Video: Freedom Fest 2011 – Press Conference

This is a compilation of statements made at the Freedom Fest 2011 Press Conference on March 1st, 2011:

Freedom Fest 2011 Mission Statement:

To conduct a national “grassroots” Tea Party movement nominating convention for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States, as a fifty state Tea Party “straw poll,” in Kansas City on Oct. 6th through Oct. 9th; at the same time providing each state’s Tea Party and 9.12 groups a caucus area to rally and discuss their local, state, and national candidates and any legislation or issues important to their independent groups.

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4 thoughts on “Video: Freedom Fest 2011 – Press Conference

  1. Deb. Michelle Bachmann: are you serious? I just listened to her talk on Meet The Press and she dodged almost every question, including one about America’s position on Gaddafi. She took a weak stand on statements she has made, and she turned most of the questions into an attack on President Obama. On top of all this fudging and flubbing, she refused to commit herself to a position on anything. Now I’m not wild about Obama, but I cannot respect a politician without the gumption to climb out of the peanut gallery. If the only media platform she is comfortable with is the extreme rightist Fox, she’s not going to be able to survive in the real world. My impression of her is she’s a good whiner, but apart from that she demonstrated that she has nothing more to offer.


  2. I don’t think we listened to the same interview. She used the forum to hammer home the scandalous news that $105 billion was hidden in Obamacare, and other points she wanted to get across, (because she understands that most of the lapdogs in the MSM won’t cover news that hurts Obama – note Gregory’s complete disinterest in this bombshell of a charge – no follow-up questions?!) but she answered most of his questions (refusing to be trapped into a lose/lose situation) including the one about Gaddafi. She handled that interview like a pro.


  3. I have been a Conservatve Republican my entire voting life. I remember seeing Michelle Malkin roasting a pig outside the capitol in Denver in protest to the ‘Generational Theft’ bill shortly after Janruary 2009.
    We were literally sick over Obama and the Democrats getting into power because WE KNEW what they would do and it has been every bit as destructive as we knew it would be.
    In March of 2009 we began to see small signs around our city announcing a ‘Tea Party’ protest on April 15.
    Our first gathering was about 3000 people and it has only gotten larger with each successive gathering.
    I think it is imperative that the Republican Party pay attention and listen carefully to the Tea Party protestors. Our platform is simple, we are taxed enough already, stop the spending and get back to the original intent of the Constitution, I realize I am not being comprehensive here. There are thousands of individual Patriots involved and it truly was and is a grass roots movement. One of the main organizers of our local one is a husband, father of four and runs a business here in town.
    The Tea Party protestors don’t have our hands out demanding other peoples money. We just want to restrain and cut back an out of control government so that we and our descendants can pursue our lives in freedom.
    Where on earth have you ever seen protestors asking for nothing other than to stop taking away our God given, Constitutional freedoms?
    Again, the Republican Party will seriously hurt itself if it does not move toward the Conservative principles of the Tea Party movement.


  4. Pingback: » Freedom Fest 2011 – Press Conference The Progressive Hunter

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