Jim Messina Creeps Out the Twittersphere

So the Obama Campaign apparently tried to start a cool trend on Twitter, today, and it sort of backfired.. Twitchy recorded the ensuing weirdness: #ForAll cult fail: Cutter, Natalie Portman, Leto kick off; Jim Messina’s pic creeps everyone out.

Bless. His. Heart. He totally hearts Obamacare. And a nice Chianti. With some fava beans. The picture moves beyond humiliating into terrifying territory. Those creepy, cold and dead eyes!

Weasel Zippers asks, “would you let this man within a hundred feet of your children?”

Maybe some facial hair would help?…Has he ever considered that? I mean…

You know who he reminds me of? Arnold Ernst Toht, Sturmbannführer, of the Nazi German Gestapo (from Raiders of the Lost Ark.)


There’s a meme generator where you can create your own Messina  meme,  here.

Here’s mine:

Most people are going with the obvious molester meme, but I went with a thug meme because I’ve never forgiven or forgotten.

Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!

Romney-Ryan and Jacob Turk Campaign Volunteers Sought in Western MO

The Romney Campaign is currently recruiting volunteers in western MO to assist in this year’s election.  They mainly need people who are willing to go door-to-door with surveys of targeted neighborhoods or who can make phone calls from the phone bank at their Lee’s Summit Office.  The goal of both of these activities is to identify Republican voters and increase  party turnout on election day.  The information you would help collect is vitally important and would be reviewed directly by the Republican leadership who make decisions about where to allocate resources.

If you would like to help, their office hours are 9AM-9PM Monday-Saturday and Noon – 9PM Sundays.

Their location is 611 SW 3rd St. in Lee’s Summit, MO 64063.   You can stop by their office or call Edmund Bryak at (816) 646-3310 to get on the schedule. Email: jebryakATgmailDOTcom


The Turk campaign is also asking for volunteers to help get the word out:

1. Increase the Turk name recognition:

  • in your circle: put a Turk bumper sticker on your car, a yard sign in your yard, and get some Turk business cards to hand out to your friends at church, work, and soccer games, etc.
  • in your community: put on a Turk shirt and wear it to crowded places (Walmart, the gym, festivals, etc.), put a yard sign in your yard, ask merchants to keep Turk cards at their counter, post on Facebook & online supporting the Turk campaign & the need to unseat Cleaver
  • in the whole 5th district: contribute money towards our media buys (radio, TV, print) by clicking here

2. Make things happen:

  • volunteer some time (in the HQ office, on the phones, walking a precinct, working a Turk booth at a festival). Click here to sign up to help.
  • host a “meet Turk” event or fund raiser. Email krstn@turkforCongress.com if you wish to host one.
  • attend a fund raiser and donate some money to the mission. Watch our emails for invites! And bring a friend who has yet to meet Jacob Turk so they become a supporter, too.
  • host a Small Business Roundtable. Email Sam@TurkForCongress.com if you own a business and want to host.

Don’t have a Turk shirt? Come by the HQ and get one! Call ahead and ask if we have your size in stock 816-524-6723.


Announcing Liberty Loyalists Meeting September 22nd:


Meeting this weekend, September 22nd at Adrian Optimist Center
Liberty Loyalists

Our next meeting is this weekend!
September 22nd, 7pm

Meeting September 22nd 7pm
Join us Saturday, September 22nd

7:00 PM at the Adrian Optimist Club
317 South O 71 highway  Adrian, MO 64720
(click here for map and directions)


There’s only 49 days until the election. We need your support, this election isn’t going to win itself.

We have a great line up of speakers and Internationally syndicated Radio Host Rusty Humphries is back by popular demand to MC the event.

We all have a choice to make. Are we going to sit back and let what happens just happen?

Right now I need each of you to send this to everyone in your address book. Let’s spread the word and get as many people involved as we can.

On September 22nd we need you, your friends and your family to come join us for this entertaining and eye opening event.

If not you then WHO? If not now, then WHEN?

