Video: Glenn Beck Interviews Lord Christopher Monckton On World Government

Well, I missed this, earlier today. Busy with Halloween activities, I was.

Glenn Beck had climate change expert, and former adviser to Margaret Thatcher, Lord Monckton on his show today, to discuss the climate change treaty being considered in Copenhagen this November.

Lord Monckton rose to internet fame after his speech at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN a couple of weeks ago became a hit on YouTube. He elaborated his concerns further, with an assist from The Mustache, today on The Glenn Beck Show:

Part One:

You can watch parts 2-7 at Watt’s Up With That.

Project Valour-IT Marine Team Update

Via Cassandra, here’s a Project Valour-IT video contest entry by No Sheeples Here! for the Marine team. An excellent effort, if I do say so myself:

Running through November 11th, the 2009 Soldiers’ Angels Valour-IT fundraiser raises money for technology that reconnects wounded warriors and supports their recovery.

Marine Team Daily Roundup

Miss Ladybug: Remembering and Supporting.

Stop the ACLU: Just in time for Halloween!!

Castra Praetoria is AWOL!!! Blue Hawaiians on us, Marine!

Lorie Byrd: Halloween Weekend. Love that military pumpkin!!

The Daley Gator marks a very important anniversary.

Villainous Company: Pride, Love and Loss: The Making of a Marine Parent

Money raised so far, here.

Honduras Folds Part 2

miche291banPhoto of interim President Roberto Micheletti via Fausta

There were reports a couple of weeks ago, that Honduras had caved in to US pressure, but those reports appeared to be premature, being replaced by a rumor that Zelaya would be instead, be charged for his many crimes, and exiled to Spain.

But today, it appears finally, that the Honduran government, and Zelaya have reached an agreement.

Sadly, Honduras caved to US pressure.

The BBC phrases it tactfully: Honduras rivals resolve deadlock

Roberto Micheletti said the agreement would create a power-sharing government and require both sides to recognise the result of November’s presidential poll.

Mr Zelaya said the deal, which requires the approval of the Supreme Court and Congress, would be signed on Friday.

The opponents had earlier been told by US Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon that they had to reach an accord in order to ensure international support for the election on 29 November.

Afterwards, Mr Micheletti announced that a power-sharing deal had been reached that included a “significant concession”.

The interim leader of Honduras says he is ready to sign a pact to end its crisis which could include the return of ousted President Manuel Zelaya.

Honduras had remained steadfast for months that Zelaya’s reinstatement was off the table. What could possibly have caused this abrupt change of heart?

La Gringa, who liveblogged last night’s news, posted

Worst news of all: supposedly Thomas Shannon has been pressuring the congressmen to vote for the restoration of Zelay or else! The exact words were that “Shannon scared the living hell out of everyone here including Micheletti.” Yeah, remember the press conference? “We’re just here to help. We aren’t going to intervene. We’ll respect any decision that the Hondurans make.” Yeah, right. Now they are even threatening elected Honduran officials that they won’t recognize elections unless they vote yes. I’m sure there must be economic threats as well.El Heraldo (in Spanish) makes it clear that US State Dept. envoy for Latin America Thomas Shannon went to Honduras to twist arms: his position was that the November 29 elections would not be recognized unless Zelaya was returned to power. I guess nothing ensures democracy like restoring to power the guy who did his outmost to undermine democracy, at least in Shannon’s eyes.

Thomas Shannon is a name that figured prominently in a report issued today by The Center For Foreign Policy:

Who’s behind the Obama Honduras policy?

The Obama Latin America Team is composed of: Thomas Shannon, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Frank Mora, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs and most importantly Dan Restrepo, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs at The National Security Council.  Thomas Shannon, who was also Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs in the second Bush term, seems to have a kind of get along -go along approach with regards to Latin America. Indeed, some of Mr. Shannon’s highlights include:

