Saturday Movie Matinee: “al Qaeda is alive and can attack”

Krauthammer: “al Qaeda is alive and can attack”:

Osama may be dead but thousands are chanting “we are Osama” as radical Islamists take advantage of Obama’s appeasement and apology foreign policy failure. A Chicago ACORN affiliated community organizer, raised as a Muslim, tutored under an anti-Semitic, anti-American pastor for 20 years has set the stage for world chaos and war. His weakening of America has brought us to the edge of an abyss, emboldened our enemies and betrayed our friends. Deceived by his mantra of “hope and change” America has committed national suicide by electing this inexperienced community agitating Marxist. Can we stand four more years of national suicide?

And here I thought that Obama had ended the war on terror after he made the “gutsy call” to get Bin Laden. Gee, now what? Oh I know….it’s time to crack down on people who insult Islam.

Yard Sale For Obama:

– Time is running out to do everything you can to help the President get re-elected. We are a ground of friends from San Francisco that thought it would be fun to get together and sell a few items to support Obama. Check out our site at See if you can get a group of people together to make a difference in this election!

I honestly can’t tell whether this is a spoof, or not – you tell me.

Dick Morris: Why Obama’s Convention Will Doom his Re-election! Dick Morris TV:

Allen West to Hannity: “We’re operating in fantasy land”:

9/14 West talks with Fox News Sean Hannity on Libya and Obama foreign policy failures

Trifecta: Where Is the Chicago Messiah? Chicago Teachers Walk Out on Students:

Tammy Bruce joins Trifecta to discuss the Chicago teacher strike. GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has taken a stand against the Chicago teachers. So has Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. But where is President Obama? Will he float into Chicago and save the day?

Bill Whittle: Number Six:

There are Seven Deadly Sins. So why is our tax code, and the rhetoric of the Democrats in the House, Senate and especially the White House becoming ever more shrill about the sixth of these Seven Deadly Sins? Bill Shows who pays their fair share and who doesn’t in this latest edition of FIREWALL.

Kathleen Turner Sept. 2012 Speech (Highlights):

What the heck?!


New American Crossroads Ad Hits Empty Chair on Foreign Policy: “Mr. President: It’s time to show up for work”

This new American Crossroads ad is sure to make liberal heads explode:

Via The Miami Herald:

Karl Rove’s American Crossroads SuperPAC, which has bought up loads of TV time in Florida, airs virtually every conservative grievance with President Obama’s foreign policy in this new ad: Skipped intelligence briefings and playing 100 rounds of golf; campaign fundraisers after an ambassador is murdered in Libya; cold relations with Israel’s conservative leader amid nuclear-arms tensions with Iran; and “celebrity” ties to David Letterman, Beyonce and Jay-Z.


Weekly Standard: Obama Cuts $2 Million from Protection of Foreign Missions, $129 Million form Embassy Security:

The researchers at the Republican National Committee notice this alarming fact in President Obama’s sequestration plan:

Obama’s Sequestration Plan Would Cut $1.084 Billion From The State Department’s Diplomatic And Consular Program, Including $2 Million For The Protection Of Foreign Missions And Officials, And $129 Million For Embassy Security, Construction, And Maintenance.  (“OMB Report Pursuant To The Sequestration Transparency Act Of 2012,” Office Of Management And Budget, pp. 135-136, 9/14/12)

Gateway Pundit: As US Ambassador’s Coffin Returns to US – Obama Camp Tweets About Jackets:

This afternoon the bodies of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty returned home to Andrew Air Force base.
What was the Obama campaign doing?
Tweeting about jackets.

Gateway Pundit: Obama Is Wrong… Mideast Protests Were Planned Before YouTube Video Ever Made the Airwaves (Video):

White House Spokesman Jay Carney told reporters today that the Middle East protests were in response to a video.

“These protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region… The unrest we’ve seen in the region has been in reaction to a video.”

The Muslim protests were planned back in August – before the film was ever released.
The protest in Cairo was organized by the terror group, Jamaa Islamiya.
USA Today reported:

The protest was planned by Salafists well before news circulated of an objectionable video ridiculing Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, said Eric Trager, an expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

The protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was announced Aug. 30 by Jamaa Islamiya, a State Department-designated terrorist group, to protest the ongoing imprisonment of its spiritual leader, Sheikh Omar abdel Rahman. He is serving a life sentence in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

So Carney’s still telling reporters  that they’ve seen no information to suggest that it was a pre-planned attack….?
I’m just a little old nobody from flyover country who’s been traveling for two days straight, yet I’ve been able to gather that it was indeed, a pre-planned attack, for Pete’s sake….
Why does the administration feel the need to pretend otherwise? Could it be because they know that these embassies in unstable Middle Eastern countries were left insecure and vulnerable on 9/11, and they don’t want to get blamed for the ensuing carnage? So they’re using the Muslim extremists’ own propaganda as a fig leaf?
Too disgusting for words.
Hat tip: Charles B

Apology for Yemen Embassy Breach?

