Confirmed: Nancy Pelosi Is A Two-Faced Hypocrite

Remember how just over a week ago Nancy Pelosi boo-hooed over the “frightening rhetoric” that reminded her of the bad old days of the seventies, and how people need to take responsibility for whatever incitement they might cause?

Pelosi was referring to the murders of Mayor George Moscone and city Supervisor Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist. Former San Francisco Supervisor Dan White, (a liberal Dem, fyi) was convicted in the case.

Now, after censoring  Republican Joe Wilson for not groveling before the House after his justified , but rude “You lie!” outburst at Obama’s joint session speech, Pelosi yawns about Dem Rep Alan Grayson’s outrageous and despicable slanders against Republicans.

The Hill Reports, today:

Pelosi: No Grayson apology needed

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says there’s no reason for Rep. Alan Grayson to apologize for his “Die quickly” remark, since Republicans have made statements just as outrageous as his.

“If anybody’s going apologize, everybody should apologize,” Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference. “We are holding Democrats to a higher standard than their own members.”

She deemed the flap over Grayson’s remarks a distraction from the healthcare debate.

“Typically, Republicans would like to use this as distraction because they have no plan,” Pelosi said.

Uh huh. Distraction. Good word. Where have I heard it, before?

As for Pelosi’s claim that Republicans have “no plan”…Joe Wilson has two words for her:


It turns out they do have “a plan”.

Correction: they have three plans!

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit

RELATED (sort of):

Speaking of Alan Grayson…did you you know that he considers himself to be “The Congressman from ACORN?” Oh yes. According to Florida Republicans, last April:

Yesterday, members of the ACORN organization visited the district office of Congressman Alan Grayson to thank the Congressman for supporting President Barack Obama’s budget. During the event, a member of Grayson’s staff told the group that Congressman Grayson loves ACORN and considers himself the “Congressman from ACORN.” Click here to see video from the event. (forget it…the video has oddly disappeared).

“ACORN has been the target of a statewide investigation into voter irregularities, conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement,” continued Greer. “Across the nation, ACORN employees have been found guilty of voter registration fraud. In fact, recent voter registration fraud by the ACORN organization alone has been uncovered in fourteen states, and that is just the fraud we know about.”

“Perhaps, now that the organization has its own member of Congress, Alan Grayson can help ACORN acquire enough federal funding to teach the organization’s employees and volunteers to conduct voter registration drives without registering Mickey Mouse and operate and with some degree of integrity and ethics,” concluded Greer.

Yeah…of course, since then…even more corruption has come to light.

Thanks to Jackstraw for that little tidbit.


Here’s the video of Pelosi saying no apology from Grayson is necessary:


Karl Rove appearing on The Greta Van Susteren Show, also called Pelosi “hypocritical”.

Liberal Fascism On Display In VA Governors Race

22 year old Matthew Hurtt attended Creigh Deeds’ press conference in Clarendon on Tuesday, September 29 to ask his position on taxes. He describes how it went down on his YouTube page:

Deeds recently said he was against raising taxes but for raising taxes. Does that make sense? I didn’t think so.

Anyway, at about :26, a gentleman who describes himself as a “campaign manager” attempts to remove the sign from the shot. He also grabs my arm in an attempt to jerk the sign down.

Watch for yourself:

Erick Erickson at Red State quips:

As Creigh Deeds’s campaign continues flaming out, he and his staff are growing more desperate.

Indeed. The Politico reported yesterday:

McDonnell leads Deeds 51-42 percent according to the Tuesday poll of 500 likely voters. The new survey shows a significant jump for McDonnell, who led Deeds by only 2 percentage points in the same poll two weeks ago.

Rasmussen is the first major poll in recent weeks to show McDonnell expanding his lead over Deeds.