Charles K. Drops The Hammer On Obama For His Dithering On Libya

Via Greg Hengler at Townhall, here’s Charles the Great noting that Obama’s “Working On Language That Will Disguise A Failure” in Libya”:

Your must read of the day is Krauthammer’s  Washington Post oped: Obama and Libya: The professor’s war

Here’s an excerpt, but read the whole thing:

And as for the United States, who knows what American policy is. Administration officials insist we are not trying to bring down Gaddafi, even as the president insists that he must go. Although on Tuesday Obama did add “unless he changes his approach.” Approach, mind you.

In any case, for Obama, military objectives take a back seat to diplomatic appearances. The president is obsessed with pretending that we are not running the operation — a dismaying expression of Obama’s view that his country is so tainted by its various sins that it lacks the moral legitimacy to . . . what? Save Third World people from massacre?

Obama seems equally obsessed with handing off the lead role. Hand off to whom? NATO? Quarreling amid Turkish resistance (see above), NATO still can’t agree on taking over command of the airstrike campaign, which is what has kept the Libyan rebels alive.

This confusion is purely the result of Obama’s decision to get America into the war and then immediately relinquish American command. Never modest about himself, Obama is supremely modest about his country. America should be merely “one of the partners among many,” he said Monday. No primus inter pares for him. Even the Clinton administration spoke of America as the indispensable nation. And it remains so. Yet at a time when the world is hungry for America to lead — no one has anything near our capabilities, experience and resources — America is led by a man determined that it should not.

A man who dithers over parchment. Who starts a war from which he wants out right away. Good God. If you go to take Vienna, take Vienna. If you’re not prepared to do so, better then to stay home and do nothing.



Fritzworth at AoSHQ is Watching the liberals peel off

Ace:  Reuters: See, Obama Built A Coalition Whereas Bush Decided to “Go It Alone”

Ace: Ohhh, Canada? Canada Takes Charge of American-Fought War As Canadian Government Falls

See Also:

Jeffrey Kuhner, Washington Times: Obama’s impeachable war:

President Obama has lost his legitimacy to remain in office. The Libyan war has exposed the administration’s lawlessness and rampant criminality. If Republicans and conservatives are serious about restoring constitutional government, they will demand that Mr. Obama be impeached.

Jack Cashill: Why Our Anti-War President Went To War

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks.

9 thoughts on “Charles K. Drops The Hammer On Obama For His Dithering On Libya

  1. Barry ” No Cajones ” Obama fears manning up and letting history see a man make a decision, and stand up and say it’s his policy and that he’s right. Little boys want to be one of a group and groupthink, and naturally, if it goes wrong, then everyone points to the other. It’s almost laughable and cartoonish.


    1.without adequate ability, knowledge, etc.; failing to meet requirements; incapable; unskillful; Boob; Idiot
    2.not legally qualified
    3.lacking strength and sufficient flexibility to transmit pressure, thus breaking or flowing under stress
    4. See: Barack Hussein Obama


  3. Btw, you can do that for me if you see something like that in the future.

    Well I was gonna, but I thought maybe there was an angle I missed.

    Plus it was kind of erotic sounding.


  4. It is not a display of leadership to wait in the middle of the crowd until you’re sure of which way it is going and then push to the front shouting “Follow me!”


  5. @bill glass who says: “Little boys want to be one of a group and groupthink, and naturally, if it goes wrong, then everyone points to the other.”

    i don’t agree. The Boy Queen President in Name Only (BQPINO) is a “consensus” tool like any aspiring feminist. What you describe is what feminists do in every group situation where they must make a decision about what to do. They don’t focus on results. They focus on “process”…and oodles of it. While the process goes on they carp at each others words, verbally whip the weaker ones into submission (after the meeting too), and then crow about having reached consensus— all the while failing to see that the horse they “designed” has turned out to be a camel (yes, that is an old expression i do not claim as my own).

    this kind of horsecr*p demonstrated by our President, as he models his femininity (cuz men are evil too, not just America), is really just a rehash of the old guilds and churchmen hierarchies of the middle ages that ran the crusades and the inquisitions—- nothing clever allowed, just who doesn’t want to be branded a sinner or a blasphemer.

    The BQPINO has an Islamic heart, the kind that kowtows to dogmatic thinking in the name of some higher good. And when it doesn’t work out, blame somebody else for their flaw in executing the Grand Scheme. The BQPINO is transparent all right, the most transparent ever….he’s naked.


  6. Pingback: Obama Effigy Stomped In Sri Lanka - The POH Diaries

  7. Pingback: Who is Americas “Loan Shark”? « YOU DECIDE

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