Michelle Malkin to White House: “These Optics Suck!!!” (Video) + Middle East Mayhem Blog Round-up

ICYMI,  a visibly agitated Michelle Malkin  tried to explain and analyze the recent US Embassy attacks to FNC’s Sean Hannity, Wednesday night.

These optics suck White House! I mean we have 4 Americans who are dead who were butchered and slaughtered because this administration did not have the foresight to fortify these embassies on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. And there he is with all of his fanbois and fangirls in Vegas raising money while they scream ‘I love you!’ in the middle of an international crisis.


See Also:

Walid Shoebat: WANTED: These Two Suspects in U.S. Embassy Attacks


Doug Ross: The 10 Most Important Stories of the Embassy Attacks…

Tammy Bruce: Meet Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, the Man Islamist Beasts Murdered

Hillbuzz: Ambassador Murdered. Obama Goes To Vegas

The Right Scoop: Mark Levin praises Romney response to embassy attacks as very Reaganesque, his “finest hour”

The Right Scoop: EXCLUSIVE: Open mic captures press coordinating questions for Romney “no matter who he calls on we’re covered”

The Right Scoop: Unbelievable: Obama accuses Romney of “shooting first and aiming later” on Romney’s Egypt statement

The Daily Caller: Daily Caller barred from CAIR press conference on Islamist attacks in Egypt, Libya

Ace: Egyptian PM: No Apology; Riots Were “Regrettable;” Demands That The Blasphemers Be Brought To Justice

Atlas Shrugs: US Ambassador to Libya Was Raped Before He Was Tortured and Killed #SAVAGE

Atlas Shrugs: Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff urges more sharia in the US calls Qur’an-burning pastor, asks him to comply with Islamic blasphemy laws

Atlas Shrugs: Egypt 911 attacks: Violent protests continue at US Embassy in Cairo