It’s Time To Defund Planned Parenthood.

Mike Pence took to the House Floor today to denounce Planned Parenthood in the wake of yet another Live Action Sting video, released  Tuesday morning:

Text provided by LifeNews:

“Mr. Speaker, it comes as a surprise to most Americans to learn that the largest abortion provider in America is also the largest recipient of federal funding under Title X. It’s heartbreaking news this morning that Planned Parenthood of America has now been the subject of one more undercover video showing someone posing as a pimp being facilitated by employees at Planned Parenthood in how to secure secret abortions, STD testing and contraception for child prostitutes.

“As a father of two teenage daughters I saw the video that came out this morning. I saw the video that came out last week and it’s an outrage to me. That employees of Planned Parenthood clinics across the country are facilitating the abuse of minor girls in this country should be a scandal to every American.

“The time has come to deny all federal funding to Planned Parenthood of America. I’ve authored the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, which would deny Title X funds to Planned Parenthood or any other abortion provider and Congress must act and act now to move this important legislation. Pro-life Americans and all Americans should not be forced to subsidize America’s largest abortion provider or continue to provide federal taxpayer dollars to Title X clinics that engage in this abhorrent behavior.”

Pence filed the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition act on January 7, 2011.

Planned Parenthood has fired one manager, and announced the intention of “retraining” employees nationwide as a result of these latest stings, although a better word for it would be “untraining” them, because clearly, these employees were  responding out of habit. The response most civilized human beings would have when face to face with teenage sex traffickers would be extreme revulsion and a quick call to the authorities – not to advise the miscreants on how to evade the law and take advantage of government programs.

A licensed health care facility is mandated by law to report  the abuse of minors, (girls under 16), so the fact that these Planned Parenthood employees were willing to facilitate the exploitation and abuse of  young girls speaks volumes. As the mother of two teenage and two tweenage daughters, I find it plenty “compelling” that PP didn’t call the authorities until they realized they were victims of a sting. At some point they must have put 2 +2 together – I’m guessing after the Live action duo ran into trouble in one or two of their stings – but I’m just spit-balling.

Planned Parenthood reported visits to  clinics in Virginia, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Washington and Arizona between Jan. 11 and Jan. 15.

On Jan. 25th, Crimesider reported:

Last week, Planned Parenthood Federation of America president, Cecile Richards, wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder summarizing the visits and requesting an FBI investigation.

“Last week” was Jan. 16- 22. The visits themselves were the 11-15th. See what I’m saying?  Planned Parenthood only reported what happened  after their own internal investigation showed that they were being punked.

The videos clearly show Planned Parenthood employees, knowledgeable about how to skirt the law, willing to help the sex traffickers, but a clueless NY PP exec pronounced in an interview that he firmly believes the videos were doctored before admitting that he hasn’t yet seen them. Media Matters watched – so he didn’t have to, I guess.

Lila Rose reports:

This endemic cover-up of abuse extends beyond the staff at the New Jersey clinic, the four Virginia clinics, and the New York clinic. For four years our investigative team has been documenting the widespread abuse cover up at Planned Parenthood. See it yourself: From 2007-2009 we released 10 cases of sexual abuse cover up in six states, and our footage has led to suspensions and firings, resignations, numerous state investigations, and probation.

Young girls are going into Planned Parenthood clinics every day, too many the victims of abuse. Three-hundred to 400 thousands children are trafficked for sex every year, and too many are taken to Planned Parenthood clinics for secret abortions. The clinics that these abused girls will walk into will not only turn a blind eye to their abuse, but would do business with their pimps and keep their abuse secret.

Planned Parenthood has poured millions of dollars (many of them taxpayer dollars) into carefully crafting a positive public image. They like to brand themselves as the “trusted provider of women’s health care.” But Planned Parenthood’s real agenda is emerging: in its daily operations, the organization is rigidly pro-abortion and pro-abuser, enabling the victimization of young girls by partnering with their abusers.

Time to defund this sleazy outfit.


Life News: Lila Rose: Planned Parenthood Deceives in Sex Trafficking Video Response:

Deception 6) “We reported this to the FBI”

Planned Parenthood wrote the FBI a letter a week (after) our investigation, only after they realized that Live Action had conducted the sting. They say this themselves. As much as they may pretend, Planned Parenthood was not attempting to help send human traffickers to jail; they were attempting to pre-empt the release of Live Action’s footage.If Planned Parenthood really cared about reporting potential sex traffickers to authorities, they would have called police while the pimp was in the clinic, or immediately after. Not wasting a minute. Planned Parenthood, where are the reports from the now SIX clinics we’ve released, that you immediately called the police?

Why did all your staffers, instead of refusing service or gathering information from the pimp about his sex ring to inform authorities, GIVE the pimp information about how to access the Planned Parenthood system for secret services?

Like I said…

Read the whole thing…She responds to six deceptions in all.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!


5 thoughts on “It’s Time To Defund Planned Parenthood.

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention It’s Time To Defund Planned Parenthood. « Nice Deb --

  2. when is obama going to issue that executive order to prohibit tax dollars from funding abortion under obamacare.


  3. This scratches the surface of the evils of Planned Parenthood.

    These butchers market in death under the guise of assisting the poor – they prey on the poor, and let the government fund their plans for eugenics while making a profit for themselves.


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