God bless,

Mark Muller, President – The Liberty Loyalists

          LESS TAX
Liberty Loyalists


Trifecta: The End of America As We Know It – Why Barack Obama Should Resign (Video)

I usually wait until Saturday to post PJTV‘s  Trifecta with Stephen Green, Scott Ott, and Bill Whittle, but yesterday’s particularly grim episode is a must watch:

The filmmaker behind “Innocence of Muslims,” a film that some blame for the Middle East riots, was taken into custody. Is this the end of the First Amendment as we know it?

Bill Whittle is especially affecting as he tries to control his rage over the regime’s harassment of the Mohammed filmmaker:

Hat tip: Brian B.

MMFA and DOJ: America’s Ministry of Propaganda

Our Dept. of Justice has a propaganda minister who interfaces with the propagandists at left wing media outfit, MMFA which in turn churns out the regime’s talking points for other left wing media organs like MSNBC to disseminate. America’s becoming like a third world fascist state under Obama – we have our own propaganda ministry and everything –   isn’t that exciting?

Matthew Boyle of The Daily Caller reported on the Orwellian scandal, yesterday:

Internal Department of Justice emails obtained by The Daily Caller show Attorney General Eric Holder’s communications staff has collaborated with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals plaguing Holder and America’s top law enforcement agency.
Dozens of pages of emails between DOJ Office of Public Affairs Director Tracy Schmaler and Media Matters staffers show Schmaler, Holder’s top press defender, working with Media Matters to attack reporters covering DOJ scandals. TheDC obtained the emails through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. . . .
Emails sent in September and November 2010 show Schmaler working with Media Matters staffer Jeremy Holden on attacking news coverage of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation scandal.
Holden attacked former DOJ Civil Rights Division attorneys J. Christian Adams and Hans von Spakovsky on Sept. 20, 2010 for what he called an attempt “to reignite the phony New Black Panther Party scandal.”

Read his full report. The emails are downloaded, here.

Robert Stacy McCain has additional background information on Schmaler from last Nov, via J. Christian Adams at PJ Media:

Holder is spending five days in the Dominican Republic, Barbados, and Trinidad. I have learned from sources with direct knowledge of Tracy Schmaler’s goings-on that the spin-mistress of the Justice Department Office of Public Affairs is accompanying Holder on this tropical jaunt. . . .
Tracy Schmaler is a name which may grow into a household one as the lies surrounding Fast and Furious unravel faster. . . .
She is the witchy federal employee who screams and cusses at reporters for NBC, the Washington Times, CBS and the American Spectator, yet doesn’t get fired because thug is so in style in this administration.

Read the rest of that story. A press release about Schmalter’s promotion at DOJ mentioned that she was once . . . a reporter?

Neutral objectivity!

You may recall that Tracy Schmaler was the DOJ spokesthing who yelled at CBS reporter, Sharyl Attkisson over the phone over her Fast and Furious reportage:

Today Attkisson appeared on The Laura Ingraham Show and detailed the reaction of White House and DOJ spokesthings when she questioned them last Friday.


6:05 – Laura: So they were literally screaming at you?
Attkisson: Yes. Well the DOJ woman was just yelling at me. The guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me. [Laura: Who was the person? Who was the person at Justice screaming?] Eric Schultz. Oh, the person screaming was [DOJ spokeswoman] Tracy Schmaler, she was yelling not screaming. And the person who screamed at me was Eric Schultz at the White House.”

Yet most of the MSM are pulling for these guys.

Flashback to Feb 2009: Obama Poised To Silence Critics

Flashback to January of 2010: Is Recent Astroturf Campaign Part of Dept of Justice Propaganda Unit?

Flashback to May 2011: Obama Still Poised To Silence Critics

Literally counting the days til this nightmarish thugocracy is finally over.


One of MMFA’s favorite whipping boys, blogger Mike Vanderboegh, helped break the Fast and Furious and responds at Sipsey Street Irregulars: My email to Matthew Gertz of the ill-named “Media Matters”

Erick Erickson, Red State: Treat the Press as Enemy Collaborators