President Prissy-Pants Says He’s “Eye Candy” on The View

Really. He wasn’t getting enough flack for meeting with Whoopie and the gang on The View, instead of world leaders at the UN, today. He had to disgrace himself even further with this nauseating comment: HURL! Narcissist in chief Obama on ‘The View’: ‘I’m just supposed to be eye candy for you guys’;

 Joel Gehrke of the Washington Examiner reported:

President Obama offered himself as “eye candy” to The View today when he taped the show during his trip to New York for the United Nations meeting.

“I told folks I’m just supposed to be eye candy here for you guys,” Obama said, according to the pool report, in a joke about being the only male on the show.

I bet you anything ValJar and Michelle put him up to that. It’s the kind of thing vacuous,  liberal women, (and Chris Matthews)  love.

Or maybe he just winged it. What does Ace think?

I could be wrong, but I’m beginning to suspect that Barack Obama likes himself a whole heck of a lot.

Well yeah!

Romney sure is having a rough couple of weeks, huh guys?


Granny Jan’s latest video seems somehow appropriate:  We Pledge Allegiance to the Narcissist of the United States, Barack Obama:

5 thoughts on “President Prissy-Pants Says He’s “Eye Candy” on The View

  1. Pingback: Obama and Romney Neck in Neck in OH Poll… WITH D+10 SAMPLE! « Nice Deb

  2. Pingback: Hasselbeck “Wholeheartedly Really” Likes Obama (The Views “Eye Candy”) Who Voted 3X for Infanticide and Allows Your 15-Year-Old To Be Sterilized | Maggie's Notebook

  3. One of the guys on PJTV says “President Golfpants”.

    It’s hard to take Obama seriously when he’d rather see Whoopi and Behar than Netanyahu; when he sees the murder of one of our Ambassadors as a “bump on the road”.


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