Now that the perimeter of the US embassy in Yemen has been stormed by men wielding sticks, knives, and hurling rocks, how will the White House lower the bar yet again for American humility?  Maybe another apology. It is not enough to pass blame for a region on fire by pointing to a YouTube video. In fact, we’ve been reminded in the press conference by Hillary that only a few bad people are involved. Really, have you seen the newsreels? They understandably maimed and murdered because a few Americans were insulting of Mohamed? Now it’s other embassies from western nations being attacked including Britain and Germany. Is that because of an American made trailer on YouTube? The apology must be morphed in a global religious tolerance oration from the Teleprompter.The Coice

There is a choice this election, as the Democratic campaign likes to frame it, preferring not to be a referendum election based on past performance and a near view into the future on what current policies will produce in the foreign arena and domestic economics. The two separate paths seem not just divided but more like a T intersection; Left or Right. And you better look both ways before you get onto the path or you might be run down by people racing from the left path and heading full speed past the intersection on down the Right path. Apologies and foreign aide for friendship or respect through strength.  Now that’s choice. We don’t have to look back any farther than Ronald Regan to see why voters chose him over Carter in not unsimilar situations. If you are a fence sitter independent there is not much middle ground left that the candidates share.  So let Obama make the apology and let Romney speak out on strength and help define the choice.

Mr Nice Deb


Neil Munro, The Daily Caller: Obama submits to Brotherhood, asks for suppression of anti-Islam video:

President Barack Obama has bowed to the Muslim Brotherhood’s demand that the federal government suppress a satirical video of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad.

But Youtube denied the request late Sept. 14.

Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the National Security Council, told the Washington Post midday that the White House has “reached out to YouTube to call the video to their attention and ask them to review whether it violates their terms of use.”

Youtube’s executives shut down videos that they deem “hate speech.” A YouTube spokesperson said Sept. 12 that the video “is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube,” and repeated that message late Sept. 14, so rejecting Obama’s unprecedented request.

Obama’s request complied with the Sept. 13 demand and threat by the brotherhood, which now governs the Arab world’s largest country, Egypt.

“Hurting the feelings of one and a half billion Muslims cannot be tolerated, and… we demand that all those involved in such crimes be urgently brought to trial,” according to an English-language statement on the brotherhood’s website.

The brotherhood’s demand included a threat of additional violence during Obama’s re-election campaign.

How God-awful  is this administration? Until I read the complete sentence, I couldn’t tell if the following statement: “Hurting the feelings of one and a half billion Muslims cannot be tolerated, and… we demand that all those involved in such crimes be urgently brought to trial”, came from the radical Muslim brotherhood or our own State Dept.

Oh, wait…

AoSHQ: You Have the Right To Free Speech That’s Helpful To The Government: Feds Looking To Jail Filmmaker

Michelle Malkin: The White House declares war…on YouTube critics of Islam:

Last night, the LA Times reported that the White House leaned on YouTube to censor the anti-Islam movie that provided jihadis with handy cover and pretext for their long-planned attackon our diplomatic posts and embassies abroad:

Administration officials have asked YouTube to review a controversial video that many blame for spurring a wave of anti-American violence in the Middle East.

The administration flagged the 14-minute “Innocence of Muslims” video and asked that YouTube evaluate it to determine whether it violates the site’s terms of service, officials said Thursday. The video, which has been viewed by nearly 1.7 million users, depicts Muhammad as a child molester, womanizer and murderer — and has been decried as blasphemous and Islamophobic.

Yid With Lid: Did Romney’s Reaction to US Embassy Violence End Obama’s Convention Bounce?

Beginning with the 9/12 numbers (covering 9/10-12) Romney’s numbers began to rise while Obama’s began to fall.  Today’s poll shows which started the day the violence began shows Romney with a small 3% lead (essentially back to where they were as the DNC convention began).

Paul Ryan: FULL SPEECH: Paul Ryan speaks at Values Voter Summit:

Paul Ryan spoke to the Values Voter Summit this morning and it’s getting great reviews from people, including Rush who has already played a portion of it on the radio.

The Daily Caller: Steyn on Obama’s Las Vegas ‘performance’: ‘Every American should be ashamed of their president’ [AUDIO]

On Hugh Hewitt’s radio show Thursday night, National Review columnist Mark Steyn, author of “After America: Get Ready for Armageddon,” said President Barack Obama gave an embarrassing performance Wednesday during his campaign swing through Las Vegas, Nev., in the wake of attacks on U.S. diplomatic stations in Libya and Egypt.

“I thought that thing last night with the president saying he had ‘a tough day’ and comparing the dead Americans in Libya to campaign supporters, which he did — I thought was one of the most disgraceful, inept and embarrassing performances by a head of state or government that I have ever seen,” Steyn said. “Every American should be ashamed of their president.”

Steyn didn’t fault the president for going to Sin City, acknowledging that sometimes plans are in place and things have to move along. But the tone of Obama’s remarks set him off.

“He didn’t script his remarks,” Steyn said. “I mean, this is a man, for example, who doesn’t have, I think, great empathetic qualities at the best of times. But to slough it off in that bloodless language — you know, when he says, now I believe this is a direct quote, ‘Obviously, our hearts are broken today.’ If you say ‘obviously’ before it, your heart is not broken. He said, ‘Oh, it’s a tough day.’ It’s not a tough day [for him]. It’s a tough day for the families of the four people who were killed.”