  • In Honduras: remaining silent as Manuel Zelaya attempted to subvert democratic institutions and the Honduran Constitution and as the Congress and Supreme Court worked to remove Zelaya legally from office, the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa and Shannon worked diligently to dissuade the Honduran Congress and protect Zelaya. [3]
  • In Venezuela, Mr. Shannon constantly promoted cooperation between the U.S. and Chávez relating to the drug trade despite evidence-and objections from other U.S. agencies-that the Venezuelan government itself was facilitating narcotics trafficking.  Mr. Shannon also denied support to Venezuela’s civil society and sat by as Chavez dismantled the country’s democratic institutions.  Today, the Mayor of Caracas still cannot get into his office to perform his duties.  In all this, Mr. Shannon’s rationale for shunning Venezuela’s civil society has been that the U.S. and Venezuela have a strategic relationship based primarily on energy. [4]
  • In Nicaragua, Mr. Shannon advocated the continuation of U.S. aid to the Sandinista government despite evidence of overwhelming fraud in the 2008 mayoral race in Managua.  Meanwhile, Mr. Shannon has sought to cut support to Nicaragua’s civil society, in order not to ‘antagonize’ President Ortega. [5]
  • In Bolivia, when President Morales expelled the U.S. Ambassador and DEA from the country, Mr. Shannon was against waiving trade preferences and U.S. aid.  Instead, he advocated that the Bush Administration sign a document by President Morales, which was essentially a ‘mea culpa.’ The U.S.  State Department’s Legal Advisor at the time overruled him and the U.S. didn’t sign the document. [6]
  • In Ecuador, Mr. Shannon has sought to accommodate and improve relations with President Correa despite his dismantling of democratic institutions and evidence that President Correa has connections to the FARC. [7]
  • Another name that has figured prominently in Obama’s twisted Honduran policy:

    Dan Restrepo and The Center for American Progress

    Prior to moving to the National Security Council, Dan Restrepo was the director of the Americas Project at the Center for American Progress (CAP), a liberal think tank, whose President and Chief Executive Officer is John Podesta…

    Read the full report.

    Be sure to note who they believe is the man behind the curtain. Amazingly enough, they reached the same conclusion I did (with a huge assist from Jackstraw) almost two months ago.



    Be sure to check out Fausta’s blog round-up, where I picked up this tasty nugget from Scott Johnson

    It is perfectly fitting that the signal diplomatic triumph of President Obama’s first year in office is the restoration to power of the lawfully deposed Honduran thug and friend of Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega and Hugh Chavez. It is inimical to the national interest of the United States. it is a setback for the supporters of democracy in the beleaguered country of Honduras. And it is a defeat for those who believe in the rule of law. It is, in other words, a triumph of “smart diplomacy.”

    God help us all.

    New Low: DNC Urges Supporters To Battle Sarah Palin On Facebook


    I didn’t think the DNC could get any lamer than they did last winter when they went after Rush Limbaugh, but, what can I say?  This is lameness on steroids. The Dems never cease to amaze.

    Gateway Pundit reports:

    From the DNC website:

    If Sarah Palin wants to spread lies on Facebook, we’ll call her out in the very same place.

    Click the share button below to share our note — and make it clear that people who lie about reform will be held accountable, no matter where they spread their misinformation.

    The DNC is furious at Sarah Palin for suggesting that their nationalized health care plan would increase costs, drive up the deficit, squeeze out private insurers, and ration care.

    How maddening…Stop telling lies the truth, Sarah Palin!

    Hey, you know what the DNC should do? Host an anti-Palin slogan contest.…yeah that’s it! The super-duper, totally not  “dud on arrival” winning slogan could be announced with much fanfare, and then be put on a billboard.

    That’ll show her!

    Obama At Dover Air Force Base: Tribute or Photo-Op?

    Liz Cheney discussed the question with John Gibson, Thursday on his radio show:

    Video via Gateway Pundit

    It’s too awful to think that the President would be so base and cynical as to use the death of  these brave and worthy men to prop himself up.  One is inclined to hope that he only had the best of intentions.

    But one wonders.

    Via The Mudville Gazette I noticed that The New York Times had originally reported in their article, Obama Visits Air Base to Honor Returning Dead:

    The images and the sentiment of the president’s five-hour trip to Delaware were intended by the White House to convey to the nation that Mr. Obama was not making his Afghanistan decision lightly or in haste.

    That line was changed to this:

    The image of the commander in chief standing on a darkened tarmac, offering a salute to one of the soldiers, highlighted the poignancy of a decision he is facing.

    Greyhawk noted that the President’s approval ratings on Afghanistan have been in free fall:

    How to turn the situation around? Some say more troops, some say change strategy, others say withdraw – but someone in the White House got the bright idea that now would be a good time for a photo op.


