to come to power in China without a successful violent revolution. In the context of the Cultural Revolution it meant that the Chinese People’s Army had to play a leading role in sustaining, purifying, and spreading Communism. And abroad it was often used to justify revolutionary terrorism.

Every Communist must grasp the truth, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

Speech at the Moscow Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (November 18, 1957)

Mao was widely ridiculed abroad for stating that the U.S. and its nuclear arsenal were “paper tigers.” Many supposed that Mao would have willingly plunged the world into a nuclear war out of sheer ignorance. But it seems more probable that, lacking such arms himself, he used his most powerful weapon: the bluff. The bomb was not a very effective tool of diplomacy because the threat it posed was only as credible as the willingness of any nation to plunge the world into a holocaust, very probably destroying itself in the process. Mao had every reason to let the world think he was not afraid of the bomb no matter what his private thoughts might have been.

I have said that all the reputedly powerful reactionaries are merely paper tigers. The reason is that they are divorced from the people. Look! Was not Hitler a paper tiger? Was Hitler not overthrown? I also said that the tsar of Russia, the emperor of China and Japanese imperialism were all paper tigers. As we know, they were all overthrown. U.S. imperialism has not yet been overthrown and it has the atom bomb. I believe it also will be overthrown. It, too, is a paper tiger.

Part two:

Part three:

Remember when this used to be true?:

But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao,
You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.

Not so in 2009 ObamAmerica.

Liberals don’t see anything wrong with admiring Communist dictators. That’s why you don’t hear an outcry about the tea party signs that portray Obama as Communist/Socialist/Marxist. These signs are staples at tea parties, (heck, I’ve created some myself).


Libs hate the Obama/Hitler signs, whichĀ  are actually rare, and almost entirely La Rouche supporters’ creations, but you rarely hear complaints about the numerous hammer an sickles seen at tea parties.


The Communist Red ChineseĀ  flag was raised on the White House lawn for the first time in history, last month, to help China celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution.

Is that something the United States should be helping them celebrate?


Michelle Malkin

Ace of Spades HQ

Reports Jake Tapper tweeted that the White House claims she was joking. Yeah, bull. Watch the tape again. She was dead serious. Her audience tittered nervously when she paired Chairman Mao with Mother Teresa, because it is frankly batshit crazy.

Frugal Cafe

Red State

Erick Erickson wrote:

She describes Mao as not just her favorite political philosopher, but one of the ā€œtwo people I turn to most.ā€ The other, tragically or humorously depending on your frame of mind, being Mother Teresa. I can bet you that between the two it is not Mother Teresa who Anita Dunn looks to for guidance on abortion policy.

Yeah, no kidding.

“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion”

-Mother Teresa

10 thoughts on “Video: Glenn Beck’s Expose Of Chairman Mao Fan, Anita “Done”

  1. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for Video: Glenn Beckā€™s Expose Of Chairman Mao Fan, Anita ā€œDoneā€ Ā« Nice Deb [] on

  2. I judge people by their basic physical expression.

    This woman is retarded.

    The lick and breathe, shows that she is talking down to everyone, and thinks it’s a BURDEN for her to accept the honor of talking to young adults.

    This chick is worthless in every *licks lips* way, *sniffs* I can *harumphs while licking lips* think of.

    Worthless human.


  3. I was in tears right along with Glenn Beck today during his exclusive exposure of Communist and brutal dictator lover – Anita Dunn – and her maniacal admission that she “admires” China’s killer of over 70 million people – Mao Tse Tung. At first, I was in shock and disbelief while hearing Dunn tell a group of high school graduates of her sick and absolutely dreadful political fondness of a man who probably was responsible for more murders than Hitler!!

    When Glenn played that old commercial from the sixties where Vic Damone (I think it was him) sang “will you remember the times of your life;” it brought back such fond memories of a simpler time here in America – where Republican and Democrat leaders both loved, honored, and cherished our beloved country. Today, our government has been hijacked and infiltrated by Commie-Fascist far left LUNATICS who want to “change” America into a Marxist dictatorship and thugocracy. I teared up. Then, I actually wept for our country.

    I just can’t believe what is happening to our nation! It is being hijacked right before our very eyes!

    Could you imagine what Ronald Reagan would think if he was still alive today – seeing this Communist takeover going on in our nation’s capital? He fought hard – his entire life – against Communism. To see the current bogus POTUS in the White House being surrounded by liars, tax cheats, crooks, thugs, and Communist sympathizers after all that Reagan did to eradicate corruption and Marxism in our country would probably have killed him.

    It is a bittersweet blessing that my father isn’t alive today to see what has happened since he and his fellow Greatest Generation military heroes won the war against Nazism, Communism, and Japanese totalitarianism. They were all responsible for saving Europe from the clutches of such evil! If he was here today, I’m certain that he would not be able to believe how the current administration has trashed all that we stand for, (and stood for back then), as a Constitutional Republic who took our Charters of Freedom seriously enough to fight in WWII and come home to nothing less than total victory!

    Today, we have a namby pamby phony president, and a gaffe-filled always-wrong-on-foreign-affairs VP; and a Congress filled with far left drones who can’t see, hear, or smell the evil rising from the stench of the Chicago-way thug politics which is hell bent on destroying America!



  4. Can someone explain why obama surrounds himself with the low life of this earth? Watching her actions…her mouth as she speaks.. it looks like she has a huge problem. I don’t get it. Are these people more easy to mold into the image he wants all of us to be? I haven’t see one sharp person in all these months. Hillary of course is kept on a leash.


  5. Pingback: Glenn Beck’s Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine (Paperback) tagged "politics" 150 times |

  6. Pingback: Video: Of Course, “Oba-Mao” Tee-Shirts In China « Nice Deb

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