Who’s Ready For Empty Chair Day?

image via Michelle Malkin

It’s officially set for tomorrow, but why not let it last all week – throughout the entire DNC Freakshow.

As more and more people hear about it – more and more chairs will end up on front lawns – until half the country has  empty chairs on their front lawns with signs lambasting the invisible President.

Michelle Malkin shares her decorating ideas:

 Nobama stickers, Romney/Ryan yard signs, golf clubs, mom jeans, etc. Email/tweet us your best entries.

My decoration’s going to be “We own this country!” sign, in tribute to Eastwood’s best line from his speech.

Professor Jacobson also suggests a sign that echoes America’s greatest living actor:

We own this country . . . Politicians are employees of ours . . . And when somebody does not do the job, we’ve got to let them go.    –Clint Eastwood


Thursday, Democrats are confident they will be able to fill the 73,778 seats at Bank Of America Stadium (Oops!) Panthers Stadium.

Team Obama promises it will fill every one of the seats in Charlotte’s mammoth football stadium Thursday night when President Obama closes the Democratic National Convention with a speech accepting his party’s nomination.

For weeks, Democrats have been concerned about filling Bank of America Stadium, home to the NFL’s Carolina Panthers. They feared a devastating image of an enthusiasm gap if Obama spoke to empty upper decks at the venue.

But the Obama campaign says it’s got it covered, and that all 73,778 of the stadium’s seats will be spoken for. The campaign also insists this success will showcase a ground operation that will help Obama win North Carolina for a second cycle in a row this November.

Of course, in order to do this, they are giving away tickets and busing those people in for Obama’s big speech, Thursday. (The country breathlessly awaits yet another Obama campaign speech…)

And uh-oh – when Dems are forced to give seats away at the last minute, that can lead to unintended consequences, as evidenced by comments like this:

We are heading to Manuel’s in a bit and another group going over to Bibb HQ to cadge as many tickets as possible. LOL when they ‘discover’ from our signs that we are all Ron Paul supporters the damage will be done! Cannot believe this idiots crashed the Tampa convention and did not expect retaliation for this desperate act????? Although we won’t be together, there are LOTS of Romney/Paul supporters who are doing the same thing. Their convention will be a fiasco! All cuz they gave out the tickets to make it so! lol

I would suggest they grab some free tickets, and then stay home.

At any rate, math challenged leftists are saying that Obama will have twice the number of people watching him in Charlotte, as Romney did in Tampa.

Romney easily filled the 50,000 capacity stadium in Tampa with delegates who paid there own way to get there.. The Obamacrats are hustling like crazy to fill the 73,778 capacity stadium in Charlotte — to make a statement about how popular the Empty Chair is.

That’s why I say  Empty Chairs on the lawns all week – to make our own statement.


Big Government: Photo: Dems To Use Trick Photography to Fill Convention Hall?


One more idea – short notice, I know. But if you live in a tightly knit, Republicanish neighborhood, it would be fun.

A commenter, here, mentioned that his neighborhood is throwing  block parties to coincide with the DNC.

werbaz neutron Says:
August, 31, 2012 at 2:58 pm   edit

…It will take work on my part, but I believe I am up to the part. In my neighborhood, during that democrat meeting, we will have some block parties that will feature good snacks, fun conversation, a Clint Eastwood film festival, a slew of W.C. Fields movies, and lots of entertaining parlour games such as “pin the tail on obama.” One film maker down the street will have a guaranteed to be fun montage of media criticism of Republican “lies” and their outrage over Clint Eastwood’s excellent and professional skewering of The Incredible Shrinking President Obama.

I like it.


Voting American: “EMPTY CHAIR PARANOIA” Obama has to Bus in Supporters to Fill Stadium at Convention!……….. How Pathetic is That?

 College students from across North Carolina will arrive in Charlotte by the busload. Same with members of predominantly black churches in neighboring South Carolina

Their goal: help fill a 74,000-seat outdoor stadium to capacity when President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination Thursday night. 

Anything short of a full house on the final night of the Democratic Party’s national convention will be instant fodder for Republicans eager to use empty seats as symbols of waning voter enthusiasm for Obama. 

Democrats have been fretting for months over whether the president can draw a capacity crowd at Bank of America Stadium. Polls show voter enthusiasm is down, as are Obama’s crowds for his battleground state campaign rallies.

This is how desperate they are to relive the glory days of the 2008 campaign. “Obamamania” has turned to  “we’ll come if you pay and  provide the transportation”:  Free tickets – bused in audience – probably free boxed lunches, too.

They may as well swoop by the homeless shelters, too, since  this is turning out to be like a dry run for their GOTV efforts on election day.


Send me your submissions, please, for a new post.

Linked by Linkiest, and Doug Ross, thanks!