Shock Report:Rand Corp Recommends National Police Force

Yid With lid has the full story:

This has to be the scariest thing I have read in a very long time. The Rand Corporation was asked by the US Army to prepare a report recommending whether or not the US Needed a National Stability Police force. Basically a call for American “Brown Shirts” Rand’s answer was a resounding yes.

Our analysis clearly indicates that the United States needs an SPF or some other way to accomplish the SPF mission. Stability operations have become an inescapable reality of U.S. foreign policy. Establishing security with soldiers and police is critical because it is difficult to achieve other objectivesā€”such as rebuilding political and economic systemsā€”without it.

There would be domestic applications for this force, as well:

The ability of SPF personnel to act in a law ā€“ā€“ enforcement capacity while in the United States. One important aspect of the return on investment from an SPF option is what SPF personnel do when not deployed. Given that an SPF will be deployed one out of every three years at most for active duty options and one out of six for reserve options, whether its members can perform law enforcement functions and so contribute to domestic tranquility and homeland defense when not deployed will have a major impact on whether an option is cost-effective. Two categories of optionsā€”military units and contractorsā€”cannot do so under current statutes and regulations.

In particular, for the MP option to be as cost-effective as possible, relief from the Posse Comitatus Act [which forbids the US Army from being used in law enforcement in the United States] would be required to permit its members to perform domestic law enforcement functions. The issue of contractors performing law enforcement functions is moot (our only ā€œcontractingā€ option does not consider a standing contract force, but rather one hired as needed) and would probably be insurmountable if it was not. Furthermore, as noted in our DOTMLPF discussion, working as police officers would greatly contribute to the state of training and readiness of SPF personnel. MPs can do this on military installations, but contract personnel would not so act at all.

The report goes on to say that this Stability Police Force should be placed under the US Marshal Service because that will make it easier for it to have domestic US responsiblities.

The full report plus the embedded document can be read at Yid With Lid’s. I have to wonder why the US Army would askĀ  a left of center think tank for such a report…

Was it at the President’s request? Did he not promise to create “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-fundedĀ  as the military” during the ’08 campaign? How does the Interpol agreement fit in, here?

Is it paranoid to ask questions with this totalitarian-minded bunch currently in power?


Via Pat Dollard:


Obama Monday established a panel of state governors to collaborate with Washington on a variety of potential emergencies, the White House said.

Obama signed an executive order establishing a panel to be known as the Council of Governors, which will be made up of 10 state governors, to be selected by the president to serve two-year terms. Members will review matters involving the National Guard; homeland defense; civil support; and synchronization and integration of state and federal military activities in the United States, the White House said in a statement.

The statement said the White House would seek input from governors and governors’ association in deciding which governors to appoint to the council, which will have no more than five governors from the same party.

Judi McLeod at CFP does not like what she sees:

Like the 30-plus czars running America with neither the peopleā€™s nor the congressā€™s blessings, the Council of Governors is already a done deal.

ā€œIs this a first step towards Martial Law, or a tie to the InterPol, RAND National Police Force stuff weā€™ve been hearing about,ā€ asked a Texas patriot who tipped off Canada Free Press (CFP) after finding news of the new Council of Governors on Twitter.Ā  ā€œIs this a sort of Homeland Security Politburo?

ā€œI do know itā€™s another sleuth order executed without any announcement, OR EXPLANATION to the People.ā€


Under the radar…

The Rand report came out over a month ago, Blogger Soylent Green did a story on it Dec. 10. It’s now getting some attention from a few bloggers, but no major coverage, yet.

Linked by Weasel Zippers,and DoublePlusUndead, thanks!


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Hat tip: Lucianne


11 thoughts on “Shock Report:Rand Corp Recommends National Police Force

  1. Got to be for when We the People totally flip out like the Iranians have when we realise that we have no way of voting these scumbags out of power via acorn vote rigging. As Mike Church always says, “This is all going to end in tears, people…”


  2. I have been working 60 hour weeks for the last 16 months to keep my job and have not been blogging. Now I see why, we are wallowing in disaster after disaster. I am praying for another Ronaldus Magnus to get behind and flush all this shit back down the Liberals throats. I know it will happen too, God shall not abandon the last, best hope of mankind. In the meantime, Nice Deb, you nice Catholic girl, if you know of any can you please let us know?


  3. Hide your guns, the time is near. The Dems know there are so many sheople in our country that would “just go along”, never mind that they lost all their rights in our beloved constitution. This country is ripe for this. Hell, the media wouldn’t report anything bad about it, they would cheer for it. We are in very desperate times.


  4. Pingback: Massachusetts turning from Blue State to Purple State; a sign of the times « VotingFemale Speaks!

  5. Pingback: Coakley and her Goon; How much Lobbyists’ $$$ did ya get in Washington, old girl? « VotingFemale Speaks!

  6. There’s another reason for this. To decimate our Army. Most in the Army will not like this and stand down. Then who do you get for this “force”?

    Empty the jails i.e radicalized prisoners, give “quick” citizenship to foreigners i.e. Muslims to do the dirty work here.

    When these animals do something there’s a deeper motive than the obvious.

    Some might say “but the Army asked for this report!” Yes but the Army is overseen by civilians. Pass the buck to the Army and make them look bad and suspicious.

    That’s not to say some in the military won’t go along but by and large this is to thin the ranks and refill with it with scumbags. Just a thought.


  7. Pingback: I need to clean house tab dump « Politicaljunkie Mom

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  9. My paranoia must be getting worse. Sometimes I wonder if Obummer may not be the real “Manchurian Candidate”. What if he’s just sent in to cause trouble and get us stirred up into a frenzy so then the Soros-types can send in the real dictator to ‘save’ us from the obumbulator and we fall for it? . I need my meds.


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