Tea Party Express Kick-Off Rallies In CA A Huge Success – To Keith Olbermann’s Dismay

A few  days ago, the always douchetastic Keith Olbermann scoffed at the Tea Party Express, crowing that only192 people had RSVP’d on Facebook for one of their rallies.

What he had failed to mention, was that they had only put up the page a few hours before the report.

As expected, thousands of fed up Americans showed up, today at the Tea Party Express kick off rally in San Diego,  as it started it’s second tour across the country.


Wow – folks this is incredible. To those in the media or on the political Left who keep insisting the tea party movement is dead, or its astroturf, etc… well the people of San Diego have turned out and spoken a message loud and clear: WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!

Here’s a quick video someone took on their blackberry:

A thousand more people rallied in Los Angeles:


Conservative Republican Assemblyman Chuck DeVore spoke spoke at the rally.

He is running against Sen. Barbara Boxer (Liberal-Democrat) and is one of the “good guys.” The GOP establishment is trying to woo Carly Fiorina (former HP executive) to run. But she represents more of the same – politicians who believe in power and ‘going along to getting along.’ We’re so excited to see Chuck DeVore passionately articulating a strong, conservative message – and the crowds love him!

The route this time around.


See the Tea Party Express website for schedule.

Why are they going on a second tour, already? Tea Party Express organizers, Lloyd Marcus and Mark Williams appeared  on Fox this morning to explain:

Make sure you show your support if it comes your way.

Let’s make Keith Olbermann cry.


Another tea party broke out in O’Fallon, MO, this weekend. Blogging machine, Bob McCarty has all the details.

Project Valour-IT Marine Team Members Needed


Who does America call when something absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight?

U.S. Marine Rat

That’s right… America’s 911 Force: the Few. The Loud. The Marine team!

We’re still looking for a few good blogs to help us raise money for Project Valour IT. The competition starts Monday, October 26th and though the Marines are the smallest service, we’re planning to chew through the competition. But to do that, we need your help.

Project Valour IT provides laptops with voice activated software to wounded soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen at Walter Reed and Bethesda. Typically these young men and women spend up to two years recovering and undergoing physical therapy. Their courage, determination, and unfailing esprit de corps are truly inspiring. Most of us, facing the loss of our eyesight, an arm or a leg and repeated surgeries would just crumble up into a ball. Not these guys. They’re warriors:

He knows they’re going to stare. They always stare.

As soon as Pat Murray steps in the elevator, they’ll notice his prosthetic leg and maybe accurately surmise that, yes, he is an Iraq war veteran, and, yes, he got blown up. Then the sadness will sink in, the pity, and they’ll give him that look, which he can sense even if he doesn’t see, and it will be an uncomfortable few floors up.

So as Murray approaches the elevator and the woman thrusts her hand between the closing doors for him, he says, “Careful, you can lose a limb that way.”

“Oooh,” the woman says, noticing Murray’s metal leg. She’s obviously shocked, unsure of what to say or how to act. Murray flashes a smile, lets loose an “it’s okay” chuckle, and suddenly the ride up isn’t nearly so awkward after all.

It’s that type of humor — spontaneous (he once asked his doctor when his leg would grow back), cunning (he tells children who ask about his “robot” leg that he didn’t eat his vegetables) and, at times, gruesome (there are stump jokes that can’t be printed here) — that helped him come to terms with the fact that his right leg is no more.

It was at Walter Reed Army Medical Center that Murray, who was a corporal in the Marine Corps, not only learned to walk again, but to laugh. Although doctors and therapists can patch up the physical wounds of war, it is often the humor — soldier to soldier, Marine to Marine, patient to patient — that in the space of a punch line can heal as well as the best medicine.

It’s not unusual for these young men and women to take up bungee jumping, skydiving, or participate in marathons or other extreme sports even after losing a limb. But that long period where they’re confined to their hospital beds can be the worst of all. Project Valour IT provides them with a way to escape the confines of their rooms and keep in touch with buddies, friends and family members. For many wounded vets, it’s a tangible reminder that they’re still part of the world outside Bethesda or Walter Reed: that there is life after being wounded.

Valour IT is one of my favorite military charities. I’ve supported it every year and led the Marine Team to raise over $51,000 in 2006. My co-captain Carrie and I are planning two weeks of fun, jokes, Marine history, culture, heroes and more. Carrie’s son is headed over to Afghanistan and my husband is already over there, so we both have good reason to support the great work Valour IT is doing.

Valour IT is a cause you can support with confidence that your donation will be well spent. Every dollar raised goes directly to wounded vets at the following military medical centers as well as VA treatment centers nationwide:

* Balboa Naval Hospital

* Brooke Army Medical Center

* Madigan Regional Medical Center

* National Naval Medical Center (Bethesda Naval Hospital)

* Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton

* Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital (29 Palms)

* Walter Reed Army Medical Center

So now you have the mission. What we need now is a strong team. Please sign up for the Marine team, and tell all your friends. You can join here and see the great blogs who’ve already proudly donned the title, “Marine team”.

But most of all, remember — we’re planning to have fun. Because although they’re all business, no one rocks the house like the United States Marine Corps:

Written by Cassandra, Villainous Company
The Few… The Loud.. THE MARINES!

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