Mo State Rep Ed Emery to Liberty Loyalists: “Obama Has Shown Us What Tyranny Looks Like” (Video)

Mo State Rep. Ed Emery, candidate for MO State Senate, addressed the conservative group, Liberty Loyalists at an event in Adrian, MO Saturday night. He gave a powerful speech that inspired three standing Os.

“The threat to the constitution is government – government officials who refuse to conform to the constitution,” Emory told the group. That’s what the founders armed us against because they knew that a tyrant is greatly intimidated when its citizens are armed.”

“The threat to the constitution isn’t your neighbor…” he explained, “it’s the tyrant who threatens the constitution.”

“If there’s one thing that Barack Obama has done probably more than anyone since Ronald Reagan is he’s activated conservatives. And if there’s another thing he’s done to help  educate us, is he’s shown us what tyranny looks like. Finally, we are beginning to understand what our founding fathers must have discussed in small groups that they gathered in when they were trying to figure out what they were going to do about King George and the assaults that he was making against their liberty.”

He received a standing ovation for the line,  “Our birthright is liberty. That’s what our founders and our veterans have left to us…”

“Every election is about liberty”, he said. “If it’s not about freedom, then all you’re doing is negotiating the terms of your surrender.”

Mission Statement and Core Values of The Liberty Loyalists:

Less Government
Less Regulation
Less Taxes

Working to restore sanity and sanctity to government and to make Missouri the safest place to live, raise a family and to start a business or relocate an industry. We want Missouri to be a shining  example of the American Dream; Liberty and Justice for all.

Did you know that 14%of Americans think they’re registered, but are not?

Click here to find out if you’re registered, and for voter registration tools to register yourself and loved ones before it’s too late..

Hello Fellow Conservatives – 2016 in Still In Theaters – You Shouldn’t Be Watching it Online

Citizen D. of Occupy White House Videos unleashed a hellstorm of fiery approbation on his blog, today, and his disapproval wasn’t directed at our corrupt President, or his Democrat minions in Congress or the MSM…

It was directed at fellow conservatives for posting and reposting a link to Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2016: Obama’s America, with the  headline: “Now online in its entirety on Youtube”, this weekend.

The blogosphere raced to watch and download (and upload?) 2016 for free. Meaning, of course, that Dinesh D’Souza and everyone else involved with this film, a film so incredibly important to history, to this election, a film that was 3 years in the making, received no royalties for the viewings.

When I followed the link to the video yesterday it had roughly 13,700 hits. At a $10/movie ticket price, the filmmakers lost $137,000 via that youtube link alone, assuming only 1 viewer at a time watched it. Of course there’s no way of calculating how often the film was downloaded and the exponential number of viewers and lost income resulting from that.

Citizen D. asks, “is watching 2016 without paying for it, without legal permission, some kind of conservative entitlement?”

Where was the honor, the honesty, the morals so often touted?? What happened to PAYING SOMEONE FOR THEIR WORK rather than stealing it because the opportunity presented itself?

Make this up to him and straighten out your own karma at the same time. The 2016 DVD can be pre-ordered NOW and all of his books are out there for purchase too.

Do the right thing.And be sure to read his latest article.

An important update: Dinesh & PJTV talk about the film’s distribution and future availabilty.

Dinesh points out the importance of the theater release:

“We want people to go to the theater, by the way, we want people to go to the theater because it’s so important, particularly for this kind of film that’s against the grain to demonstrate that it can do well at the box office, so we’re not done with that by any means.”

Read his entire post, here.

My husband and I actually went out to our local theater to watch the film, yesterday afternoon, and while I think D’Souza gives Barack Obama Senior way too much credit in forming the younger Obama’s worldview than I would, it’s an important film, and one I strongly recommend. If you haven’t seen it yet, go see it while it’s still in theaters, and take an independent or open minded Democrat with you. The scene in which D’Souza speaks with  Paul Kengor, the author of The Communist, the definitive biography on Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, should be a deal breaker for any potential Obama voter who loves his country.

