Saturday Movie Matinee: Best Videos From the DNC

Revealing Politics: Does God Belong in the Democrat Platform?:

Apparently not…

Via Powerline: How Crazy Are the Democrats?:

Tonight, delegates to the Democratic National Convention will cheer the prospect of another term for Barack Obama. You may wonder: who are these people? Who could possibly approve of Obama’s almost unbroken record of failure? Well, to begin with, many of them are not very bright. Many more have financial skin in the game. But a considerable number are even worse than that.

Radio host Peter Schiff went to Charlotte, posed as a liberal and interviewed a number of delegates. He floated a proposal to ban all corporate profits. A number of the delegates thought this was a grand idea; the more moderate ones just wanted to cap profits. You have to see it to believe it:

See Powerline for videos of the delegate who threatened to kill Mitt Romney, and the Palm Beach County Democratic Party chairman who said that “Christians want Jews to be slaughtered.”

Hinderaker concludes, “These people aren’t just a little slow, or far too liberal. They are, frankly, crazy.”  Yes, and once you understand that all this is par for the course for the mentally disordered culture that is the Democrat party, today –  it all makes sense.

Via Newsbusters: DNC Crowd Goes Wild for ‘Journalists for Obama’ T-Shirts:

Via PJTV: Kruiser Control Featuring Tingle Time!

Lee Doren expresses his bewilderment as to why they DNC committee chose the “unimpressive” Sandra Fluke to speak at their national convention.

Oh Lee, come on! You know that Fluke was chosen by the Dems to be the poster child for their contraception mandate in order to combat the clerics who came out against it on the solid  ground of religious freedom. Of course she doesn’t have a compelling argument. The Obamacrats don’t have a compelling argument, either, but by golly, they’ve got a narrative and they’re sticking to it. You could say they went “full retard” with it at the D n C.

Via The Other McCain, Andrew Klavan, Manhattan Institute: Obamanomics 101, Understanding How the Obama Economy Works:

PJTV: The New Stalinism? Obama and the Potential Return of the Five-Year Plan:

PJTV:  Competitor in Chief: He Knows Better, He Plays Better, He Is Better?!?:

President Obama is pretty pleased with himself. A recent New York Times piece reveals that Obama thinks he’s better than everybody, even his own advisors. Trifecta knows what real competitors look like, and tells you the difference.

This is one of the best Trifectas, ever. Bill Whittle unleashes a blistering  torrent of insults, and Steve Green opens with the one liner of the episode:

And another Trifecta: Obama’s War on the Constitution:

Actor John Cusack has seemingly declared war on Obama’s war on the constitution. Is the left giving Obama a pass for his extra-constitutional actions, such as drone attacks? Or will the left choose principle over politics? Find out on this Trifecta.

And now for something completely different:

I heard my cat loving 12 year old crying in the other room and found her watching this touching video: Francis- found alone crying in the snow:

Mexican Authorities Detain Man Accused of Killing Brian Terry – Was He One of the Detainees the ATF Let Go on the Night of the Murder?


Brian Terry is the best-known victim of “Fast and Furious,” the Obama administration’s “de facto conventional-weapons proliferation program,” as Delroy Murdock aptly called it.

Between November 2009 and January 2011, Team Obama arranged for licensed firearms dealers to sell guns to straw buyers, who transferred them to known violent criminals in Mexico. Among these firearms, two AK-47s were found near Rio Rico, Ariz., where suspected smugglers fatally shot Terry, a 40-year-old former Marine, on Dec. 15, 2010.

While Terry epitomizes those whom Fast and Furious has harmed, he is not its sole casualty.

In another Obama administration “gun-walking” escapade, in February 2011 in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, members of Los Zetas drug gang ambushed two U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Jaime Zapata, 32, was fatally shot and Victor Avila was wounded.

Largely overlooked is this plan’s calamitous impact on Mexico, its people and U.S.-Mexican relations.