    “This week alone, about two dozen soldiers have died in attacks and accidents.” But while the remains of 15 soldiers and three federal agents arrived at Dover while the president was there, only one family elected to participate:

    The other families chose not to, officials said, under a new Pentagon policy that lifted an 18-year ban on media covering the return of U.S. service members killed in action if families provide permission.


    …someone ensured no angle on this story was left unexplored in the global coverage of this event.

    From Ireland:

    President Barack Obama has attended the removal of fallen Irish American hero Dale Griffin.

    As originally reported by, Obama’s decision to attend the removal of American soldiers at Dover Air Base draws a clear line in the sand between this administration and the Bush administration.

    President Bush refused to allow filming of soldier’s coffins returning and was never present when the bodies were flown back.

    Last night President Obama broke with that policy in a poignant fashion as he attended the removal of 18 soldiers at Dover.

    And so on and so forth along those lines from England, Australia, as well – the point being, Bush banned photographers, and stayed home, while the valiant Obama has poignantly flown to Dover to meet the fallen soldiers upon their return to our shores.

    Needless to say, the nutroots have picked up this theme, and run with it, as Uncle Jimbo has noted at Blackfive:

    FireDogLake Buttheads clueless about Bush and our war dead

    I never cease to be amazed by the sorry haters on the left and their inability to understand the military, respect, dignity and the difference between a gesture and a heartfelt gesture. They are busy hating on George W because he failed to go to Dover and get photo-opped like our current Commander in Chief. Now first of all I will give Obama credit for gong to Dover, but as soon as it became a photo op it was cheapened as Matt noted. Anyone smell the stench of Axelrod and Emanuel? Well the brain-addled, land apes at FireDogLake are calling out the former CinC for not being so blatant. Admire their bile.

    This is what a president does.

    US President Barack Obama has paid his respects to 18 Americans killed in Afghanistan, the first time he has honoured the fallen in this way.

    NPR notes that,

    The dramatic image of a president on the tarmac was a portrait not witnessed in years.


    Let me help you with that you pathetic, whiny little bitch. Turning a solemn occasion into a photo op that becomes about you is not respectful, it is sorry. President Bush knew that and chose to show his respect in private to the people who really matter, the Gold Star families.

    The charge that President Bush didn’t care about fallen troops,  just because he didn’t have himself  photographed during the deeply private and solemn moments with their families is disgusting and obscene.

    Last December, after the completion of Bush’s two terms, The Washington Times finally published an exclusive story about the former President’s dedication to the troops, something he never felt the need to publicize:

    For much of the past seven years, President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have waged a clandestine operation inside the White House. It has involved thousands of military personnel, private presidential letters and meetings that were kept off their public calendars or sometimes left the news media in the dark.

    Their mission: to comfort the families of soldiers who died fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and to lift the spirits of those wounded in the service of their country.


    But the size and scope of Mr. Bush’s and Mr. Cheney’s private endeavors to meet with wounded soliders and families of the fallen far exceed anything that has been witnessed publicly, according to interviews with more than a dozen officials familiar with the effort.

    “People say, ‘Why would you do that?'” the president said in an Oval Office interview with The Washington Times on Friday. “And the answer is: This is my duty. The president is commander in chief, but the president is often comforter in chief, as well. It is my duty to be – to try to comfort as best as I humanly can a loved one who is in anguish.”

    Mr. Bush, for instance, has sent personal letters to the families of every one of the more than 4,000 troops who have died in the two wars, an enormous personal effort that consumed hours of his time and escaped public notice. The task, along with meeting family members of troops killed in action, has been so wrenching – balancing the anger, grief and pride of families coping with the loss symbolized by a flag-draped coffin – that the president often leaned on his wife, Laura, for emotional support.

    “I lean on the Almighty and Laura,” Mr. Bush said in the interview. “She has been very reassuring, very calming.”

    Mr. Bush also has met privately with more than 500 families of troops killed in action and with more than 950 wounded veterans, according to White House spokesman Carlton Carroll. Many of those meetings were outside the presence of the news media at the White House or at private sessions during official travel stops, officials said.

    Read the entire thing.

    That was what a President does.


    See Cassandra at Villainous Company for more on the Bush front. Have a box a tissues nearby.