Father Z, in a post about Obama’s creepy new flag, recommended D’Souza’s book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

That’s what the Obama campaign is offering you: empty visual rhetoric harking to his prediction of the end of global warming and the rolling back of the oceans, or whatever that hogwash was.  This is the same guy who, having been honored at Notre Dame, promised to seek common ground with the Church.  This is the same gay, aggressively pro-abortion and even pro-infanticide, who lied to Card. Dolan.


Who is this guy?  Have you read Dinesh D’Souza’s The Roots of Obama’s Rage? (UK HERE and KINDLE).  And Jerome Corsi’s $2.99 Kindle book: Saul Alinsky:The Evil Genius Behind Obama.  And Hugh Hewitt’s book The Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall & Epic Fail of the Hope & Change Presidency.

And the first comment is one I could have written myself (typos in all).

The pretender president is doing everything we could ask him to in terms of not getting re-elected. He flaunts his narcissism, demonstrates his ineptness when it comes to foreign policy, insults and endangers Israel, continues to destroy the economy, etc etc. Yet surveys and polls show this race to be extremely close and, most disturbing, show that he still retains a high percentage of “catholic” votes. One must wonder why. Is it the entitlement mentality which has swept this once self sufficient nation? Is it the silence of Church leaders when CINO’s mouth heresy in support of this obamination of a leader? Have we desended into the same sort of complacency that allowed Hitler to rise to power? Is it a combination of all of the above? All I know is it is time for intense prayer because the futue of the country depends on a regime change after the November election.

We know that the polls are skewed in Obama’s favor – but this thing shouldn’t even be remotely close. It should be a blowout.

For me – the greatest disappointment I ever experienced in politics was in the American electorate in 1992. I felt that we citizens knew enough about “Slick Willie’s” character that he should never have been elected. I was sick when I woke up, that Wednesday morning after the election. Even sicker than I felt in 2008 because we so saw that one coming. I don’t know how I’m going to feel, this November if the Chicago Jesus manages to squeak this one out. I’m past despairing for my fellow countrymen. Now I despair for my children.


Doug Ross has an important public service announcement: Handy SCOAMF-o-Meter You Can Show Friends, Family, Neighbors


Hollywood Reporter: Filmmakers Behind ‘2016: Obama’s America’ Claim Piracy and Disinformation Campaign Are a Coordinated Attack:

The movie showed up on YouTube over the weekend as rumors spread it would also be shown free on the Fox News Channel.

The filmmakers behind 2016: Obama’s America are claiming a coordinated attack engineered by supporters of Barack Obama to suppress the box-office results of the movie, which is a critical look at the president.

But but but but… “we were just trying to get the word out”, say conservatives who participated in the attack by watching and sharing online.

Rusty Humphries Blasts Democrat “Political Pimps of Despair” at Liberty Loyalists Event in Adrian, MO

Popular conservative radio talk show host, Rusty Humphries gave a rousing speech before a gathering of the Liberty Loyalists, in Adrian, MO, Saturday night.

He couldn’t resist tweaking Dems for voting down God at the DNC:  “We learned at the DNC that the Democrats don’t like to talk about God, do they? What’d it take – 3 times for the Democrats to vote to try to put God back in the platform, so God was denied – what? 3 times…I’ve heard of that before, in another book about a guy being denied 3 times…”

He blasted the Obamacrats in power as “political pimps of despair who have nothing useful to say about the American dream because they don’t understand it and don’t care.”

Can we stop this fiscal train wreck from happening, he wondered, later.

“Yes we can, Barack Obama – yes, we can.…mmmm mmmm mmmm!”

Mission Statement and Core Values of The Liberty Loyalists:

Less Government
Less Regulation
Less Taxes

Working to restore sanity and sanctity to government and to make Missouri the safest place to live, raise a family and to start a business or relocate an industry. We want Missouri to be a shining  example of the American Dream; Liberty and Justice for all.

Did you know that 14%of Americans think they’re registered, but are not?

Click here to find out if you’re registered, and for voter registration tools to register yourself and loved ones before it’s too late..