“Our federal government knowingly, willfully, purposefully gave the drug cartels nearly 2,000 weapons — mainly AK-47s — and allowed them to walk,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told NBC News recently. These arms were supposed to lead federal agents in Phoenix to the Mexican thugs who acquired them. Instead, Fast and Furious guns melted into Mexico.

Approximately 300 Mexicans have been killed or wounded by Fast and Furious guns, estimates former Mexican attorney general Victor Humberto Benitez Trevino.

Today, via Gateway Pundit, Mexican authorities announced that they have detained a man accused of fatally shooting Brian Terry back in 2010.

Reuters reported:

Mexican police detained a man accused of fatally shooting a U.S. Border Patrol agent almost two years ago in Arizona in a botched U.S. operation to track guns smuggled across the border, the government said Friday.

Federal police detained Jesus Leonel Sanchez Meza on Thursday in Sonora state, which borders Arizona, where agent Brian Terry was shot dead in December 2010, the Public Security Ministry said. The Mexican Attorney General’s Office plans to extradite Sanchez Meza to the United States, the ministry said in a statement.

Two guns found at the scene were traced to a botched U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) sting operation called “Fast and Furious” that allowed weapons to slip across the border. It was not clear, however, if those weapons fired the fatal shots.

Four others have been accused in the shooting, the ministry said. Officials did not say if they were also being detained.

Reuters managed to resist resorting to hackery in order to run interference for the regime, but ABC sure didn’t, as Andy from AoSHQ bitterly notes:

In Operation Fast and Furious and at least three earlier probes during the administration of President George W. Bush, agents in Arizona employed a risky tactic called gun-walking

Guess whose names they don’t mention in the entire article.

Also, conflating these various operations is complete bullshit. If you’re going to call OF&F “botched”, you need to be able to explain how it was supposed to work.

In one of the operations not run by Barack Obama and Eric Holder, we used GPS trackers in the guns and suspended it when the trackers didn’t work. And in all of the operations not run by Barack Obama and Eric Holder, Mexican officials were working with us so we actually had an effin’ plan to track the guns on the other side of the border that didn’t involve recovering them from crime scenes.

….After they had murdered people! We get so sick of having to point that out.

Last July, the DOJ unsealed the indictments against five men for the murder of Brian Terry. A week later, Town Hall’s Katie Pavlich, having read the incident report, discovered that four men had been detained by the ATF on the night of Terry’s murder, one was gunshot, and has remained in custody – three were let go.

Guns from Operation Fast and Furious were left at the scene. Four of the men indicted are on the run and believed to be in Mexico. Those men are Jesus Rosario Favela-Astorga, Ivan Soto-Barraza, Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes and Lionel Portillo-Meza. Manuel Osario Arellanes was shot on the night Terry was killed and has remained in custody since. His brother, Rito Osorio-Arellanes is also in custody and has been charged not for Terry’s murder, but for other related crimes.

BORTAC shooting incident report 11 TCANGL 121570000077, obtained by Townhall, indicates authorities had four suspects in custody at the time of Terry’s murder and let them go. Multiple updates in the report show “four men in custody,” one of the men in custody being wounded, with another at large but “spotted.” Five men in total. It has been confirmed multiple times that there were five bandits in Peck Canyon, Ariz. the night Terry was killed.

No, the names don’t match up exactly. Not sure what the deal there is.

With Sanchez’s arrest, three suspects in Terry’s death still remain at large.


Something positive that came out of this whole mess, via KVOA News Tucson:

On Thursday, the Terry family and Jim Click launched the First Annual Brian Terry Foundation Benefit Dinner. It is set for Monday, September 17 at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa in Tucson. The proceeds will help the Brian Terry Foundation continue it’s work. The website raises funds to help families of fallen U.S. Border Patrol Agents, establish educations scholarships and it raises awareness for border security issues.

To kick things off Thursday, the Jim Click Automotive Team presented the foundation with a $25,000 check.